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Onsite registration is still available for The National Council for Science & the Environment (NCSE)'s annual conference, taking place on January 6-9, 2020, in Washington, D.C. The conference will explore the various ways that science serves and contributes to the decision-making process. See more details .
Ongoing Discussion
Our discussion on offshore wind , led by Laura Morton of the American Wind Energy Association, is continuing through January! We invite offshore wind experts to respond to the questions below, reply to a comment thread, and/or add any other relevant insights from their professional experience. Register for an account if you don't have one yet.
  1. What do you see as the largest barrier for offshore wind to overcome in order to expand to meet the demand for clean energy?
  2. Would an offshore wind tax credit be the most helpful policy to support the development of the offshore wind industry? How much of a difference would it make to the growth of the industry?
  3. How can the United States streamline the reviewing and approvals of offshore wind projects?
"I’ve thought about the potential damage to offshore wind from more extreme hurricanes, and while I don’t have any direct knowledge or expertise, the obvious solution would be to design floating wind turbines that are submersible.... I would love to hear the pros and cons from those with experience . "
- Robert Perry , World Business Academy

Go to Robert Perry's comment , click reply, and add your comment!
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 Columbia Center on
Global Energy Policy
December 18, 2019
Research Letters
December 16, 2019
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Featured Events
Washington, D.C.
  • When: Mon-Thurs, Jan 6-9, 2020
  • Where: Resources & Conservation Center, 1400 16th St. NW, Wash., D.C. 20036
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