This Week at Midreshet Moriah
Parshat Tetzaveh March 7, 11 Adar
Philosophical Issues in Modern Society with R. Jason Knapel:
We were learning what our attitude should be towards Jews who are not yet frum. How do we invite them in? What are the boundaries?
Interpersonal Aseret Ha-Dibrot with R. Eli Wagner:
We were discussing the value of life and whether an unborn baby has the same life value.
Devar Torah:
Jodie Herszaft
Color War breakout
on election day
Baking hamantaschen with R. Rafi
Inspiration in the Parshah with R. Eli
Mishmar this week
with R. Rafi
Shabbat at Batsheva's (Rakezet)
Shabbat at Leora's
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