December 21, 2023 |10 Tevet 5784 | ויגש

We continue to daven to Hashem for the safety of Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael. May peace and tranquility be restored quickly.

Early Childhood Department

This week Ganon Aleph went on a class nature walk exploring the transition from fall to winter. With the sun shining bright and a crisp feeling in the air, our Ganon students eagerly gathered fall items such as twigs and branches. We noted the differences between the seasons as we now need cozy items such as gloves, hats, sweaters and coats, to keep us nice and warm. We also noticed how the outside is looking a bit different too, the leaves have all fallen to the ground and the birds are starting to fly away as they migrate to a warmer climate. Back in our classroom, our little artists transformed their fall findings into beautiful bare winter trees. Our creations will soon be displayed in the ECD hallway, inviting everyone to take in the beauty of the changing seasons.

We had an incredible week in Gan Bet! During circle time we discussed things we know about winter and how it is different from fall. We filled out a Venn diagram which made our discussion very informative. After reading “The Mitten,” by Jenn Brad, the children put the story into sequential order, created sentences with sight words summarizing the story, measured how tall they are in mittens and created a bar graph to show our classes preference to wear gloves, mittens or nothing on their hands during winter. We tallied the data and discovered the majority of the class does not like to wear gloves or mittens during winter. 

Lower School

In kita Aleph we read the book שחר אוהב כחול - Shachar loves blue and made our own yalkut! (backpack). We also learned what is inside the yalkut. The children colored their own yalkut in their favorite color and then presented the contents. They chose items such as a pencil, eraser, marker, sharpener, book, notebook, and scissors. They had such a great time with this project and got to learn so many school items.

It's time for a curriculum combo in second grade! We used coding to help us start our diversity unit. Students responded to conditional statements to create cute puppies and carebot pairs. These statements included preferences of foods and activities. Then, they took their drawing and discussed similarities and differences with a partner. They enjoyed seeing their classmates’ pets and were able to identify a similarity, a difference and something that surprised them about their partners responses. We then used the Kodable app to program their carebots to care for their pet using conditional statements.

Fifth graders made activity bags for displaced children in Israel. 


During our first grade SEL sessions this week, we focused on what it means to feel proud of oneself. We read the book, I’m Proud Of Myself! By Laurie Wright, which emphasized the importance of positive-self talk, that even when things might feel hard or unexpected kids should feel proud of the effort they put in. The students got a chance to share their own special proud moments, including going on a big roller coaster, making the winning goal in a soccer game and trying new afterschool activities even when it felt scary at first. Being happy with who we are and acknowledging our strengths can help boost our confidence and have a positive impact on our relationships with others.

Middle School

On Motzei Shabbat, our 7th grade boys participated in a Bar-Mitzvah themed celebration. The students and their fathers joined for a Dougies dinner with entertainment from the Shnitzel guys, words of Torah from Rabbi Knapp and recitation of a perek of tehillim. The first portion of the program concluded with singing Hatikvah. After dinner, students learned new dance moves with the Shnitzel Guys and did some hands on learning about the process of making tfillin. We ended the night with father-son learning about the source for there being 613 mitzvot. Students received a gift from YPAA, a Chumash, as well as Bar-Mitzvah gifts from their classmates. A fun and educational time was had by all!


In a project-based learning unit, 8th grade students immersively researched the battles of the Civil War. The students analyzed primary sources including photographs, letters, speeches and artifacts to gain a deeper understanding of the geography, leaders and events of each battle. They compiled their research into engaging slide presentations. The students included photographs and videos of monuments dedicated to those who served in their battles, and the learning opportunities or museums offered at the battle site now. Students created virtual and physical maps that showed the phases of battle. Creatively detailed dioramas, models and comic strips brought each battle to life for the students. Each student came away as an expert on one battle, and the students enjoyed learning from their peers' research.


Our Middle School and 5th grade robotics teams participated in the CIJE inter-school competition on Wednesday, where 150 teams from 40 Yeshiva Day Schools competed. We're thrilled to announce that our teams performed really well with their robots and we congratulate our 5th grade team for coming in second place in their very first competition! We are so proud of the students' hard work, dedicating hours to building and coding their VEX robots for the competition. Their teamwork and commitment are truly impressive. Special thanks to our coaches, Mrs. Herman and Morah Elana, for their invaluable guidance and coaching. Congratulations to our students, and we look forward to more achievements as our robotics program continues to shine!


This week Yavneh Academy Debate Team participated in the first debate of the season! The students competed against other teams from HALB, Noam, and Kushner. The resolution that was argued was, “the minimum age to own a smartphone in the United States should be 16.” Students spent months researching, writing, and practicing their speeches. Mazal tov to Lea Markovitz and Molly Jacobs for winning 3rd place team.






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Yavneh Academy is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey.