This Week in Energy
Energy Headlines
Star Tribune
San Francisco Chronicle
The Hill
October Discussion
This month's discussion is on the "Green Real Deal" designed by Ernest Moniz, President and CEO of Energy Futures Initiative and former U.S. Secretary of Energy . His Green Real Deal is a pragmatic strategy that is designed to foster a broad coalition and turn climate ambitions into meaningful actions.
Here is what some OurEnergyPolicy experts are saying so far about the Green Real Deal. Go to the discussion to read all the comments.
Two experts commented on the Green Real Deal principle that all greenhouse gas (GHG)-emitting sectors must be addressed in climate solutions.

In the discussion prompt, Moniz says, "Electricity is only   28 percent of U.S. emissions   and is arguably the easiest to decarbonize. Sectoral analyses—electricity, transportation, industry, buildings and agriculture—will be central to identifying solutions and advancing innovation and net zero emissions targets."
"I would say [this is] the most important of your principles to get things moving in the right direction... The United States needs to clearly define what path needs to be taken in each sector of the economy : electric power, transportation, industry, residential/commercial buildings, agriculture, and I would add telecommunications (broadband infrastructure to substitute for transportation and enable smart grids for effectively managing clean energy supply/demand)...."
 Henry Goldberg , Consultant
"I especially appreciate the principle of focusing on ‘all GHG emitting sectors.’ Something we’ve been increasingly seeing in the power planning community is environmental groups pushing so strongly for decarbonization of electricity that they are ignoring other means of carbon abatement that would be much cheaper . Carbon is carbon, and if a given marginal reduction in emissions can be achieved more cost-effectively in one sector than another, we should be pursuing the cheapest opportunities first...."
Brent Nelson , Senior Energy Consultant, Ascend Analytics
Two experts commented on potential challenges to an incremental approach.

Moniz's first point is "Technology, Business Model, and Policy Innovations Are Essential," and he says, " Incremental and breakthrough innovations must be developed to meet the challenges of deep decarbonization, including the rising marginal costs of abating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions."
"With great respect for Dr. Moniz, there is a piece of short-hand contained in his summary—and in the underlying document—that I think is likely to be understood in a way that actually slows progress, and indeed, is currently doing so as part of the conventional wisdom.... The study is correct to emphasize the need for a combination of incremental and breakthrough technologies, with the former enabling the latter.... But within each sector, when pursuing breakthrough technologies like renewable power, electrified vehicles and net zero buildings, the best way to lower the eventual cost of complete decarbonization is to accelerate the adoption of disruptive innovations through the flat segment of their adoption S curves.... Dr. Moniz understands these dynamics as do the authors of his study—but continued use of the term 'increasing marginal cost' has the unfortunate, and unintended consequence, of reinforcing the public misperception that moving quickly to cut emissions is more expensive than moving slowly , when the speed in question is the scaling of disruptive, 100% clean technologies."
Carl Pope , Former Executive Director, The Sierra Club
" I’m all in favor plans based on 'practicality, not ideology.' And 'a very pragmatic program data-driven, science-based, and analytically supported' sounds good in theory. But what does it boil down to in practice? A cynical way to interpret this would be that we need programs that won’t be overly disruptive to 'business as usual.' .... Please note that I am  not  saying that that’s what the Green Real Deal amounts to. ... [But] given that the Green Real Deal is positioned as a pragmatic alternative to the Green New Deal, I’m pretty sure that that interpretation will crop up."
- Roger Arnold , Systems Architect, Silverthorn Engineering
What do you think?

If you are an energy professional, register for a free account or log in to comment on any of these comment threads or add your own comment to the discussion.
  1. Which of the principles do you see as the most important in terms of fostering meaningful progress towards a low-carbon economy?
  2. Which principle(s) are likely to represent the greatest barrier in terms of creating and adopting meaningful legislation? What options are there to mitigate these barrier(s)?
This is our featured discussion for the month of October. Read more about the change to the frequency of our discussions and other updates in our October 2 newsletter . In addition to our monthly discussions, we will continue to host discussions by and for members of Congress, congressional committees, and other government officials.
New Publications
 American Cities Climate Challenge & Bloomberg Philanthropies
October 10, 2019
The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
October 9, 2019
Find these new publications and others in the OurEnergyLibrary.
Podcast Spotlight

Listen to the audio recording from OurEnergyPolicy's latest Energy Leaders Luncheon.

Dale Bryk, Deputy Secretary for Energy and Environment for the Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, discussed New York energy policy with Robert B. Semple of The New York Times on September 23, 2019. A written summary is also featured, below the Sound Cloud audio files.
Update from Congress

Congress is back in session this week after a two-week recess.

New Legislation

  • Fri, Oct 11
  • Rep. Antonio Delgado (D-NY-19) introduced a bill (H.R. 4642) to allow Rural Utilities Service telecommunications grants to be made for the collection of broadband infrastructure data, including by electric or telephone cooperatives.
  • Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA-02) introduced a bill (H.R. 4657) to require the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to consider greenhouse gas emissions related to natural gas pipelines.
Source: Naema Ahmed, Axios, with data from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
Featured Events
This Week
  • When: Thurs, Oct 17
  • Where: Hilton San Francisco Financial District, 750 Kearny St, San Francisco, CA 94108

  • When: Wed, Oct 16, 12:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
  • Where: Rayburn House Office Building Foyer and Gold Room (2168)

  • When: Thurs, Oct 17, 10:00-11:30 a.m.
  • Where: 1324 Longworth House Office Building

  • When: Thurs, Oct 17, 10:00-11:30 a.m.
  • Where: 406 Dirksen Senate Office Building

  • When: Thurs, Oct 17, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
  • Where: 366 Dirksen Senate Office Building
  • When: Thurs, Oct 31, 10:00-11:30 a.m.
  • Where: Bipartisan Policy Center, 1225 Eye Street N.W., Suite 1000, Washington, D.C. 20005

  • When: Tues-Thurs, Nov 19-21
  • Where: Anaheim Convention Center, 800 W Katella Ave, Anaheim, CA 92802
  • Special Offer: We have a special offer on the ticket price from our partner, the American Energy Society. If you are interested, please contact

To see more upcoming energy events across the country, visit the OEP Events Calendar .
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