This Week @ MC3

May 27, 2024

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This Week's Highlights

  • Help provide the potluck dinner for Jessica and Caleb's wedding on June 1

  • No Wednesday-night activities this week

  • New sermons series, "Abundant Life," begins this Sunday

Volunteer now to serve at Vacation Bible School

We're super-excited about the return of Vacation Bible School at MC3. This is a great opportunity to share the gospel with children ages 3 through rising sixth graders.

We need volunteers--not to mention children--to make the event successful!

Please register your child(ren) and volunteer to serve using the links below.

Click here to Register Your Child(ren)
Click here to Volunteer to Serve

A word from Art

Sermon Title: The Passover and Jesus

Scripture: John 10:10

Did you know God told the Israelites to remember certain events and miracles by having a party? I might even go so far to say that one of the reasons we love a good party is because our creator, God, loves a good party!  So, if you’ve ever thought that God was some “cosmic party-pooper,” then you couldn’t be more wrong. God wants us to get together and celebrate Him and live . . . an Abundant Life! In John 10:10, Jesus says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came so that they would have life, and have it abundantly.” God wants us to have a blast in this life, to live this life abundantly! 

If you’re not quite convinced that God loves to party, you don’t have to look much further than the Old Testament festivals and feasts that God set up for the Israelites in the wilderness. And the crazy thing is, these festivals and feasts were a foreshadowing of Jesus and how He would ultimately bring us Abundant Life! Over the next two months, we will examine seven Jewish Feasts and how they point directly to Jesus. So get your party hats on and join us Sunday as we unpack the Passover Festival.


Please bring your favorite side dish for the potluck supper and reception


May 28 - 7:00 p.m. - Pray with the Preacher (at the church building) (via Zoom Meeting ID: 814 1163 6733) (No childcare available for this event)

June 1 - 6 p.m. - Wedding of Jessica Byrne and Caleb Stansberry at the church (RSVP) (Bring your favorite side dish for the potluck reception)

June 2 - 9:30 a.m. - Faith Builders C-Group (downstairs meeting room) (taught by David McGaughey and Donna Dukett)

June 2 - 9:30 a.m. - The Bible Recap Discussion Group (Art's office) (Facilitated by Anita Carver and Keri Duncan)

June 2 - 10:30 a.m. - Sunday Worship (Coffee & donuts at 10) Access live online through MC3.Life,  Facebook or YouTube

June 5 - 6:30 p.m. - MC3 Youth Hangout Night at the church

June 10-11 - 6:30-8:15 p.m. - Vacation Bible School at the Church (SIGN UP TO HELP) and (Register Your Child(ren)

Attendance and Giving

Sunday's Attendance


Sunday's offerings


YTD Offerings


Give your tithes and offerings here

Or mail your offering to:

MC3 Church

4415 Stone Mountain Hwy

Lilburn, GA 30047

Or give via ZELLE using

MC3 Church | 770.783.1035 | |

4415 Stone Mountain Hwy, Lilburn, GA 30047


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