This Week at
Midreshet Moriah
Parshat Toldot Nov. 29, Rosh Chodesh Kislev

From Adam to Avraham with Rav Eitan Mayer: Learning about the deterioration of mankind that led to the mabul.

Dysfunctional Families in Tanach with Neima Novetsky: Learning about whether or not the Avot kept the Mitzvot of the Torah. How could the Avot keep the Torah before it was given? But if they didn't, what made them "Jewish"?
Devar Torah:
Parshat Toldot

Rav Rafi Rosenblum
Midmo Staff connecting
with the Students
Tiyyul to the historic neighborhood Nachlaot with Rav Aryeh Levine's Grandson
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Yael Greenbaum ('17-'18) on her engagement

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