This Week at Midreshet Moriah
Parashat Nitzavim / Vayeilech, 16 September, 25 Elul
What we learned this week...
With Rav Jason Knapel
"Philosophical Issues in Modern Society"
Teaching Judaism's position on doubt and questioning. Beginning with analyzing the Rambam and then moving to R. Saadya Gaon.
With Rav Eli Wagner:
"See You at Sinai"
Discussing the Jews' responsibility towards setting an example for the rest of the world. And teaching that unity is a prerequisite to our acceptance of the Torah.
Dvar Torah:
Parshat Nitzavim - Vayeilech
Bracha Krohn
In the Beit Medrash...
CnC (Chavrutot and Chaburot)
with Rav Berglas
Meeting with Rakezet,
Rina Zinkin
Fun in the shade with bowling in Talpiot
Chesed Orientation
Coordinated by Dina Terebelo - our Eim Bayit
At our Chesed Orientation we discussed the different possibilities available to the girls this year. We invited organisations to speak personally about how the girls could make a difference to them.
Thursday night Mishmar
Mishmar Brachot
Mishmar with R. Rafi
Student spotlight - to follow
Rav Lerner (faculty) on the Bar Mitzvah of his son Yehuda
Avital Listman ('15-'17) on her engagment to David Lauer
(Ashley Lauer's - '15-'17- brother)
Yael (Hausdorff)('12-'14) and Sammy Beckerman
on the birth of a baby girl! 
Aviva Witkin Akerib - alumna from our very first Midreshet Class ('87 - '88) on the birth of a granddaughter Ahuva to Ephraim & Shana Bayla Akerib and the marriage of their son, Yosef Akerib to Rusy Jacobs
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