October 19, 2023 |4 Cheshvan 5784 | נח

We continue to daven to Hashem for the safety of Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael. May peace and tranquility be restored quickly.

Early Childhood Department

In Ganon Aleph, our Parshat Bereishit learning is still in the works. This week, we created a hands-on mural using different tactile materials to create art that was inspired by each day of Hashem’s creations. Our mural is beautiful and we love how our Ganon students are decorating our classroom with their very own magnificent works of art.

In Gan Daled, the children greeted each other this week with smiles and hugs and were ready to learn and to share. Syllable counting was one of our favorite games this week. The children took turns picking picture cards from a bag. They clapped the syllables and attached the picture card to the appropriate number column. They tallied the numbers from all the words and came to a conclusion that there were more words that had two syllables and fewer words with four syllables. The students also loved playing the “Magic -at- Hat” game. They brainstormed various words that rhyme with hat. Each child took turns picking a card out of a bag and read the rhyming words. The best part of the week was the Parshat Noach Petting Zoo!  The children observed, held and fed the animals. The children learned about the animals' habitat and what they like to eat. It was not easy to say goodbye to the animals.



We’re off to an exciting start of our newest SEL unit on Self Esteem and Resilience! After learning about how we all are a special “piece” of our classroom “puzzle,” students explored and shared their own special traits, talents, and abilities that contribute to the class. We then opened our siddurim to the tefillot of Modeh Ani and Elokai Neshama to discover that we each have inherent value and that Hashem wakes us up each morning with a deep belief in all that we can accomplish! We’re looking forward to the activities ahead of us in which we’ll practice practical skills for further building our self esteem!

Lower School

Every day, class 3A is saying a special מי שברך and reading פרק קל in תהילים for Israel. This week we also had a special activity with the Banot Sherut Leumi. We baked cookies and learned about how when we make a bracha on food it is a special mitzvah and zechut for all of עם ישראל.

Fifth graders are enjoying a wonderful interdisciplinary experience. In social studies, students are learning about the many different ships that were used by explorers, and what made their unique designs effective. They also learned about the exact dimensions and specifications of Teivat Noach in Judaic studies. Students were asked to design a ship and draw a blueprint with labeled features which they will later construct in the Maker Space. Stay tuned to see which ships are able to float and sail!

Every Thursday, Mighty Milers in grades 1-6 have the opportunity to run laps during recess. Teachers, administrators, and parents join in the fun and get in their laps while cheering on the students. For the past two weeks, our Mighty Milers have not only been running to promote fitness, they have been running to help raise tzedakah for Israel. The milers earned a special Am Yisrael Chai bracelet after completing ten laps. Thank you to all the members of the Yavneh family who have sponsored the students’ laps and helped to raise over $4,000 which will be sent to the Emergency Relief Fund for the IDF and Victims of Terror in Southern Israel and to FIDF. Stay tuned to see which organization the Milers will be running for next week.


Middle School

Mazal tov to our Middle School students who just completed learning the entire Torah with Shnayim Mikra! Our students enjoyed a delicious dinner and siyum at Dougies, which included divrei Torah prepared by many of our students. May they go from strength to strength and continue to make us proud of all of their accomplishments in learning.

Middle School students initiated a blue and white snack sale, and the proceeds will go to supporting chayalim. Students also coordinated a letter writing campaign to write notes to chayalim. The notes will be included in packages being sent to Israel.  

On Tuesday, the Yavneh staff joined for a heartwarming after-school program to show support for not only for one another but also for the land of Israel. The program started with delicious Israeli snacks and button making to show support for Israel. Rabbi Knapp then spoke and inspired the faculty with words of encouragement and chizuk. Staff then chose their own ways to connect with Israel, from creating tzitzit for chayalim to crafting cards, learning Torah for Eretz Yisrael, channeling creativity through art in support of Israel, and baking challah with heartfelt tefiillot. Additionally, staff had the opportunity to hear from Dr. Bin Goldman from the

Ohel Crisis Team.



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Yavneh Academy is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey.