This Week at Midreshet Moriah
Parshat Noach, 13 October, 4 Cheshvan
Our first week of classes in Azaryah 1, Jerusalem.
Dvar Torah:
Parshat Noach
Leora Bednarsh
Lech Lecha - our 5 day 'family' trip for Shana Aleph
"Lech Lecha" brought us as far south as Eilat and then back up to Jerusalem for Thursday and Kfar Etzion for Shabbat. In addition to the fun and educational side of touring Israel, it's often a crucial turning point for many girls, both in terms of making friends and in achieving a stronger sense of focus and direction for the year ahead. The girls have been hiking, swimming, camping, walking, climbing, sleeping in different places most nights, and moving all the time from place to place. We're looking forward to Shabbat together!

Lech Lecha is for Shana Aleph. Shana Bet have their own 2 day trip - see details below
Lecha Lecha Day 1
Lecha Lecha Day 2
Lecha Lecha Day 3
Lecha Lecha Day 4
Shana Bet
Itinerary: Nahal Kibbutzim - water hike, Tzfat- tour from Kabbalah to the modern State, glassblowing in Tzfat, Amuka, Nahal Zavitan - hike in the Golan, Dekarina Chocolate Factory, Har Bental- the Yom Kippur war, Katzrin
Shana Bet Day 1
Shana Bet Day 2
Rina Zinkin (Rakezet) on the birth of a healthy baby boy.
See great photos on our website:

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