On Tuesday, our Middle School students participated in a very moving and meaningful kumzits style program led by Rabbi Benji Levy from Yerushalayim.
Rabbi Benji is a reservist in the IDF's Spokesperson Unit and lives in Jerusalem with his wife Renana and their four children.
Rabbi Levy led us in heartfelt songs including interspersed divrei Torah and words of chizuk and inspiration. We concluded with the communal recital of tehillim and the singing of Hatikva.
As indicated by our students’ involvement, focus, and passionate singing throughout the program, Rabbi Levy made a marked impression. He encouraged our Middle School students to increase their Torah study, tefillot and acts of kindness during this time.
After the program, the Middle School students received the name of a specific chayal, each having a connection to the Yavneh family, to daven for among all those serving in Tzahal.
May all of our tefillot be answered speedily and well.