A look at popular author Robin DiAngelo's newest book, "Nice Racism", a timely resource for readers who think niceness is enough to interrupt racism. Dave VanArsdale presents. Drop-In Discussions are virtual! We meet on Tuesday nights from 6:30-7:30pm. Look on the First Universalist homepage for details and a link, or click the Zoom meeting link on the title of this blurb!
Weekly Midweek Meditation sessions are back up each Wednesday at 11:30am! Look on the
First Universalist homepage for details and a link!
Oct. 16 | Drop off Food for Others; Pick up Food for Thought!
On October 16 from 11am to noon the food cupboard volunteers and the Library Committee are combining to make the church parking lot into a gathering place for bringing food for the Nester Street food cupboard and picking up (for buying or borrowing) the Rochester Reads selection Book “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer, who shares her indigenous wisdom.
Oct. 22-23 | NYS Convention of Universalists
Did you know that the NYS Convention of Universalists is meeting in Oneonta, NY on October 22 & 23, and that you are welcome to attend? The Keynote speaker is Dr. Gretchen Sorin speaking about "
Bridges and Boundaries: African Americans and American Jews." There will also be two Workshop Sessions.
Here is a link to the convention flyer.
Would you like to be a delegate from our congregation? You can attend meetings either in person, by Zoom or with a mail-in ballot. Our congregation can send up to four delegates, so please let the Nominating Committee know if you are interested by emailing
nomcom@uuroc.org. The Board of Trustees hopes to select delegates at their October 13 meeting.
--Charlie Courtsal
Oct. 24 | Exploring the History of Eugenics in Rochester and at First Universalist Church
Shane Wiegand is coming to do a presentation about his recent research into the history of eugenics in Rochester and at First Universalist Church. This presentation is part of the educational work the church is doing to address racial injustice. Please join us virtually on Sunday, October 24 at 2pm for an engaging presentation and for the conversation that follows.
Nov. 6 | Leadership Assembly: New Date!
Are you a current church leader or perhaps a future church leader? Please plan to attend First Universalist’s annual Leadership Assembly on Saturday morning, November 6. (This date is different than previously announced to avoid conflicting with NYSCU’s annual meeting.) While our bylaws define leaders as committee chairs, your Board of Trustees welcomes a broader definition and seeks to nurture future leaders. We invite you to identify as a leader and come!
From the Finance Team: Giving during our combined services with First Unitarian
During our joint services, the plate collection will be managed by our friends at First Unitarian. They will handle the joint social justice plate offerings (listen for announcements about which organizations are the recipients). We very much appreciate First Unitarian’s hospitality, and for regular Sundays, we have offered (and they gratefully accepted) to have the whole cash plate donation go to them to assist with their expenses (including the rental of the tent).
If you would like to make pledge payments or plate donations directly to First Universalist, please mail a check to the church, or give online at uuroc.org. Please do not place checks for First Universalist in the plate at our joint services, as those may not get to us in a timely fashion. Thanks so much!
-Ann Rhody, Finance Committee Chair
Small Group Ministry Openings: Opportunities for Connection
Small Group Ministry is designed to foster connection, caring, spiritual growth and development, and to strengthen the fabric of our church community by exploring various topics.
Participants commit to attending a series of about six sessions. Sometimes, individuals continue with the same group for longer periods of time. Each group is led by a trained facilitator and will meet either via Zoom or outside in someone's yard.
Three of our Small Group Ministry groups have openings for new members starting immediately!
- 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 7pm
- Every other Monday at 1pm
- Every other Thursday at 7pm
Interested in joining a group? Take a look at the description on our website (
uuroc.org) under the “Connect” tab, and complete the
survey regarding your interest and availability. Email questions to Rev. Michelle at