Looking Ahead - Special Events

Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we experience the love of Jesus Christ and share it with others.

Friday, August 30 and Monday, September 2

Church Office closed in observance of Labor Day

Sunday, September 1

8:30 Holy Eucharist, Rite I

10:30 Holy Eucharist, Rite II and Baptisms

Reception to celebrate the newly baptized

Sunday, September 8

Back to Church Sunday! Invite Family & Friends

Wear Your Favorite team’s jersey.

Godly Play resumes (10:30 a.m. returning in time for communion for ages 3-10 yrs. Old)

Nursery and Playroom available for kids 1 month to 6 years old.

Thursday, September 19

10:00 - noon, Sewing with guests from the Food Basket (Sondra Griner)

Message From Our Rector

Dear Beloved of God,

I hope you will join me in giving thanks for the two young girls to be baptized this Sunday! I can think of no greater thing than to welcome two souls into the communion of saints. I pray God will guide us to help Johanna and Evelyn experience the love of Jesus Christ and His peace, in Jesus' name.

When talking to Evelyn about her upcoming baptism. I asked her, “Do you know who Jesus is?” With great confidence she responded, “Yes, he lives in my heart!” So true! Out of the mouth of babes…

The scriptures this Sunday underscore Jesus' concern for our hearts more than how perfectly we are upholding the law. He underscored this to me when I was preparing to interview with the St. Timothy’s search team back in 2021. I was trying to pull together a PowerPoint about how I help grow the church. In fact, I was trying too hard. Truth is I am not very good at PowerPoint. Then I finally slowed down and prayed and heard the Holy Spirit nudge me to focus on our hearts. That seemed rather unconventional and yet He persisted. It was if the Holy Spirit was jumping up and down saying, “It's their hearts I care about!” Ask them, How is your heart today? Wow, people were really real and some of us even cried. Authentic Christianity is what Jesus wants for us. I believe people are hungry for this today. It begins with our hearts and then what we do out of our hearts as we are inspired by Jesus and the Word of God. 

Contemplating baptism brings us back to the beginning of our faith. So, how is your heart? Our hearts? Are there burdens we are carrying on our own? Maybe we are afraid Jesus won’t be able to handle it, or we’ve carried these burdens on our own so long we’d feel naked without them. In baptism, Jesus invites us to at His feet all that burdens us or separates us. Then Jesus washes us clean and makes us new in Him. I hope you will come celebrate Johanna and Evelyn’s new journey in faith and renew yours at the same time. This Sunday, September 1 at 10:30!

May you experience God’s love and peace this day and always, in Jesus' Name.

For His Sake,


Pastor Robin+

News and Announcements Even

Office Closed

Friday, August 30 and Monday, September 2

The church office will be closed in observance of Labor Day

Back to Church Kickoff

Sunday, September 8th, 10:30 -1:00

Invite Your Family & Friends for Back to Church

Fall Kick-Off Tailgate Party!

Fun for all ages!

Wear your favorite sports team shirt. Bring your favorite (non-alcoholic) beverage & tailgate treat!

(P. S. we will be inside!)

Kairos #31 Prison Ministry Prayer Chain

We are looking for Prayer Warriors to pray for our Kairos #31 weekend. It will be held on October 3rd through the 6th.  

Paper chain strips are in the Narthex of the church. Add your favorite Bible verse or a message and sign your FIRST NAME in the middle section of the strip and say a prayer for our weekend at Clemens Prison.  

We have other churches in the area doing the same. We will present the chain on the second day of the four-day weekend.  

This KAIROS WEEKEND is a prison ministry similar to Cursillo or Walk to Emmaus in the free world. It is life changing for the participants and for the volunteers. 


Jim Cutshall, Steve Freemen, Rich Tillman, Ron Weeks, Chris Wilson

Children’s Choir is coming back!

Parents/Grandparents/Guardians: I am ready to reboot the Children’s Choir program at St. Timothy’s, and I want your feedback!

If you are interested, please click on the link below to answer 5 questions to help us find the best time to meet. This is not a commitment, just gathering information to make educated decisions.


We are looking at starting after Labor Day weekend, if possible. I hope you and your family will join us!

Chancel Choir Needs YOU!

The Chancel Choir at St. Timothy’s leads the music at the 10:30 service and is open to anyone 9th grade and up. We are especially needing lower voices (alto and bass). If you like to sing, we would LOVE to have you join us! No experience needed—we’re happy to teach you what you need to know!

Chancel Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm, currently in the choir room. If you have any questions, please ask! 

Andrea Hutchison, Music Director

Email me: andhutch427@gmail.com

Call or Text: 817-691-3753

Kindermusik Named International Top Program

St. Timothy’s Kindermusik has been named a Top Program by Kindermusik International, the world’s leading provider of music-based education for infants, toddlers, and young children.

Congratulations to Lauren and all who make Kindermusik a success!

Read More

Cursillo #260, Space is Limited!

September 19 - 22, Camp Allen

If you are interested in going on this renewal retreat, please don’t let finances keep you from going. 

There are only a few spots left. So get in touch with Pastor Robin quickly. You may text or call Pastor Robin at 832-922-7022. We are grateful funds are available for anyone to go thanks to the generosity of Jim and Harriet Cutshall. 

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Tabatha's Guild (Sewing)

Yes, we'll be sewing this Saturday from 2-4pm. Bring your own project or help us with our current sewing projects. Here's what we are working on:

  • CASA would love for us to make some more duffle bags so their foster kids have something more personal and dignified than garbage bags for their personal items. Gigi and Sondra have already made three. We need more!
  • I have a request for us to make some new kids' activity bags.

Our next sewing class with Food Basket guests will be Thursday, September 19 from 1-noon. We'll be sewing tote bags. (see photo at right.)

Reach out to Sondra Griner with any ideas or questions.

last year's duffle bags

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Duffle Bag Instructions
Tote Bag Instructions

The Food Basket

The top needs for August are:

  • Canned Spaghetti sauce (plastic jars or cans)
  • Canned Pinto Beans - 14-16 oz.
  • Canned Mixed Vegetables - 14-16 oz.
  • Canned Tuna and/or Chicken
  • Canned Peaches 14-16 oz.
  • Healthy snack items for kids' treat bags

Online Classes

Make Me an Instrument of Peace: A Guide to Civil Discourse

No matter how far apart two sides are, there are effective strategies to bring people together, this course shows us how.

How many of us have ever prayed, 'Lord make me an instrument of your peace,' then found ourselves in complex and polarized situations that made peace seem impossible?

This course is for you.

Designed by The Episcopal Church's Office of Government Relations and its Department of Faith Formation, Make Me an Instrument is a free, 5-week course designed to help us bridge the divides that keep us from moving forward.


Renovaré Book Club: A Journey of Renewal

Begins September 23, 2024

Runs through April 2025

Life is full and our minds are distracted.

It's hard to find time for deep reading and reflection that forms you in the way of Jesus.

And even if you do make time… What should you read? How can you stay focused? Where can you find others to read with?

We've been there.

That's why we created the Renovaré Book Club.

It's an intentional journey through four carefully selected books to help you create space in your mind and heart for God to work.


Service Opportunities

Sodalis Worship Leaders

Sodalis is seeking someone to come and lead a worship service at least once a month. If you are interested, please reach out to Pastor Robin for more details.

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Sunday's Sermon

FYI. The sounds was off at the very start of the sermon, but it comes back quite quickly.

Around the Diocese

View Camp Allen's 2024 Events

Prayers and Thanksgivings

Thank you God for the prayers you have answered and those you will answer on behalf of our members, our families and friends, and those serving our country. Glory to God!

For healing and peace among the nations of the world, especially Ukraine, Russia, Pakistan, Israel, Gaza, Syria, and Iran.  

For the grace and strength to live into our mission at St. Timothy’s: Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we experience the love of Jesus Christ and share it with others.

May the Holy Spirit be the architect of all we do, bringing laborers and raising up leaders in areas where they will thrive. 

We pray for the special needs, concerns, and thanksgivings of this congregation and community.

We pray especially for members: Alan, Donna and Larry, Lorna, Lauren, Jacob, Richard, Kay, Char, Matthew, Tony, Jim and James, John and Gayle, Kay and Roy, Mary, James, Jake, Denis and Judi, Steve, Michael, Robert, and Linda.

Thank you for the privilege to pray on behalf of friends and families: Gilbert and family, Alisha, Eileen, the Dye family, Sue and Keith, Daryl and family, Levi, Marie, Carrie, Jody, Laryssa, Molly, Ali, Doris, Kaytlynn, Mary, Bruce, Sheral, Megan, Dorothy, Cody, Bill, Greta, Warren and Danee, Betty and family, Rose, Melissa, Brennan, Pam, Annette, Liam and family, Holly, Jane, Kristi, Mita, Alexander, Dustin, Kristi, Hannah, Margaret, Grace, Douglas, Jean, Rebecca, Kellye, Liz, Loorie, Derek, Mary, Eric, Kelly, Jocelyn, Cheryl, Terry, Matt, Kevin, and Claire.

For our men and women serving in the Armed Forces: Cory, Jordan, Brad, Lucas, Annie, Justin, Joseph, Caleb, Ed, Brett, Thea, Jaycob, Cody, and Joshua.

We pray for all who have died, that they may have a place in your eternal Kingdom.

For the diocesan cycle of prayer: Christ the King (Atascocita) in Humble, Good Shepherd in Kingwood, Good Shepherd in Tomball, and the Diocese of Peshawar. 

Birthdays & Anniversaries

Birthdays: Tony Janeshek, Don Kaus, Landon Koury, and Roy McKneely

Anniversaries: Rick and Sondra Griner

Birthday and Anniversary Prayer

O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servants as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in your goodness all the days of their life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

You may donate altar flowers in memory, honor, or celebration of whomever you choose. Select the week of your choice by signing up on the flower chart in the Narthex. The cost is $75 for arrangements on the altar. You may give a check to Jackie (in the office) or put in the offering plate with “flowers” in the memo line.


Growing the Holy Habit of Daily Prayer

There's an App for that!

Our Challenge is to engage in the Way of Love by praying and studying scripture.

For Individuals
Morning & Evening Prayer
For Families


Request Prayer

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.
Philippians 4:6

There are 2 ways for prayer requests to be included in the Prayers of the People during worship and the weekly Blast. Details will remain confidential.
  • Call the office to share your request (979-297-6003).
  • Use the online form found on the church website or scan the QR code found here or in your bulletin.

Whether prayers of supplication or of thanksgiving:
  • Incorporate your personal prayers into worship
  • Use the longer pause during the Prayers of the People for spoken and unspoken prayer 
  • Join a member of the Healing Prayer team at the side chapel after taking communion 

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. 
Matthew 18:20

Bo's Place Grief Support Services

At Bo's Place, we believe that grieving families heal when they share their experiences with each other. We offer free Grief Support Groups in English and Spanish to families and individuals.

If you or someone you know would like information about Bo's Place Grief Support Groups for children, families, and adults, click here or call 713.942.8339.

Round Dance Lessons (Rumba)

Mondays at 7:00 PM

Round Dance lessons continue in the Parish Hall. We are doing a variety of ballroom dances and currently focusing on Rumba. Newbies are welcome as we currently have very low numbers of attendees, you'll get lots of personal instruction. Wear casual clothes with comfortable shoes that slide. Join us for fun exercise and to meet new friends. Cost is $5 per person per lesson approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hours on Mondays starting at 7:00PM. Questions, contact Gigi at 979-529-5887 or stop by and check us out.

Got Announcements?

Submit them Online!

You can submit announcement requests from the St. Timothy's website at www.stimothy.org/announcements.

Please send any new announcements by 5pm Wednesday, so we have time to assemble and format the Blast.

Get our Church Directory

Our digital church directory is a great tool to help you know who's who, associate a name with a face, and reach out to another member. To get started, download the Instant Church Directory app, and log in with the email you provided to the office.

New to St. Timothy's? Have an outdated picture? Take a new picture, and send it in to the office, (office@stimothy.org.)
We accept gifts in a variety of ways including PayPal and SimpleGive.
For your convenience, you may now give via St. Timothy’s PayPal @ https://paypal.me/stimothy200 or the QR code above (There is a small transaction fee to the church for this service)
You may also give your offering via SimpleGive using this link or the QR Code above: https://my.simplegive.com/App/Giving/sttims. (There is a 3% transaction fee to the church for this service)

Current Master Schedule

St. Timothy's Calendar

Our Church Directory App

Dialog Newsletter from our Diocese of Texas-Sign Up Online


Episcopal Diocese of Texas

Safe Church Connection

If you have other suggestions, please let us know.

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