36 Main Street, Newtown, CT

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Help us Celebrate Pentecost Sunday on May 19th

Beloved of Trinity Church,

With our sisters and brothers in Christ everywhere, we will celebrate the birth of the

Church at Pentecost with the gift of God’s Spirit! We invite you to share in a festive

celebration on Sunday May 19th – wear something red, and stay for Breakfast after

worship. Bring a friend!

If you speak a language in addition to English, and are willing to speak a sentence in

that language - please let us know! We will assign a brief passage for as many

speakers as possible to say, one after another.

Last year we had Spanish, French, Italian and German … can we add a new language

this year? Reach out to Rev. Andrea at: awyatt@trinitynewtownct.org.

Help Ring Trinity's Bell

In the Gospel of Mark (4:21), Jesus says, "Is a lamp brought in to be placed under a bushel basket or under a bed, and not to be placed on a lampstand?" In Matthew (5:14-16), Jesus puts it this way, "No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they ... may give glory to your Father in heaven." I bet Jesus would have said the same about church bells: "No church installs a bell in its tower only to leave it unrung. Church bells are meant to be rung!"

Please join me (Lisa Mages) in serving as bell ringer before the 10:30 service. Ideally, we'd have enough people interested that we could add bell ringing to the sign-up rota of service leader roles. It's not difficult to pull the bell rope, but you do have to be able to navigate two steps in order to enter the organ loft where the rope is located. Let me or Rev. Andrea know if you're interested.

Newcomer Gathering Sunday, June 2nd @ 10:45 AM Trinity Church Library

An Invitation for all Newcomers and Visitors at Trinity Church …

New friends - we value the gift of your presence among us, and we would like to get to know you a bit.

Please stay after worship on Sunday, June 2nd for conversation and treats. Come to the Library, meet with Rev. Andrea and other newcomers, and learn more about the Trinity parish family. How is God’s Spirit inviting you at this time?

Bring your questions about Trinity Church and your hopes for what spiritual community can mean in 2024.

RSVP or questions to admin@trinitynewtownct.org or Rev. Andrea at awyatt@trinitynewtownct.org.

Invitation to Confirmation in the Episcopal Church

Bishop Laura Ahrens will visit Trinity Episcopal Church in Newtown on Sunday, September 15th for our 9:30 AM service, and we will have confirmations. We are still accepting registrations for this glorious event.

Being ready comes at different times – and in widely varying ways - for each of us. Please reply to Rev. Andrea if you would like learn more about Confirmation. We invite you

to a process of inquiry and discernment. God is searching for you.

On June 2, the Youth of Trinity along with Mission and Outreach will travel to New Haven to Chapel on the green to hand out meals. 

After our service on 6/1, we will make sandwiches in the kitchen at Trinity, pack up cold meal bags and go to New Haven. The event includes an outdoor service with music and communion and handing out food bags.

We meet at 12:30 to carpool to the event

For more information, talk to Julie Dunn or Martha Dayton.

Please join us in this rewarding fellowship, either by making sandwiches or joining us in New Haven at:

Trinity on the Green, 230 Temple Street , New Haven, CT.

Please join us in exploring the Book of Genesis with the aid of Marilynne Robinson's new book, Reading Genesis. You may be familiar with Robinson's works of fiction such as Housekeeping and the Gilead quartet. In this work of nonfiction, Robinson considers the profound meanings and promise of God's enduring covenant with humanity as they are presented in Genesis. We'll gather in the Johnson library after the 10:30 service on June 9, 16, and 23, and July 7. Please let Lisa Mages know if you are interested in participating.

The Little Pantry is in desperate need of:

Boxed Meals

Coffee & Tea


Pet Food

We do NOT need canned vegetables at this time, and we THANK YOU for the continuous donations. The Little Pantry is is GREAT shape right now, thanks to all of you!

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” - 1 Peter 4:10

Did you see it? Last Sunday, anyone who was at church saw the debut of Trinity’s Women & Children’s Choir, and I think every single face was smiling in the sanctuary! The inter-generational choir did a fantastic job raising their voices in the song “Love Will Be Our Home”, and it was such a hit that we will surely sing again next year! 

Here is a link to watch that wonderful presentation.

Opportunities to be involved in the music ministry at Trinity are for every age and time commitment allowance. Can you sing once a year? Can you sing once a month? Once a week? Your voice has a place in our music, at whatever stage in life you are. 

God has called us to use our gifts (you know, the ones he gave us in the first place?) for his glory. How are we using our gifts this week? How are we teaching our younger ones to recognize and use their gifts? For one, our Church School kids are busy at work with the Little Pantry, and they will at the same time be learning a special song to sing on June 9th. They are a great example of sharing their gifts without hesitation. 

This week, keep in mind Paul’s words to the Ephesians, “We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Yes, your voice- whether you can sing or just speak- is God’s instrument. So use it for God’s glory!

See you in church!


This Sunday, 5/19, kids will stock Trinity's Little Pantry! Throughout the season of Lent, church school students brought in food donations for the pantry. Last Sunday Reverend Andrea blessed the donations. Now we will learn about the ministry and participate in it! Please meet in the church school room like we normally do.

Upcoming Events:

Sunday, 5/19, Kids stock the Little Pantry

Sunday, 5/26, Bible Story Games

Sunday, 6/2, Ice Cream Party

Sunday, 6/9, Children's Sunday, LAST DAY OF CHURCH SCHOOL

Sunday 5/19: meet in library (This is a change - originally scheduled on 5/5)

Sunday 6/2: Sandwich making in kitchen, and Chapel on the Green

Sunday 6/9: end of the year celebration- youth participate in service (ushers, acolyte, readers, oblations), photo slide show, honor seniors, cake after the service

Rick Irving will graduate from The US Naval Academy on May 24, 2024 with a B.S. in Political Science with a minor in Spanish. He will also be Commissioned into the US Navy on the same day. After graduation, Rick will complete a Master's degree in National Security Studies at Georgetown University before reporting to Pensacola, FL for flight school.

Brandon Lutz will be graduating from Marist College - School of Management - with a Bachelor's Degree in Science in Business Administration.

Hannah Weatherby is graduating from the University of New Hampshire (UNH) in Criminal Justice. She is going to Boston University next year for her Masters Degree. She is looking for a job now, and if she lands one she will go to BU part time.

Jack (John Alfred Jin-Dong Wojtowicz)

will be graduating from Syracuse University, Newhouse School of Communications, Class of 2024 with a Bachelors Degree in Advertising, and a Minor in Project Management. He will be headed to Chicago for a summer internship at BBDO.

Christian Yoga

Join Christian Yoga class on alternating Tuesdays at 7 pm for an hour of movement incorporating prayer and scripture. This is a great way to connect to yourself, with others and with God. The next sessions will be held on 5/28 and June 11. After June 11, we will take a summer hiatus. All are welcome!

Free will offering is completely voluntary.

Weekly Happenings

Trinity's nursery is open every Sunday from 9:15 - 11:15, and is professionally staffed by Wee Care Nanny Agency.

Trinity's Grief Support Group runs every first and third Thursday of the month, and is open to all.

Praise and Thanksgiving

For those requesting our prayers

Maureen, Janet, Rick, Marie, Jennifer, Joyce, Jacky, Gail, Alveta, Bode, Gracie, Martha, Daniel, Shirley, Dan, Barbara, Lucille, Caroline, Beth, Megan, Eric

For those celebrating a birthday this week

Kelly Rowan, Michelle Toby, Bennett Leake, Walt Streett

Trinity's Video - check it out!

Contact Us
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Safe Church Training

There are events happening at Camp Washington - click here to learn more!

We are proud to be a parish in The Episcopal Church within 

The Episcopal Church in Connecticut.

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