September 21, 2023 |6 Tishrei 5784 | האזינו

Early Childhood Department

ECD Students are Building Their Sukkot

The children in Ganon Bet have been preparing for chag Sukkot. We have been learning about the arbah minim as well as how to build a Sukkah. As a class, we decided to build our very own Sukkah! The children decided which materials to use and how they wanted to decorate the Sukkah!

Gan Bet has been hard at work building a Sukkah. They cut schach for the ceiling. They prepared lots of decorations and hung them a in the Sukkah. They put a table and chairs and now have a kosher Sukkah.

Yavneh Grandparents (and Beekeepers) Visit Ganon

This week, Ganon students had a wonderful visit from Ganon grandparents AND beekeepers Lior & Janet Hod. They taught us all about how honey is made as we looked at real beehives! We saw different types of honey, some looked some looked crystallized and some were stickier than others. We learned a cool fact honey - it never ever expires. You can eat it year after year and it never goes bad! We learned that honey can be different shades of golden yellow (sometimes lighter, sometimes darker) depending on the type of flowers from which the bees collect their nectar. We also learned how important it is for bees to be in this world and that if we don’t bother them they won’t bother us! We truly had such a great time learning from and welcoming special guests into our classroom 

Lower School

Grade 5 Yom Iyun

Our 5th grade students participated in a Yom Iyun this morning to learn about teshuva before Yom Kippur. They learned how teshuva is attainable for everyone because when we do teshuva we are returning to our true good selves. All students then enjoyed a kickball game to kickstart an amazing new year - 5784!

Learning about Communities

This week, second graders learned about communities. We learned that a community is a group of people with something in common. Students shared communities they are part of like neighborhoods, teams, shuls and clubs. They then found people who are in their community. It was so exciting to see how much we have in common!

Starting with Yosef's Dreams, the Fourth Grade Chumash Story Never Disappoints!

Fourth grade students can read and understand the dreams of Yosef from the text of the Chumash and love acting them out in class. They don't need scripts as they know the characters and storyline well. Each day and each lesson brings new information and enthusiasm. We can't wait to see what will happen to Yosef next!

SEL Update

Second grade SEL is off to an exciting start! We started off the week using our social emotional understanding and expertise to teach our classmates and teachers about the Zones of Regulation we learned all about last year. Students divided into groups and used prior knowledge and creativity to create posters and presentations about each zone of regulation. We had so much fun stepping into the teacher role while presenting and cheering on our friends while they taught us too! 

Middle School

Rabbi Elliot Schreier Addresses Middle School Students

On Tzom Gedaliah Yavneh Academy Middle School students had a special opportunity to hear from Rabbi Elliot Schreier, Rabbi of Congregation Bnai Yeshurun. Rabbi Schreier shared a powerful story about his grandmother's escape from the Nazis and with words of inspiration for the time period of the Aseret Yemei Teshuva. He encouraged us all to think about what kind of people we want to be and what actions we will take upon ourselves to get there. He reminded us that now is the time to take upon ourselves some sort of change for the upcoming year to ultimately better ourselves. It was a beautiful way for us to start the new year!

Help spread the word about our wonderful school! 

Please share our Open House information with friends, relatives and neighbors who may be prospective parents for next year. 



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Yavneh Academy is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey.