December 28, 2023 |17 Tevet 5784 | ויחי

We continue to daven to Hashem for the safety of Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael. May peace and tranquility be restored quickly.

Early Childhood Department

Ganon Bet is excited for their upcoming Havdalah celebration next week after Shabbat together with all of the Pre-k classes including Gan Yavneh. In preparation, we have been singing the tefillah and brachot and making some of our own ritual items to take home and use with our families. We are learning how to use the candle and besamim when we recite the brachot. We can’t wait to join with all of our friends to sing and celebrate together.

In honor of the beginning of winter, the students in Gan Gimmel have been busy exploring the season. We discussed the special clothing we wear in winter to keep us warm and played multiple games involving winter clothes. We learned about how the weather changes and generated a list of questions we hope to answer about snow. We also began to learn about how the season affects plants, birds, and other animals in various ways, and will be continuing our unit by focusing on how animals adapt to the season. The students are excited to continue to explore winter, and hope to experience some snow really soon!

Lower School

This week in 2nd grade we studied one of the classic Hebrew books: "מעשה בחמישה בלונים" ("Story about Five Balloons") by Miriam Ruth. The book provided an experiential repetition of the sounds "chulam" and "Shuruk" and basic colors in Hebrew. The students wrote and colored in a small notebook that they took home for the weekend to read and share with their families. 

This week the students of 3C worked on their first book report. After reading a fiction book, the students decorated a paper bag based on the book. They also put items inside the bag to represent parts of the story. Each student will have the chance to share their ”paper bag book report” with the class and showcase their creativity.


Fourth graders have become the teachers! After learning all about how our brain responds to challenging emotions, fourth graders researched a variety of coping tools to regain control of our minds and bodies when high emotions impact our ability to make positive choices. Students each presented on multiple coping tools explaining how to use the tools and when they may be most useful. We learned so much from teaching others and listening to others!

Middle School






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Yavneh Academy is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey.