October 12, 2023 |27 Tishrei 5784 | בראשית

Early Childhood Department

We began our parsha learning this week with a Yom Rishon station to explore light. Students used flashlights with different materials to discover what light can do. They created lanterns, noticed what blocked light and how light went through colorful materials. 

Lower School

Fourth grade has enjoyed the beginning of the Global Read Aloud (GRA), by reading the book "A Rover's Story." The class especially enjoyed our Mystery Zoom with a 4th grade class in a suburb of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, who is also reading this book. We asked them questions and they asked us questions as well. Our class found it very interesting when we saw the shock on their faces when we told them that we don't eat at McDonald's! After the Mystery Zoom, our class learned many more fun facts about the city of Calgary.


We’re off to an exciting start of our newest SEL unit on Self Esteem and Resilience! After learning about how we all are a special “piece” of our classroom “puzzle,” students explored and shared their own special traits, talents, and abilities that contribute to the class. We then opened our siddurim to the tefillot of Modeh Ani and Elokai Neshama to discover that we each have inherent value and that Hashem wakes us up each morning with a deep belief in all that we can accomplish! We’re looking forward to the activities ahead of us in which we’ll practice practical skills for further building our self esteem!

Middle School

On Tuesday, our Middle School students participated in a very moving and meaningful kumzits style program led by Rabbi Benji Levy from Yerushalayim. 

Rabbi Benji is a reservist in the IDF's Spokesperson Unit and lives in Jerusalem with his wife Renana and their four children.

Rabbi Levy led us in heartfelt songs including interspersed divrei Torah and words of chizuk and inspiration. We concluded with the communal recital of tehillim and the singing of Hatikva. 

As indicated by our students’ involvement, focus, and passionate singing throughout the program, Rabbi Levy made a marked impression. He encouraged our Middle School students to increase their Torah study, tefillot and acts of kindness during this time.

After the program, the Middle School students received the name of a specific chayal, each having a connection to the Yavneh family, to daven for among all those serving in Tzahal.

May all of our tefillot be answered speedily and well.

We are proud to continue to participate in the world-wide Daffodil Project, a living testimony in remembrance of the Holocaust and in continued support of children living through crises.  As you drive into our parking lot in the spring and see the yellow blooming flowers, take a moment to acknowledge our role in memorializing and honoring our fallen.


On Thursday night, the YPAA hosted a bake sale to raise money for the Lone Soldier Center. The event raised $8,645. Thank you to Bassie Lewis for opening her home for the event. Thank you to the chairs Jamie Weiss, Keren Nussbaum, Bassie Lewis and Amy Zide, and thank you to all of the Yavneh parents and students who baked delicious treats.


Help spread the word about our wonderful school! 

Please share our Open House information with friends, relatives and neighbors who may be prospective parents for next year. 



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Yavneh Academy is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey.