This Week at Midreshet Moriah
Parshat Tsav, March 23rd , 16 Adar Bet
Philosophical Issues in Modern Society with R. Jason Knapel.
We were learning about Amalek- the first nation to attack the Jewish People after the Exodus from Egypt. They are seen as the archetypal enemy of the Jews. We are learning what is so bad about them and how we are supposed to act. The nation of Amalek is long gone, but they live on as the internal enemies that we each battle on a daily basis.
Har Sinai in Hashkafah and Halacha with R. Eli Wagner.
We were learning about different approaches in Halacha to the complicated and sensitive topic of abortion.
Dvar Torah:
R. Jason Knapel
Enjoying class in the sun with R. Shvat: Am Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael.
Mazel Tov Gabi on making aliyah
Purim 5779 ...the first pics
R. Yitzchak (faculty) and Michelle Lerner on the birth of his first grandchild - a boy
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