This Week at Midreshet Moriah
Parshat Tazria, April 6th , 30 Adar Bet
Bottom Line Halachah with R. Lerner:
We were learning the intricate laws of Pesach.
Heroes and Heroines in Tanach with Sepha:
We were learning about Hagar and the power of holding onto our Emunah during difficult moments
Dvar Torah:
R. Rafi Rosenblum
Bracha Krohn took her haggadah class to meet David Moss, hear about his artwork and go through some of his famous haggadahs with him! It was so inspiring, meaningful and fascinating. The girls were amazed!!
David's Diary with Sepha: Visiting the Tomb of King David
Second Alumnae Shiur with Michal Porat-Zibman
Kollelumnae Shiur #2
Bracha (faculty) and Adi Krohn on their son's
enlistment to the IDF
Zavi Lava ('17 - '18) - on her enlistment to the IDF
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