Published weekly by the Villages of Westcreek Owners' Association's Communications Committee - January 30, 2017 Edition!
"Community service has taught me all kinds of skills and increased my confidence. You go out there and think on your feet, work with others and create something from nothing. That's what life's all about."
~ Andrew Shue |
The original
"Master Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions" was filed by
San Antonio Savings, on
February 11, 1986, in Bexar County. This document called for the development of a residential subdivision known as the
"Villages of Westcreek," with incidental office, retail and commercial development. This new development, located in Northwest Bexar County, covered approximately
2,750 acres. In addition, this document also created the
"Villages of Westcreek Property Association, Inc." The
Property Association enforced the community rules; maintained the entries, medians, main road walls and fences; and coordinated additions or changes to individual lots to keep the development uniform and to maintain the re-sale value.
Also, on
February 11, 1986,
San Antonio Savings filed another
"Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions" to declare the development of
Phase 1 of the property. This document created another association called the
"Villages of Westcreek Homeowners' Association." The main function of the
Homeowners Association was to maintain and improve amenities in the Sports Park. It did not function outside the park. As a result, there were two associations in the early stages of our community
July 24, 1986, San Antonio Savings filed a
"Withdrawal and Revocation of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions." After a lot of paperwork and legal processes, a revised
"Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions" was filed on
January 23, 1987, which is recognized as the official birth date of the Villages of Westcreek.
San Antonio Savings Association was sold to
First Gibraltar Bank in
March 1990. Many of the early residents wondered what this event would mean to the future development of their community. But since
First Gibraltar did not purchase real estate in the sale, the ownership of the development reverted to the
Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC). The
RTC's main function in taking possession of real estate was just to hold it until it was sold.
First Gibraltar Bank was hired to help the
RTC with the sale.
On July 23, 1993, the Villages of Westcreek development, which had been owned by the RTC, was sold to Westcreek Joint Ventures, headed by Sam Schaefer.
The Villages of Westcreek project was a large development with residential, commercial and multi-housing sections. In the existing residential villages at that time, there were 792 platted lots with 303 being owned by the
RTC. Sales at Westcreek continued through this period with
Fox and Jacobs, Gemcraft, and Pulte purchasing lots from the
RTC to build new homes.
It was not until
February 10, 1994, when
Harry R. Glidden, Duane Larkin, James T. Morgan and Charles C. Trent filed the
"Articles of Incorporation of the Villages of Westcreek Owners Association, Inc.," that the
"Property" and
"Homeowners" Associations were combined into the
"Villages of Westcreek Owners Association." The newly formed association held their first annual meeting on
May 24, 1994, at
Galm Elementary.
Next week we will identify the first home sold and occupied in the Villages of Westcreek back in 1987. As strange as it may seem, that home is not the oldest home in Westcreek.
VWOA Historical Research Sub-committee Meeting
Date: Monday, February 13, 2017
Time: 6:00 P.M.
Where: Community Center Conference Room
This is an open meeting! All are Welcome!
Assessments and Merchant Fees
This is in response to questions we have received regarding third party Merchant Fees being charged when owners pay their assessments using a credit card.
Click here to view correspondence from the
Texas Office of Consumer Credit regarding the charging Merchant Fee charge imposed by a third party.
We hope that this helps clarify this charge. If there are any further concerns, please feel free to contact the business office at
Please remember that you can still come into the office and pay your assessments in cash, or a check/money order without incurring a fee.
Sylvia Mennel
Assistant Community Manager
AT&T Utility Infrastructure Installation Concerns
As most of the community may be aware by now, AT&T has been installing their utility infrastructure for the past month or so. The Association has received numerous complaints from homeowners regarding damage to their private property. If you notice, many of the trucks and workers out in the easements do not have any discerning names or phone numbers associated with them.
Fortunately, one of these subcontractors reached out to one of our Standard's Monitors while she was out inspecting the property. He provided us with the following contact numbers below. Please make note of these and do call them if you see any issues with their access to your property easements.
The Morelia Group is the Subcontracting Company that is heading up this project for AT&T, they can be reached at 1-800-604-2218 along with their e-mail address at CustomerService@MoreliaGroup.com
Or you may call AT&T Directly
AT&T Construction Helpdesk
T: 210-829-5095, Hours: 7am-4pm
(Voicemail may be left after hours)
Emergencies: 1-800-246-8464, 0
AT&T Southwest
AT&T GigaPower
San Antonio, TX
Email: g04226@att.com |
New Beginnings Children's Home (NBCH) Governing Body, staff, and residents would like to thank you for making Christmas for the children of New Beginnings one they will not soon forget.
We were definitely overwhelmed by your generosity not only to reach out and want to give to our kiddos but to be specific and give gifts geared towards each child knowing what they like.
And then the overwhelming amount of gifts was incredible. To hear the children make comments such as,"all my dreams came true" and "this is the best Christmas ever!" speaks volumes about what you did for them.
So, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you.
Tammy Ibach, LCCA
New Beginnings Children's Home
210-892-2915 office
830-491-1854 cell
"VWOA Historical Research Sub-committee" is seeking the volunteer services of a
"Videographer/Movie Producer" who can create a final production product that will include video clips, still photos and audio recordings in celebration of the
"30th Anniversary" celebration of the Villages of Westcreek.
Point of Contact
This is an awesome volunteer opportunity to do something to preserve our history for future residents.
Challenger Sports' British Soccer Camp, Coming to Westcreek!
The Villages of Westcreek Soccer League is excited to announce a new partnership with Challenger Sports.
Challenger Sports' British Soccer Camp is the most popular soccer camp in the country based upon one of the most innovative approaches to coaching youth soccer in the US and Canada.
Their experienced International staff study the game at all levels and will help players improve their core techniques and become more confident on the ball.
With programs for each age, the curriculum's includes a variety of foot skills, technical drills, tactical practices, freestyle soccer, small-sided gam
es and coached scrimmages.
World Cup style games are held each day, where campers compete for their adopted country. In addition, they are encouraged to learn about different customs and cultures, the Challenger Sports core values of respect, responsibility, integrity, sportsmanship and leadership.
Click here for more information about the program being offered by the professionals of Challenger Sports!
Click here to view and print flyer!
Creative Dance Class is for children ages 3-5 and provides a fun way to learn the foundation of dance, music, timing and fun choreographies. The class teaches focus, and coordination, while combining movements to music that is fun for all.
- Rates: $12 per class
- Full Session Rate: $169 ending in Spring Showcase
- Non Westcreek Residents add 10%
MIXXEDFIT - People Inspired Dance Fitness Program
MixxedFit is a people inspired dance fitness program that is a mix of explosive dancing and boot camp toning. Everything about our dance fitness program can be described as explosive - all of our movements are always big, exaggerated, full-out, and our very best. ALL Levels Welcomed!
This class meets every Monday at 7:00 P.M. till 7:45 P.M., in the Community Center Hall.
First Class is FREE!
Rates: $8 per class or $25 per month
Click here for more information!
This weekend around the house,
start cleaning out your shrub and flower beds.
Keep Westcreek Beautiful!
January 23, 2017 - Point Crossing in High Point - All 4 tires to a Chevy Silverado, TX edition were stolen. Police Report filed
January 19, 2017 - Gwendolen in Quail Meadow -
Truck was broken into. Tablet was taken between 12:00 A.M. and 5:00 A.M.
Police Report filed
Please remember to be observant in your neighborhood.
- Report any suspicious activities or persons to the Bexar County Sheriff's Office at 210-335-6000.
- If you see graffiti or vandalism in the Villages of Westcreek, please report it to the office at 210-679-8761.
Homework Help, Test Prep Guides & Proofreading for Essays and Papers!
Use your San Antonio Public Library card (free for Bexar County residents) to access professional tutors online for help with math, science, english, and other subjects at grade levels from elementary school through college.
www.mysapl.org/homeworkhelp for more information!
Westcreek resident
Michelle de Jongh prepares a weekly list of
"Things to do in San Antonio."
Click here
to download and print!
- Seasonal Plantings do not require ARC approval for those in the front of the dwelling or for hanging or potted plants if they are kept within 'reasonable' numbers.
Click here
to view the
2016 Standards!
The VWOA is hosting a Farmers Market from 9:00 A.M. till 1:00 P.M. every Thursday, thru November 16, 2017.
The market is located in the overflow parking lot adjacent to the Com
munity Center. They accept WIC, Senior FMNP Vouchers and Credit Cards.
Support our Local Farmers!
When was the last time you helped a neighbor in need?