Worship on Sunday May 12, 2024 at 10:00am

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Green is the color recognizing mental health awareness, so we ask that you wear something green this Sunday. We'll also have green accessories for in-person worshippers.

Sermon "When Heaven Is a Distraction"

This service will be live streamed on Facebook.

Trinity Church’s mission is to fill its people with the love of God 

and share God’s love in all the world.


SUNDAY MAY 19, 2024

Join us for a potluck lunch after the worship service on May 19th to celebrate Pentecost and to welcome new members Linda and Paul B. and Chelsea. Please bring an entree, salad or dessert to share.   


Hello Trinity Church Community!

I am still fine tuning musical selections and details for the month of May, but you can look forward to some special music presentations from both the Adult Voice Choir and Hand Bell Choir, and possibly another appearance from the Low Voice Ensemble. 

I am putting out a request for volunteers to help our current Sound Crew manage the sound boards for weekly services and the monthly Coffee House starting in the Fall. Toward this effort, I will be holding two or three training sessions this Summer to help anyone get more familiar with the operation of a sound board and to feel more comfortable behind all of those knobs and sliders. In these sessions, I will walk us through how to turn the systems on & off, what to monitor and what to ignore, as well as how to problem solve when something goes wrong. If this is something you’ve been interested in, or are willing to learn a new skill to fulfill a need, send me an email to let me know, and I will be sure to keep you posted on dates when they are set.

Thank you for being a supportive community. Music is meant to be shared by all, whether by creating it or experiencing it, and I believe it is the best example of making room for everyone at the table of the Lord.

Until We Meet Again,

Scott Arnold (he/him)

Music Director of 

Trinity Church of Northborough 


Please support our May, 2024 Outreach drive for Fresh Start Furniture Bank (FSFB).

Greatest need items:

  • Twin or Full bedding- sheets, blankets, comforters
  • Kitchen - towels, potholders, pots, pans

FSFB accepts new and gently used items.

From the FSFB website (

We Rebuild Lives

Fresh Start Furniture Bank collects donations of furniture and home goods from the public and distributes them, for free, to people in need.

The people served by Fresh Start have at least one thing in common — they need help during a difficult time.

Fresh Start’s clients are individuals and families in transition who need help to rebuild their lives. They include:

  • People escaping abusive domestic situations
  • People coming out of a shelter or recovery residence
  • Individuals and families in recovery from physical or mental illness, or addiction
  • Veterans
  • Victims of fires, floods, or hurricanes
  • Refugees and recent immigrants
  • Low-income families and individuals

Donations may be dropped off in the FSFB bin at Trinity Church or you may contact John (774-249-5886, for pick up.

Financial donations may be made to Trinity Church (Outreach - FSFB).

Thank you!

Mission Statement: Worcester Fellowship is dedicated to ending isolation by nurturing community and providing pastoral care. We welcome everyone, we are an outdoor church, we reach out to homeless and at risk adults and we believe God loves us now.

Trinity Church supports WF with Outreach funds and meals.

Upcoming WF Sunday bagged lunch:

June 16 = Sunday bagged

Contact John P. if you would like to participate OR (774) 249-5886.


We will be having one peace, love, justice gathering in the month of May. Saturday May 18, 2024 10am-12pm. 

May is also Asian American History month! If you want to know why there has been a shocking increase in hate crimes against Asians in our country recently, just watch this video called "Asian Americans" by PBS.

Go to Kanopy and then set up an account. It is free! You will have access to a vast library of videos.

If you are in a time crunch just watch the first 40 minutes of disc one.

You will begin to understand what has been happening! You will understand why I feel so fortunate to live in a safe area like Northborough! Later, watch the first 40 minutes of the Japanese interment during World War II. Your light bulb will turn on!

Dave Chin


Community Concert

Singer/songwriter Bobby Jo Valentine will be in concert at Trinity Church, Northborough, Sat June 8th, 7pm. Tickets: $10, free for kids 12 and under.

Tickets will be sold during coffee hour and are available at or 508-393-8156.

Bobby Jo will be sharing inspirational folk songs and storytelling. Please invite your friends and family - this is a wonderful opportunity for us to share fellowship with the community.

Bobby Jo Valentine’s music exists outside the lines of any genre, but the music’s thoughtful, spirit focused lyrics and catchy melodies reach listeners across all walks of life. The poetic nature and spiritual focus of his stories and songs has resulted in notable awards and a growing, loyal following around the country. He’s found a voice with original, hopeful songs about the gentle everyday spiritual awakenings of an openhearted life.


Growing up and emerging out of a Baptist Church of strict lines and sharp edges, Bobby Jo Valentine has emerged into a larger, kinder, more welcoming faith…one that is excited to learn, open to growth, and focused on love.


Along with theatres, house concerts, and many other kinds of stages, Bobby is often invited to offer his stories and songs at faith communities around the nation. Among others, he has been invited to perform for The Wild Goose Festival, the international Emerge Conference, and the 2017 General Synod of the United Church of Christ. His music has won Song of the Year twice at West Coast Songwriter’s Association, and his work has appeared on radio, TV, and feature films. He has performed artist residencies, hosted songwriting workshops, and been involved in helping communities of all types use their spaces and voice in more creative and powerful ways. Bobby currently hails from Northern California, and is ecstatic any time he can discuss the big questions, challenge the easy answers, and inspire people to move closer to love.


You can hear music, watch performances, and get information at

Northborough PorchFest

Trinity Church will be participating in Northborough Porchfest on Sat. June 22, 2pm - 6pm, sponsored by the Northborough Cultural Council. Musicians will be performing outdoors at various venues throughout Northborough. If you would like to perform at Trinity's "porch", contact Jean Leif at


May is mental health awareness month. The color for mental health awareness is green. We are asking everyone, that if they are able to wear green at each service in May, except for 5/19.

The 5/19 service is Pentecost in which the color is red. For those who are unable to wear green we will provide buttons and pins to wear. Other items will include bookmarks, key chains, pens, and wrist bands. 


Breakfast Fellowship in May will be on the 18th at 8:30 AM.

We’re going to continue learning about different creation stories, focusing on stories from Asia, Africa, and the Americas. While doing the research for the topic, I’ve become aware that all cultures really do seem to have their own creation stories. There are many differences, yet many of the stories are surprising similar. I’ll send out some links for reading in a couple of weeks.

Everyone is welcome to join us on Saturday, May 18th. at 8:30 AM for breakfast, fellowship, and discussion.

For more information or to add yourself to the Saturday Breakfast Fellowship email list, please contact Tom at:


The Pastoral Care team is available for anyone who would appreciate a friendly caring call or a check in on a home bound member. We keep in touch weekly or monthly or whatever is needed. We even make “sunshine“ house visits with a small box surprise!

We are here and if you or anyone you know would benefit from a call from our team please contact Linda F. at: or Michele W. at


We meet once a month at Trinity with knitting/crocheting hands to make shawls for our members in need of a “hug”. Blessed handmade item are delivered right to their home to warm the heart and soul. I have a simple knit pattern that can be made easily. It comes along with a card of encouraging words.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 

May 15, 2024 1:00-2:00pm.

Anyone interested in meeting over a cup of tea just once a month for one hour for a rewarding mission please contact Linda Ferraro at:


Coffee or Tea on Zoom Wednesdays at 9:00am

Chat on Zoom, Wednesdays at 9am.

Meeting ID: 954 033 518

Password: 569713

Dial by your location

+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 954 033 518

Rita is here to help you. If you need technical assistance please email her at or call her at (508) 393-8156 during office hours.


Meet for Coffee & Conversation with Pastor Will.

The Wednesday Coffee-meet ups with Pastor Will, at Starbucks located at the Northborough Crossing 6102-9102 Shops Way, Northborough, MA 01532.


The "Count Your Blessings" thrift shop is open Wed, Fri, and Sat 10am - 2pm. 

Houseware donations needed !!! Please drop them off during regular thrift shop hours. donations, especially kitchen gadgets, pots and pans, etc. 

We sell gently used clothing, accessories, jewelry, and footwear, as well as small household items. No electrical items please.  

Clothing donations can be dropped off anytime in the marked bins in the main lobby of the church.

Spring Fashion Show this Saturday - May 11, 2024 - Tickets still available - See flyer below.


Give to Trinity Church

As we give, remember that God is our supply - not our job, money, savings, or investments - but God. Remember that God's supply is abundant and inexhaustible. Whatever we need, God is able to provide it for us.

As we support God's work through Trinity Church, let us give faithfully and generously, knowing that God's storehouse, which we always have access to, will never run dry. Thank you for supporting Trinity Church.

If you're paying by check, please make checks payable to Trinity Church. Our mailing address is 23 Main St, Northborough, MA 01532.

You can also use “bill pay” and have your bank mail a check to us on a regular schedule set up by you, at no cost. Or give online at


Save the date...Applefest 2024 - Sept 21st

Trinity will be participating in Applefest with our craft fair and cafe. We are considering having a Trinity table at the craft fair. 

If you have handmade crafts you would like to donate to our table, or if you would like to share our table to sell your own crafts, contact Jean at

Community Meals

If you have any questions, please call Martha Michalewich at (774) 258-0867 or email at


As our neighbors being sheltered at Econo-Lodge start their journey to independent living, they are in need of some household items.

There are multiple families getting ready to move into apartments, so multiple items are needed. 

Donations can be dropped off at the Econo-Lodge Room 110, at the Northborough Police Station, Trinity Church or at 47 Fisher St (in the gray bin on the front doorstep).

Here is the list of requested items (new or gently used):

  • Blender
  • Coffee maker
  • Air fryer
  • Toaster
  • Garbage can
  • Silverware set
  • Dinner plates
  • Cooking pots and pans
  • Drinking glasses
  • Kitchen towels set

As always, thank you for all you do!


If you know of someone who is hospitalized, ill, suffering from the loss of a loved one, or troubled in some way and in need of a pastoral call, please call Pastor Will Seals at 508-393-8156.


In observance of Memorial Day, Monday May 27, 2024 the church office will be closed for the day, and will re-open for regular business hours of 9:00am - 4:00pm on Tuesday May 28, 2024.

June 2024 TIDINGS

If you have any information that you would like to have included in the June 2024 Tidings, please be sure to have it into Rita / church office no later than Friday May 24, 2024.


23 Main Street ~ Northborough, MA 01532

(508) 393-8156

Office Hours

Monday 9am - 12pm & 1pm - 4pm

Tuesday 9am - 12pm & 1pm - 4pm

Wednesday 9am - 12pm & 1pm - 4pm

Thursdays 9am - 12pm & 1pm - 4pm

Friday 9am - 12pm & 1pm - 4pm

Trinity Church is an Open & Affirming / Welcoming & Affirming Congregation

Trinity Church's mission is to fill its people with the love of God

and share God's love in all the world.


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