February 8, 2024 |30 Shevat 5784 | משפטים

We continue to daven to Hashem for the safety of Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael. May peace and tranquility be restored quickly.

Early Childhood Department

In Ganon Bet, we are wrapping up our winter unit. This week, the children enjoyed a STEM team building activity. The children worked in groups of two to create habitats for winter animals using raw spaghetti and marshmallows!

Gan Bet read the story "The Mitten" and each child chose an animal from the story to research. Once the children finished their research, each child created a habitat for their animal and presented their animal and habitat in our “The Mitten” Museum. All ECD classes were invited to our museum where they learned from each child about the animals and their habitats. 

Lower School

In first grade we had a special kviaat mezuzah with Rabbi Penn! At the beginning of the year, one of our students, Eitan Rosenbaum, noticed that a Mezuzah was missing on one of the doors that was painted, and since then he kept reminding us about it every time we went by.

Rabbi Penn was happy for the opportunity to come teach us all about this mitzvah. As we started learning Parashat Mishpatim, we also heard about the concept of “Eved Ivri,” a Jewish slave. If someone wants to be a slave for more than 6 years - we pierce their ears as a symbol, right by the Mezuzah, where it says “שמע ישראל”, to remind them of this message: The Torah does not encourage us to be eved for anyone else but Hashem.

Our first grade mathematicians, and their special guests, participated in an interactive evening of math pursuits. Students enjoyed many engaging hands-on activities, including using marshmallows to build towers, measuring the flight paths of airplanes, and hopscotching their way to ten. At the end of the night, the guesstimation jar winner, Bella Kawalsky, was announced. Mazal tov, Bella! All of the first graders left the evening with their own Math Night cards and math games to play at home as well as a greater awareness of the wonderful ways to have fun with math.


 An early spring is headed our way; at least, according to Punxsutawney Phil, America's most famous groundhog. In the spirit of hibernation, our first graders enjoyed a pajama day celebration as we explored the origins of the fun holiday of Groundhog Day.  While debating the accuracy of Phil's prediction, we began investigating light and shadows. We learned how the light from the sun appears differently during the course of each day. Using flashlights and our new friend Willy the Gnome, our scientists experimented with ways to change the shape and location of a shadow on a fixed object. Then, we learned how the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, how we can use that information to determine the time of day, and how it can even help us if we ever get lost in the woods. What an enlightening unit!

First graders are learning how to tell time using analog clocks!

Our second graders are about to begin a new unit on the solar system. Today, they had the opportunity to experience a planetarium, right inside Yavneh’s gym. The students learned about the names and appearances of many celestial objects while observing a virtual image on the ceiling of the planetarium. They will take this introductory information with them as they begin research on the planets. What a great way to kickstart our learning!!

Grade 3 students have been learning about people with hearing and vision impairments, resources to help these individuals, and the parts of the eye. The students were fortunate to meet individuals who train guide dogs as well as their puppies in training. The students learned about the long training process, the history of the Seeing Eye Dog group, and some guidelines about what we should do when we see a guide dog at work. The students asked great questions and enjoyed petting the dogs in training at the end of the session.

Third grade went to the Paramus Public Library this week. They learned the BCCLS system and checked out books.


Second grade is learning the brain science of why we sometimes “flip our lid” (feel out of control) and how to “close our lid” (gain mastery over our emotions and impulses)! This week, students played a game of 4 corners, choosing which coping tool would help them best in situations where one may be prone to “flipping their lid.” The class began and ended with students sharing their sensations that serve as a sign that they’re about to flip their lid and what tools best help them close their lid. Second grade is on their way to becoming emotional regulation pros! 

Middle School

Yavneh Academy 8th graders had a great time at the Yachad-Yavneh Shabbaton! Forty 8th grade students and Yavneh teachers joined together to enjoy a Shabbaton with Yachad members and staff. They were excited to be welcomed by Rabbi Markowitz and the warm and vibrant Shomrei Torah community. 

Students enjoyed delicious Friday night and Shabbat day meals which included singing and Divrei Torah. After each meal we enjoyed circle time, singing, chanting, and playing together with the Yachad members.

Throughout Shabbat the groups took part in ice breakers, parsha games, board games, games planned by our Banot Sheirut. The students participated in meaningful discussions about values as well.

The Shabbaton ended on a high note, hearing words of Torah and sharing in beautiful singing together. After Shabbat everyone returned to the shul for more singing and dancing, and some pizza from Benji’s. 

We are so thankful to Yachad and the Shomrei Torah community for partnering with us and making this Shabbaton such a success!

Mr. Azriel Ottenwalder from Stand With Us, an organization which focuses on education to defend Israel in schools and college campuses, addressed our 7th graders. He spoke about the importance of standing up for what is right and specifically for Israel. This students’ Advisory unit stresses the power of Political Action, highlighted with the concept "Do Not Stand Idly By," the importance of getting involved when you see injustice in the world, even if it does not directly affect you. Mr. Ottenwalder shared with the students how Israel is misunderstood in today's world and demonstrated some examples of media bias, encouraging the students to become educated about the facts about Israel.







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Yavneh Academy is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey.