This Week in Energy
Happy Holidays from all of us at OEP!
Energy Headlines
Utility Dive
Washington Examiner
The National Council for Science & the Environment (NCSE) will be holding its annual conference on January 6-9, 2020, in Washington, D.C.! The conference will explore the various ways that science serves and contributes to the decision-making process. NCSE will mark its 30th year as an organization in 2020!

Online registration has closed, but if you'd like to attend, you can register onsite. See pricing and conference details.
Ongoing Discussion
OEP experts have been discussing opportunities and challenges for the offshore wind industry . If you're interested in participating, feel free to comment now and in January!

What do you see as the largest barrier for offshore wind to overcome in order to expand to meet the demand for clean energy? What are potential policy solutions? What do you think of an offshore wind tax credit, and how can approval of projects be streamlined?
" States along the East Coast have made substan..tial   offshore wind commitments , but tax parity and regulatory certainty are necessary to bring these pledges to fruition. The American Wind Energy Association supports energy tax policy that establishes parity between technologies to deliver clean energy at the lowest cost to consumers, and we see several legislative options to get there. Short of a broader agreement on energy tax policy, consumers would benefit from a suite of policies like the  offshore investment tax credit ."
- Laura Morton , American Wind Energy Association
"As long as retiring nuclear power plants are replaced by fossil fuels, usually gas, the net benefit of off-shore wind will be negative for years to come. This is not due to any defect in off-shore wind; it is the result of a fracture energy policy...New York State is a prime example of this. First it boasted that it was going to build the 'world’s largest wind farm', a 2400 MW project off of Long Island, New York. Going from zero off shore wind turbines to the 'world’s largest wind farm' by 2030 would be quite an achievement. As other states along the east coast announced their off shore wind farm plans, New York suddenly changed its goals to 9000 MW by 2035...Replacing existing nuclear power plants with fossil fuels renders renewable energy projects as ineffective. It is long overdue for the renewable energy community and the nuclear community to join forces to protect the environment and strongly object to the reckless ways of some politicians. - Herschel Specter , Micro-Utilities, inc
New Publications
Center on Global Energy Policy Columbia University
December 17, 2019
State Energy & Environmental Impact Center, NYU School of Law
December 9, 2019
Find these new publications and others in the OurEnergyLibrary.

On December 2nd, OurEnergyPolicy hosted a panel discussion in New York City on the state's emerging offshore wind market.

The audio recording for the event and the event summary are now available on our Energy Leaders Series page.
Update from Congress

New Legislation

  • Tues, Nov 17 - Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-NJ-7) introduced a bill to amend the Natural Gas Act with respect to actions for eminent domain by holders of certificates of public convenience and necessity, and for other purposes.

  • Mon, Nov 16 - Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC-10) introduced a bill to amend the Clean Air Act to provide an exemption from certain antitampering provisions for certain actions for modifying a motor vehicle that is not legal for operation on a street or highway and is to be used solely for competition, and for other purposes.


Podcast Spotlight

In this edition of Columbia Energy Exchange , host Bill Loveless talks to Carl Pope, the senior climate advisor to Michael Bloomberg who has played a major role in developing the strategy behind the Beyond Carbon campaign. Bloomberg Philanthropies has put $500 million behind the campaign, which it calls the largest ever effort in the U.S. to fight climate change.
Featured Events
Washington, D.C.
  • When: Mon-Thurs, Jan 6-9, 2020
  • Where: Resources & Conservation Center, 1400 16th St. NW, Wash., D.C. 20036
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