36 Main Street, Newtown, CT

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Celebrating our Ministries with Children and Youth!

Join us on Sunday, June 9th as we celebrate our ministries with Children and Youth as

our ‘program year’ comes to an end for summer sabbath.

Children and youth will help lead worship; we will hear a choir of Church School

children; we will learn more about the Youth Group’s journey with international ‘micro-

lending,’ and we will enjoy a delightful slide show of this year’s activities with families

and children. We will also celebrate a high school graduate and bless him on his way.

We remain so grateful for the gifts and Spirit of Frances Chamberlain, our Children’s

Ministry Coordinator, and of Julie Dunn and Noel Bellesheim, our Youth Leaders. Come

this Sunday to express you thanks to them!

Staffing Transition in Finance Office

We thank Paige Barrett Fisher for her work these past months as Bookkeeper, as she

moves on to a new position. It has been wonderful to work with her, and we wish her all

the best in her new endeavors!

We are delighted to announce that Lori Rohrbacher will return to employment with

Trinity Church as Finance Manager! You may recall that Lori moved last summer to be

closer to family, and she returns to us now in a remote capacity.

Working closely with Kim Merrill, our Communications Director, and Noel Bellesheim,

our Treasurer, Lori will help us modernize our processes and procedures so that this

position, which is one day a week, can be done virtually.

Please reach out if you have any questions during this transition. Welcome back, Lori!!

Lunch Sunday June 23rd 

Yes you read that right. Instead of breakfast fare we will be grilling up brats and burgers. Serving up the World's Best Baked Beans, Asian slaw and Cornbread pudding. Lunch at 10:45----why not!!

Join us in the Glover room after service. All are welcome!!!  

Please join us in exploring the Book of Genesis with the aid of Marilynne Robinson's new book, Reading Genesis. You may be familiar with Robinson's works of fiction such as Housekeeping and the Gilead quartet. In this work of nonfiction, Robinson considers the profound meanings and promise of God's enduring covenant with humanity as they are presented in Genesis. We'll gather in the Johnson library after the 9:30 service on June 9 and 16, and July 7 and 14. On June 9, we'll cover Chapters 1-10 of Genesis, which correspond to pages 1-66 of Robinson's book. But you don't have to read all this in order to attend. (The material is familiar, after all!) Please let Lisa Mages know if you are interested in participating.

Thanks to Anne Calmels leading the youth in the sandwich making. We had a good day at COTG all of our guests were

happy and grateful for our kindnesses. It was a beautiful day! Watch for our next visit in the fall.

A huge thank you to our friends and neighbors at Community Food Rescue in Danbury.

They offered us food they had received from a food drive and they were overstocked! We were the lucky recipients of their generousity!

I can’t get over the positive feeling this gives me to know the Little Pantry continues to thrive. Thanks to everyone for all you do and the support we feel from Trinity!

I leave work’s daily rule

And come here to this restful place

Where music stirs the pool

And from high stations of the air

Fall notes of wordless grace,

Strewn remnants of the primal Sabbath’s hymn.

~ from Sabbaths 1979, IV” by Wendell Berry

This year in choir we have read weekly from the devotional book Observing the Rests by Terry York. Last year we read his devotional Rehearsing the Soul in which York challenged us to view the choir as ministers and heralds of God’s greatness on Sunday mornings, and the responsibilities that come with that. In Observing the Rests, we learned about how the rests (moments of silence) in the music we sing are just as important as the notes we sing and play. We learned to listen for the beauty in those moments of silence and to apply that concept of the importance of “rests” into our daily lives and even into our nightly sleep routines. 

The author points out that sound is enriched by silence and that music’s sound would grow monotonous and exhausting if it were not for the silences. Take a moment on Sunday to recognize the moments when the music ends and there is that beautiful pause. What do you feel? What do you hear? Allow those moments to minister to you as well. 

Choir members are no different than anyone else after a long day of work, family, and volunteer commitments. Often a choir member comes in frazzled by a difficult day, only to find that once he or she begins to sing, their shoulders can ease down from their tense position and the heart can, even for just an hour, cease its guarding of itself. I found that the study of rest in our devotional time was poignant for all of us in our spiritual and musical growth this year. 

There is beauty in rest, wherever you can find it!

In Christ,


Be sure to join us this Sunday, 6/9, as we celebrate the children and youth of Trinity! There will be a special musical performance, a tribute to our graduating seniors, and a slideshow featuring fun memories from the 2023-2024 school year. Families are asked to attend worship together. There will be extra activities on the cart in the family corner and the nursery will be open.

Good times were had at last Sunday's Ice Cream Party!

Upcoming Events:

Sunday, 6/9, Children's Sunday, LAST DAY OF CHURCH SCHOOL

Sunday, 6/16, Summer break starts

**Note:  Church School resumes in September

Sunday 6/9: end of the year celebration- youth participate in service (ushers, acolyte, readers, oblations), photo slide show, honor seniors, cake after the service

Nathaniel Grummons is the oldest son of Samuel and Carrie Grummons. As the oldest of four boys, Nathaniel has always shown himself to be mature and responsible, rising to the task of nurturing his little brothers while never missing an opportunity to annoy them as any good big brother does. 


Nathaniel's main interests growing up have been music and science. He picked up the violin at age 4 and played until he became more interested in piano at age 8. Once he moved with his family to Newtown he put those lessons on hold and picked up the trumpet, joining marching band in 8th grade and then focusing on marching trumpet, playing French horn in the wind ensemble and synthesizer in the Winter Percussion group. He picked up piano again in the past few years and has filled his house with all sorts of music. When he is not playing music, Nathaniel enjoys everything science fact and fiction related.


Having gotten involved in Trinity post Covid, Nathaniel did not have many opportunities to become a part of the group, but he did volunteer with the nursery and participated in some of the youth group activities, a particular favorite memory of his is the day they did the escape room.


Nathaniel is graduating from Newtown High School with plans to attend UMASS Amherst with a major in Astrophysics with a goal of getting his Ph.D. and working in research.

Invitation to Confirmation in the Episcopal Church

Bishop Laura Ahrens will visit Trinity Episcopal Church in Newtown on Sunday, September 15th for our 9:30 AM service, and we will have confirmations. We are still accepting registrations for this glorious event.

Being ready comes at different times – and in widely varying ways - for each of us. Please reply to Rev. Andrea if you would like learn more about Confirmation. We invite you

to a process of inquiry and discernment. God is searching for you.

Christian Yoga

Join Christian Yoga class on alternating Tuesdays at 7 pm for an hour of movement incorporating prayer and scripture. This is a great way to connect to yourself, with others and with God. The next session will be held on June 11. After June 11, we will take a summer hiatus. All are welcome!

Free will offering is completely voluntary.

Weekly Happenings

Trinity's nursery is open every Sunday from 9:15 - 11:15, and is professionally staffed by Wee Care Nanny Agency.

Trinity's Grief Support Group runs every first and third Thursday of the month, and is open to all.

Praise and Thanksgiving

For those requesting our prayers

Maureen, Janet, Rick, Marie, Jennifer, Joyce, Jacky, Gail, Alveta, Bode, Gracie, Martha, Daniel, Shirley, Dan, Barbara, Lucille, Caroline, Beth, Megan, Eric

For those celebrating a birthday this week

Gordon Strother

Trinity's Video - check it out!

Contact Us
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Online Giving
Safe Church Training

There are events happening at Camp Washington - click here to learn more!

We are proud to be a parish in The Episcopal Church within 

The Episcopal Church in Connecticut.

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