This Week in Energy
Energy Headlines
The Texas Tribune
New York Times
Visit the event page to see all the panelists.
OurEnergyPolicy & Keystone Policy Center
If you are in Washington, D.C., join us for lunch and a panel discussion on Dec. 10, 12:00-1:30 p.m. on the current state of conventional nuclear energy, how policies might address economic concerns, and the future of nuclear in the U.S. energy mix. You must RSVP by the end of the day on Thurs, Dec. 5. Walk-ins, except in the case of congressional staff, are not permitted.
New York State is supporting development of 8,000 megawatts of offshore wind power by 2035 through the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. And in October, NYSERDA finalized contracts for the first two offshore wind projects the largest procurement for offshore wind in U.S. history.

Yesterday, OurEnergyPolicy hosted a panel discussion in New York City on the state's emerging offshore wind market. John Williams, representing Alicia Barton, CEO of NYSERDA, said New York is "on the cusp of a lot of great activity" for offshore wind and renewable energy. Clint Plummer, of Ø rsted, says he thinks wind power will become the low-cost new build resource in the next 10-15 years.

Read more in  our thread on Twitter . An event recording and summary will be available in the coming weeks on our  Energy Leaders Series page .
Upcoming Discussion:

Our next online discussion (running Dec. 9-mid January) will continue the conversation on offshore wind. We look forward to your comments & will have details next week!
Ongoing Discussion
Our critical minerals discussion is still open this week! What do you see as the best way to address our dependence on foreign sources for critical minerals that are essential inputs to clean energy technologies? To what extent does the supply chain security risks of these minerals represent a barrier to climate change targets or goals? What are the key points across each supply chain for critical minerals where policy interventions are required?
Featured Comments:
To Emily Hersch: "I’d love to gather your take on the future of lithium when considering options like the geothermal co-production, as well as the potential for energy storage diversification, including within the electro-chemical space as well as the thermal and mechanical space. ...What role do you see other technologies having on the future of lithium – from supply to demand?" - Faith Martinez Smith , ClearPath
Reply to Faith Martinez Smith: "Geothermal co-production, as well as oilfield production, is very interesting because we’re talking about producing lithium chemicals from a brine that alone would not be economically feasible. Because it occurs along with another project, the infrastructure and extraction investment has already taken place....
I am of the opinion (and there are smart people who disagree) that in the medium and long run, the case for lithium batteries as part of grid-scale storage don’t make too much sense. For home storage, the case for lithium is a bit stronger, but the reason lithium batteries are da bomb is the fact that you can move them around. Mobility applications are well suited for lithium. Stationary applications – you COULD use lithium, but you don’t HAVE to for space or weight considerations...."
- Emily Hersh , DCDB Group
New Publications
Center for Climate and
Energy Solutions
November 20, 2019
Consumer Reports
November 13, 2019
Find these new publications and others in the OurEnergyLibrary.
Update from Congress

Congress was out of session last week.
Podcast Spotlight

In this edition of Columbia Energy Exchange , host Bill Loveless is joined by Barbara Humpton, the CEO of Siemens USA, where she guides the German engineering conglomerate’s strategy and engagement in its largest market in the world.

Barbara talks about how megatrends, including digitalization, automation, and electrification are driving corporate decisions, not to mention the impact of other phenomena like climate change and urbanization. They also talked about the roles of government policy and regulation in addressing these issues, as well as options for making sure there’s an adequate workforce to keep things running smoothly.

A growing share of U.S. natural gas production is  associated-dissolved natural gas  (natural gas produced from oil wells), which is the result of increased crude oil production from low permeability, tight rock formations—Permian, Bakken, Eagle Ford, Niobrara, and Anadarko. In 2018, associated-dissolved natural gas production in these five major crude oil-producing regions was 12.0 billion cubic feet per day, or about 37% of total production in these regions and about 12% of total U.S. natural gas production.
Featured Events
Washington, D.C.
  • When: Fri, Dec 6, 6-9 p.m.
  • Where: Pepco Edison Place Gallery, 702 8th Street, NW, Wash., D.C. 20068

  • When: Tues, Dec 10, 12-1:30 p.m.
  • Where: Capitol Visitor Center, SVC 201-00

  • When: Mon-Thurs, Jan 6-9, 2020
  • Where: Resources & Conservation Center, 1400 16th St. NW, Wash., D.C. 20036
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