This Week at Midreshet Moriah
Parashat Ki Tavo, 9 September, 18 Elul
What we learned this week...
With Malka Hubscher:
"Rav Soloveitchik on the Jewish family"
The dynamics between bein adam lamakom and bein adam lechavero .
Through deepening our family relationships we deepen our relationship with G-d.
With Neima Novetsky:
"Talmudic Tales"
Learning an Aggadah about
" ר' אלעזר והמכוער" which touches on why sometimes it is so difficult to both apologise and forgive, what leads us to be insensitive, and the importance of recognising that not everything is always as it seems.
Dvar Torah:
Parshat Ki Tavo
Rabbi YY Wenglin
Our first "Melaveh Malkeh" of the year...led by Michal!
On Sunday night we opened with a Melave Malka after the late night Beis which included Divrei Torah, saying Tehillim together and dancing. It was a great way to kick off the late night Beit Midrash program and an inspirational way to end the first full day of classes.

Shana Bet Trip to the
'Museum of Underground Prisoners'
Yom Kef in Har Nof
Before our volunteering starts after Succot we decided to spend time together doing something fun to continue getting to know each other.

Half the time was a zumba class led by Michal Gruen and the other half was spent working on a collage for their dorm room door. 
Dear Parents of Midreshet Moriah Students:

Shana tovah! We wish your daughters a wonderful year in Israel! 

We wanted to introduce ourselves. We are Rahel (Danzger) Yaish and Tamar (Parness) Lustman. We are both alumni of Midreshet Moriah, and co-owners of  Candy Corner, your one-stop-shop for gifts in Israel.

Candy Corner has just kicked off a new program this year -  The Shabbat Gifts Program. Our program is designed for students studying in Israel this year. Parents can pre-order gifts for their children to bring to their host families for shabbos. To learn more about it, click here :
Kever Rachel
R. Eitan's house BBQ & hafrashat terumah from fresh grapes
Looking forward to a great year!!
Student spotlight - to follow
Rav Ari Shvat (faculty) on the birth of a grandson
to Shlomtzion and Zuriel Bloch
Shoshi Weinstein ('10-'11) on her marriage to Hillel Davis
Sharon Cohen Sokol ('12-'13) & Mottie Sokol on the birth of their son - Ari
Please Daven For..
Noam ben Mattel Shifra
Perel Leah bat Chana Raizel
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