This Week in Energy
Energy Headlines
Associated Press
ABC15 Arizona
December Discussion
New Discussion
By Laura Morton
Senior Director, Policy & Regulatory Affairs for Offshore Wind, American Wind Energy Association
" Offshore wind is the next major source of American energy. R ealizing offshore wind’s potential will generate clean electricity near many of the country’s largest population centers, revitalize coastal and port communities, and create thousands of jobs and a new U.S. supply chain. In fact, offshore wind could create 46,000 jobs over the next few years... and represents a $70 billion supply chain opportunity .... The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) supports energy tax policy that establishes parity between technologies to deliver clean energy at the lowest cost to consumers, and we see several legislative options to get there...." Read more.
  1. What do you see as the largest barrier for offshore wind to overcome in order to expand to meet the demand for clean energy?
  2. Would an offshore wind tax credit be the most helpful policy to support the development of the offshore wind industry? How much of a difference would it make to the growth of the industry?
  3. How can the United States streamline the reviewing and approvals of offshore wind projects? 
On Tuesday, OurEnergyPolicy co-hosted a panel discussion in Washington, D.C. with Keystone Policy Center on the current state and economic situation of our existing nuclear fleet, potential policy solutions (including the Nuclear Energy Renewal Act and the Nuclear Powers America Act), and the role of nuclear power in our clean energy future.

Edwin Lyman from Union of Concerned Scientists emphasized the importance of assuring that safety and security are non-negotiable and paramount, especially for aging plants, and that what is most economic is not always what is most safe.
Jeffrey S. Merrifield , former Nuclear Regulatory Commissioner, said that nuclear power is not appropriately compensated for the high capacity factor, zero-carbon energy that it brings to the grid, and that nuclear power is currently operating at its safest level ever.

Jackie Kempfer from Third Way said that "every single reactor lost is a notable setback in climate mitigation efforts," saying that losing our existing nuclear reactors is jarring because we need to decarbonize as fast as possible and nuclear is the foundation (and now a crumbling foundation) upon which our clean energy future builds.

Devin Hartman from the Electricity Consumers Resource Council emphasized the importance of lowering actual costs rather than merely "cost shifting" (such as transferring costs from companies to ratepayers) and that good policy should facilitate letting companies compete on their merits.

A full summary of the event will be available soon on .
The National Council for Science & the Environment (NCSE) will be holding its annual conference on January 6-9, 2020, in Washington, D.C.! The conference will explore the various ways that science serves and contributes to the decision-making process. Read more details, and register! The advanced registration deadline is Dec. 13, and online registration closes Dec. 20.
Our discussion on critical minerals is ongoing for anyone with expertise on the topic who wishes to participate! Here is an excerpt of a new comment added this last week:
"Thanks to Morgan Bazilian for setting out the key points to a very important conversation, one that more innovators and policymakers need to join....
1) The Trump Administration deserves credit for recognizing the growing importance of non-fuel minerals for high tech, military, and clean energy applications, and the risks inherent in the current concentration of supply. On the other hand, I am skeptical that this administration will actually address U.S. reliance on foreign sources of critical minerals in the best possible way. This can’t just be a give away to domestic mining interests, with national security as a fig leaf for hastily expedited permits, relaxed regulations, and auctioned public lands. One of the reasons China is hard to beat on minerals is that they have poor environmental protections. The solution should not be to race them to the bottom and devalue the health of our own citizens and quality of our land, air, and water in the process...." - Sharon Burke , New America
New Publications
Rhodium Group
December 4, 2019
U.S. Nuclear Industry Council, Third Way, Clear Path
November 19, 2019
Find these new publications and others in the OurEnergyLibrary.
Update from Congress

New Legislation

Podcast Spotlight

Electric buses have emerged as one of the hottest topics in U.S. transportation policy, with transit agencies across the country increasingly looking to electrification as an opportunity to increase the efficiency of their fleets while lowering operating costs. In this episode , Ryan Popple, CEO of Proterra, joined Greg, Greg, and Pete for a wide-ranging discussion about all things electric buses.

The Mobility Podcast is a podcast about mobility, technology, people, and the policies that affect all of them, hosted by Greg Rogers of Securing America's Future Energy, Greg Rodriquez of Santec, and Pete Gould of Shared Mobility Strategies.
Featured Events
Washington, D.C.
  • When: Mon-Thurs, Jan 6-9, 2020
  • Where: Resources & Conservation Center, 1400 16th St. NW, Wash., D.C. 20036
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