This Week at Midreshet Moriah
Rosh Chodesh Kislev
Parshat Toldot, 10 November, 2 Kislev
Yom Iyun
Chesed Day!
R. Jason introducing the program
Dvar Torah:
R. Rafi Rosenblum
Yom Chesed
Miriam Ballin
Founder of the United Hatzalah Psychotrauma & Crisis Response Unit 
Ilana Katz: Spoke about her experiences donating a kidney and her dress gemach
Reena Rosenblum: Founder of Reena's Place which gives girls at risk a place to receive counselling and vocational training.
Ilana Kronenberg: Baalat Chesed and founder of 'Just One Chesed'
Shana Beit Tiyul
Nezer Hazani with Anita Tucker
Shana Aleph Tiyul
to the new area of Efrat - Eitam
digging to prepare the area for a large water reservoir
Mishmar - given by R. Rafi
liiluy nishmat Rachel Aharonoff's father
R. Eitan will be giving a shiur at the Young Israel of Woodmere this Shabbos
between Minchah and Maariv
Bracha, R. Eitan and R. Lerner are in the USA....
The following Brunch and Learning programs are open to everyone including alumnae mothers and mothers of present students.

  • Nov 11th, Brunch and Learning with Bracha, R. Eitan and R. Lerner in Lawrence
  • Nov 18th Brunch and Learning with Bracha, R. Eitan and R. Lerner in Teaneck
In Teaneck, NJ
Please daven for:

Chana Bat Rachel
Rivka bat Roshe
Yonatan Ayeel Avraham ben Eliza Yafa
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