Holy Week Schedule
Thursday, March 28th – 6pm Maundy Thursday
Service with Agape Feast and foot washing at 6:00pm in Celebration Hall
Friday, March 29th – Noon Good Friday
Service beginning at 12:00pm
Saturday, March 30th – Holy Saturday
Mini-Easter Vigil with Baptism beginning at 4:30 pm followed by the Easter Celebration at 5:00pm
Sunday, March 31st – Easter
Regular service times at 7:45am, 9:00am, 10:00am
From the Rector...
Dear Ones, 
St Peter's has many people doing many holy things this week. I hope you can be part of it all. The Easter event is the eruption into the human story of God's vision of a reconciled humanity who share in God's life. We can all experience this more fully as we give ourselves more fully to God.

 All your clergy serve to help people find a deeper connection to God, and to serving God in our lives.

Love finds a way when we give ourselves more to love.

I pray for each of you to find the joy of Easter.

Warden’s Corner
Palm Sunday services were well attended and inspiring. The 10 AM service started on the Labyrinth and included the procession into the church along with the donkeys Henry and Phil. The service included the reading of the gospel by members of the congregation and a heartfelt message from James. This starts the Holy Week and hopefully many of us will be enjoying the Mediterranean feast to be served during the Maundy Thursday service in Celebration hall, followed by the Good Friday service, a “mini” Easter Vigil and service on Saturday, and Easter services on Sunday.
The Men’s Group breakfast was well attended Saturday with 23 people. Junior Warden Mike Bingham coordinated a work party following dining to work on landscaping at the entry from the parking lot beyond the arch. Attempts were made to develop a plan to move the concrete picnic tables and benches from the elementary school outdoor environment to the paver pad but it was decided that more detailed instructions and some specialized equipment would be needed to complete this task! Gary, Linn, and Rich managed to remove the trees against the building where we can mount some trellises and vines in the future. We will try to incorporate Patty’s vision into reality!
Our Telecare Ministry will be active in April calling each family in our Faith Community to share a good word, see if help or prayers are needed, and to remind people that we are a caring community.  We will be having some training the first week of April and then calls will go out over the next 2 weeks. If you are interested in helping out let me or Carolyn Beougher know and we will include you in our team.
Easter Morning Children’s Program (10:00)
All are invited to gather at 9:45 outside the narthex to take part in the butterfly procession and flowering of the cross.
Following the procession, we’ll go to the Desert Room for a story and our “Seek and Share” Easter Egg Hunt. Nursery care will be available for younger children. Children will rejoin their families for Holy Communion. After the service, we’ll have an egg hunt for nursery age children, cascarones, and Easter treat bags.
Thanks to all who contributed a total of $240 to our “Seek and Share” Easter Egg Hunt service project!

Save the Date...
March 28th at 6:00 pm - Middle-Eastern themed Agape feast for Maundy Thursday
Don't forget to join us at our Agape feast during the Maundy Thursday service and foot-washing.
Maundy Thursday is the day when the Church recalls the Last Supper of our Lord, the event in the life of Jesus which forms the basis for the sacrament of the Eucharist. 
March 28th, 29th, & 30th (9am – noon) - RePete Boutique: March Madness!

50% off entire store
April 7th - Young Adult Group Nature Hike
The new-ish YA group is going to meet at the SP's parking lot at 11:30 a.m. on the Sunday after Easter to carpool to a trailhead at South Mountain Park. The group will do an easy hike led by Jen. No prior hiking experience needed. Follow us on Instagram: SPYAGroup. Anyone 18-39 is welcome.
We have more fun things coming up in April and May:
  • Saturday, April 20th at 6:30 p.m. Game night in the SP's library! Ian will be our host. You are welcome to bring snacks and/or games to share.
  • Re-scheduled Movie Night with S'mores in May at a day/time TBD and hosted by Mario and Catherine.
  • Restaurant Dinner Meet-up in May at a day/time TBD and hosted by Jossie.
Sunday Apr 14th, 2024, 04:00 PM - Talking About Reparations Webinar
A discussion of what reparations are, what they are not, and their impact. This informative webinar was developed by the Union of Black Episcopalians, and Pastor James is on the design committee along with Dawn Conley's mother. This webinar may help dispel misconceptions and help us think seriously about
how continuing results of past slavery could be mitigated in the African-American community.
Please click the link here to join the webinar. Passcode: 652211
April 19th - Movie Night - Super Mario Bros.
Invite your kids and grandkids to enjoy Super Mario Bros on the St Peter’s lawn. St Peter’s is once again teaming with the Montessori School Parent Committee to host an Outdoor Movie Night and Ice Cream Social on Friday, April 19. Bring your own seating, blankets or lawn chairs, for a fun evening with parishioners and Montessori families. St Peter’s will be serving plenty of popcorn and a ‘Build Your Own Ice Cream Sundae’ bar will be set up in Celebration Hall. We look forward to seeing you at this fun event joining our church and school families in fellowship and community. 
Tax Credit Opportunities
It's tax season! You can support St. Peter's Montessori School by making a tax credit donation to Arizona Episcopal Schools Foundation. You can receive a dollar-for-dollar reduction on your Arizona State tax liability--up to $2,609 ($1,307 for Individuals) --even if you’re receiving a refund.  Donations made until April 15, 2024, can be applied to your 2023 taxes! These donations provide needed scholarships to St. Peter's students. Talk to your tax professional or visit to donate directly. 
Be sure to specify St. Peter's as the recipient school.

Also, a donation to Bridges Reentry, Inc. provides safety, sanctuary, and new pathways to justice involved women seeking a new start. When you donate, you can earn an Arizona tax credit! Thanks to the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit, taxpayers can donate up to $841 and get it back on their Arizona tax return. Here’s how it works:
·       Step 1: Make your 2023 donation to Bridges Reentry of up to $421 for single filers and $841 for married joint filers. 
·       Step 2: File your Arizona taxes and claim the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit using Form 321. Bridges Reentry QCO (Qualifying Charitable Organization) Code is 22242.
·       Step 3: Receive your dollar-for-dollar tax credit!
To learn more about this unique tax incentive, please visit the Arizona Department of Revenue.

Please note: This notification does not constitute tax advice. Please consult your tax advisor for details that may apply to you.
Community Outreach Ministry Advisory Panel (COMAP)
Facilitator: Carolyn Beougher
Volunteer Coordinator: Martie Polk 
Tele-Care Ministry “A Phone Call of Love”
St. Peter’s launched “Tele-Care Ministry” last Fall which is a ministry designed to connect with each of our households twice a year. The TeleCare Ministry team members commit to making approximately 12-15 calls in their own timeframe, to pray for or with those called and remind them they are beloved by their St Peter’s community.  Saturday, April 6 at 12:15pm, at the church we will have a 60 minute training session with provided tools and resources. Telecare Ministry will be active for two weeks in April. Please prayerfully consider joining the Tele-Care Ministry Team. The time commitment is approximately 60-90 minutes twice a year. 

Vestry Contacts: Tyler Dixon, Carolyn Beougher, Martie Polk 
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer

We also pray for our companion Diocese: The Diocese of Western Mexico, Bishop Ricardo Gomez Osnaya.

Read the weekly email newsletter for the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona here. This newsletter includes reflections from The Rt. Rev. Bishop Jennifer Reddall, news, events, and updates throughout the diocese.

Lay Led Worship Service on Zoom
(adapted from Celtic books and prayers)
Contact Deacon Gary

Saturday - 5pm
Holy Eucharist with the Primetime Band.

Sunday - 7:45am
Traditional Holy Eucharist

Sunday - 9:00am
Meditative Service

Sunday - 10am
Holy Eucharist
Children's Nursery Care Available

Church Office Hours
The church office is staffed from 9:30-12:30 Tuesday-Thursday, and Friday 9:30 - 2:30 pm.
Prior or after you can usually find Diane in the office across the patio, and James may be here except on Thursdays and Fridays.