36 Main Street, Newtown, CT

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Invitation to Confirmation in the Episcopal Church

Dear Beloved of Trinity Church,

Is God calling you deeper into your Christian faith? Is the Spirit nudging you to explore the possibility of Confirmation - or Reception - into the Episcopal Church?

We have just learned that Bishop Laura Ahrens will visit Trinity Episcopal Church in Newtown on Sunday, September 15th for our 9:30 AM service. Our Bishop Suffragan in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, Bishop Ahrens has a long history with Trinity Church. It will be delightful to welcome her again!

Also … we will have Confirmations when she visits on September 15th.

We invite teens (14+) and adults to commit to and prepare for Confirmation by our Bishop.

Our spiritual journeys are unique and are often full of surprising turns. So, depending on your church background, there are three ways to make a formal affiliation with the Episcopal Church: Confirmation, Reception or Re-Affirmation of Faith. (We have many parishioners who come to us from the Catholic Church, and they are ‘received’ into the Episcopal Church.)

Baptism is not just for babies! If you have not yet been Baptized - this, too, is a joy open to people of all ages. Baptism and Confirmation can happen in the same service.

As the Book of Common Prayer says: “In the course of their Christian development, those baptized at an early age are expected, when they are ready and have been duly prepared, to make a mature public affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of their Baptism and to receive the laying on of hands by the bishop.”

Being ready comes at different times – and in widely varying ways - for each of us. Please reply to Rev. Andrea if you would like learn more about Confirmation. We invite you

to a process of inquiry and discernment. God is searching for you.

Once we gather names, we will announce a schedule of conversations and gatherings as we prepare for this joyous day.

Eastertide Blessings,

Rev. Andrea

Breakfast Sunday April 21st

Join us for breakfast Sunday in the Glover room on April 21st after service.

All are welcome!

On Saturday, April 27 at 12:30 pm is the next meeting of the Paint with us Group. Consider joining us - even if you bring a different type of creative project. We just chat and enjoy talking about our work and what we are doing. At the end, we have a show and tell of what we all worked on. Snacks provided. Meet in the Glover room.

We are Completely out of:



Boxed meals

Please check that food has not expired.

Our friends at Newtown Congregational Church invite us to their next "Thoughtful Film" on Friday, May 3. Kiss the Ground presents a new way to farm plants and animals to provide a better-tasting, healthy product while significantly reducing airborne carbon. Regenerative Agriculture had its start decades ago, but the film suggests its moment has more than arrived. And at the end, you'll have a list of actions you can take to push this concept along and make a difference at home and beyond. This film is great for kids and adults. 

Optional light supper is at 6 pm, film at 6:30, and discussion until 9 pm. Sandwiches available on pre-order for $6.50 through Thursday, May 2 (pay at event). Participants may also bring their suppers or arrive by 6:30 to join the viewing and discussion. Reservations are very helpful and necessary if you want a sandwich. Click HERE to sign up or call Katherine Simpson at 734-645-6909.

“My shepherd will supply my need, Jehovah is his name.”

This Sunday, you will receive a double-helping of this passage, both in our gradual hymn and in our choral offertory anthem. The beautiful and popular setting of the 23rd Psalm musically set by Virgil Thomson with text adapted by Isaac Watts, is a favorite for good reason. The music, which invokes a pastoral setting, eases the heart while Watt’s eloquent poetry dives into the psalmist’s words with a deeper and more poignant translation. Watts interprets the last verse of Psalm 23 so brilliantly: “There would I find settled rest, while others go and come, no more a stranger or a guest, but like a child at home” This causes me to read the 23rd Psalm a bit differently, more as a child feeling comfortable at home than a wandering sheep unsure and lost. It makes me love the passage even more.

The Trinity Choir loves the anthem setting, and some said in rehearsal that they could “sing it in their sleep”. Come this Sunday to sing and hear these words in their different settings. I hope you will be blessed by it.


On Mother’s Day, May 12th, we will debut our very own WOMEN AND CHILDREN’S CHOIR with a special song presented during worship. This is open to all women and children of the church, and you need not have any singing experience or ability! We will sing “Love Will Be Our Home”, and it will be arranged to be as simple as possible. We will meet for two short rehearsals immediately after church on April 28th and May 5th. Please email me at JSisco@trinitynewtownct.org or just find me at coffee hour and let me know you’re interested. I promise this will be easy, fun, and a wonderful experience for Mother’s Day!


Please note that the April 19 and 26 concerts have been postponed. New dates coming soon!

May you be blessed this week!


Church School Switcheroo!

This Sunday, 4/21, church school students are invited to witness a baptism during worship! To accommodate the viewing of the baptism we will swap the time that church school meets. Students will go to the sanctuary at 9:30 AM, instead of the church school room. They will sit with their respective families until the baptism starts. Then they will be invited to the front of the sanctuary to sit with Miss Frances and have a front row seat to the baptism. After the baptism concludes the students will go to the church school room for class. Students will forgo having communion that day and can be picked up after worship concludes. Children are, of course, welcome to stay for the full worship service.

Check out these creative dioramas church school students made last Sunday representing the story of Daniel and the lion's den!  

Sunday 4/28: meet in library

Sunday 5/5: meet in library

Sunday 6/2: Sandwich making in kitchen, and Chapel on the Green

Sunday 6/9: end of the year celebration- youth participate in service (ushers, acolyte, readers, oblations), photo slide show, honor seniors, cake after the service

May Concert

Our Choir Soprano Section Leader and Soloist Cristina Trnik is presenting a recital here of her vocal students. All are welcome. Always a fun time!"

Christian Yoga

Join Christian Yoga class on alternating Tuesdays at 7 pm for an hour of movement incorporating prayer and scripture. This is a great way to connect to yourself, with others and with God. The next sessions will be held on 4/23 and 5/14. All are welcome!

Free will offering is completely voluntary.

Weekly Happenings

Trinity's nursery is open every Sunday from 9:15 - 11:15, and is professionally staffed by Wee Care Nanny Agency.

Trinity's Grief Support Group runs every first and third Thursday of the month, and is open to all.

Praise and Thanksgiving

For those requesting our prayers

Arlene, Maureen, Janet, Rick, Marie, Jennifer, Joyce, Jacky, Gail, Alveta, Bode, Gracie, Martha, Daniel, Judy, Cheryl, Shirley, Dan, Brian, Barbara, Lucille, Caroline, JM, Marie, Erin, Jean, Thomas, Matt, Eric, Beth, Megan, Jim, Beatrice, Rose Marie, Larry, Jenny, Patty

For those celebrating a birthday this week

Rafe D'Agostino, Phiip Galletta, Lindsey Civitelli,

Cherie Swetts, Henry Murphy, William Shier

For those celebrating an anniversary this week

Bennet & Kara Leake

Trinity's Video - check it out!

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Safe Church Training

There are events happening at Camp Washington - click here to learn more!

We are proud to be a parish in The Episcopal Church within 

The Episcopal Church in Connecticut.

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