Biden Administration Proposes Trump-Style Asylum Ban

The Biden Administration proposed a new asylum ban that, if implemented, will have a devastating impact on those fleeing persecution at the U.S. Southern border. The proposed asylum ban will go into effect on May 11, immediately after the anticipated end of Title 42.


This new ruling expands the Trump administration's "third country transit ban", which Biden campaigned against. It considers migrants ineligible for asylum if they fail to first seek protection in a country they transit through and if they don't apply through other “legal” pathways. The new ban will perpetuate a system that disproportionately impacts black, brown, and indigenous asylum seekers.


It also jeopardizes the foundational values of welcome and dignity. All migrants, regardless of how they enter the US, have a right to claim asylum under US law. By preventing people in need of protection from claiming asylum, this ban exposes people to grave dangers where families are separated and unaccompanied children are exposed to dangerous situations. 


The Biden administration must immediately withdraw this proposed rule and institute a fair asylum system that aligns with international standards, protecting the rights of asylum seekers. Everyone deserves to experience stability, self-sufficiency, and belonging!

Community Engagement Dinner

Opening Doors hosted a Community Engagement Dinner at the end of March that brought together volunteers, donors, community partners, and board members. The event created an opportunity for our community of welcome to network and engage on a deeper level. Participants learned about how our Survivors of Trafficking Program assists survivors’ successful transition away from trafficking situations to increased independence and connects them to appropriate resources such as housing, employment, life skills training, and trauma recovery.

Similar events will be held throughout the year highlighting our Immigration Legal Services Program on June 29; Refugee Resettlement Programs on October 12; and Microenterprise Program on December 14.

Save the Date: Big Day of Giving

Big Day of Giving, Sacramento’s largest annual 24-hour giving challenge to support local non-profit organizations, is just few weeks away. Each year Big Day of Giving helps to raise funds for the causes you support.

This year, Opening Doors has a goal to raise $45K. We invite you to walk alongside our new neighbors - Immigrants, refugees, and survivors of trafficking - and support them access opportunities for stability, self-sufficiency, and belonging. With your gifts, we will grow our impact in the work of welcome.



SCHEDULE YOUR GIFT: Early giving starts on April 20. You can schedule your gift in advance at starting from April 20.


GIVE THE GIFT OF WELCOME: You can donate to Opening Doors on Thursday, May 4. Donations as little as $15 make a big difference in the life of our new neighbors.


SHARE: Let your networks know that you support our cause by sharing our posts on your social media accounts.

Welcome Kit Drop-off Day

This month's Welcome Kit Drop-off Day is scheduled for April 19th. Welcome Kits are a simple, yet incredibly effective way to support our new neighbors to rebuild their life. They are room-specific sets of items needed to set up a new home. This month, we are in particular need of kitchen and bathroom kits.

To learn more about Welcome Kits or to RSVP for drop-off, visit:

Welcoming refugees.

Defending immigrants.

Supporting survivors.

Enriching communities.

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