Join us this Sunday
10:30 a.m. Service:  Breakfast Church.  A fun gathering of food and fellowship in the Clara Barton Lounge on Christmas morning.  

Drop-in Discussion:  There will be no drop-in discussion this Sunday.
Upcoming Events
Need a midweek space to relax as holiday busyness begins to fill up our days? You are invited to join Rev. Celie and office manager Melissa Davies from noon to 1 on Wednesdays, December 21st. Come listen to live cello music, enjoy a cup of coffee and a snack, and relax with the popular practice of mandala-coloring. A variety of designs will be provided; no art experience necessary. Church and community members welcome.  

If you are planning on attending the Christmas Eve service, please consider sharing a dozen of your favorite Christmas cookies, homemade or store bought.  Please let Tom Williams know at or 663-4362.  Thank You.

Cozy Night Supper - Dec. 30
The December 30th Cozy Night Supper will be a potluck but otherwise follows our usual format of dinner at 5:30, program at 6:30 and clean-up at 7:30!! The RSVP lets us know how many tables to set up and materials to prepare.  This program centers around the 6th UU Source, Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature. Let us know by signing up on the Adult Education Board in the Clara Barton Lounge or by contacting Kathy Russell that you will be bringing your favorite dish and holiday spirit.
Do you know the seven "R's" of sustainable living?

The EcoJuustice Group is helping us rethink the way we use and dispose of everyday items; to be mindful of consumption, our earth, and our relationship to things. Over the next few weeks, they would like to share with you the seven R's of sustainable living: 

#6 - RE-GIFT: Share, and be a part of the gift economy. 

#5 - REPAIR: Fix or upgrade your objects rather than throwing them away.

#4 - RE-USE: Share with others.  Find new uses for old objects. 

#3 - REDUCE consumption of energy and materials. 

#2 - REFUSE:  Don't consume what you don't need to. 

#1 - RECYCLE:  Close the loop and remake.  

Additional Announcements

CHRISTMAS EVE OFFERING:  Bridge Home will be the recipient of our Christmas Eve plate collection. Bridge Home, 59 Ontario Street, is this winter's temporary shelter for chronically homeless persons, established once again through R.E.A.C.H. Thank you for helping them enjoy a cozy bed and a warm meal, especially during the snow and the cold, with love.

MITTEN TREE:  We will once again be collecting items to decorate our mitten tree with. Please bring in store-bought, handmade, or barely used mittens, gloves, scarves and hats to place either under the tree or just on the chancel floor to the right. All adult and children's sizes are needed. Donations will be gratefully accepted until Christmas, after which they will be distributed to School 7 and the homeless.  Thank you! 

BOOK GROUP: The next Book Group will meet on January 29th, 2017 (no December meeting) to discuss Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. There are lots of copies in the library, so enjoy your read and we will see you in January.

START THE YEAR RIGHT WITH RAIHN:  January 1-8 will be our next RAIHN* Week when we will house and feed temporarily homeless families at our church. We have some spots available for new volunteers and also the opportunity to "shadow" experienced volunteers. See Chris DeGolyer after the Sunday service or contact her at  *Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network: keeping families together. Getting families home for good.

TAMPON DRIVE:  Tampons needed for homeless women living on the streets. Your ongoing donations of boxes of pads or tampons, monthly, would be greatly appreciated. Our Homelessness Task Force will get them to the housing-first program,, for distribution. Many thanks, Lois Baum ~

2017 AUCTION:  The clock is ticking - and Auction time is coming! The big event is February 5th after the Sunday service, but NOW is the time to plan!  Think about what you might like to donate to the auction - perhaps a dinner, service, or unique item. Donation forms (and donations on our website, will be available by early January.  Contact Paula Marchese ( with questions.

USHERS & GREETERS NEEDED: If  you can help out, please send an e-mail to The top 5 reasons to volunteer:

  1.  It’s Short! You only have to serve for one Sunday at a time.
  2.  It’s Fun! You get to meet and greet friendly and interesting visitors and members.
  3.  It’s Supported! You always have help from more experienced ushers/greeters.
  4.  It’s Important! You’re the first to welcome new visitors.
  5.  It’s Appreciated! The congregation  is grateful for your service.

WEATHER-RELATED CLOSINGS:  In the event that the Rochester City Schools are closed due to weather, the church office will also be closed that day.

To submit an item for "This Week at First Universalist", e-mail  no later than Thursday at noon.  

Rev. Celie Katovitch, Minister

Rev. Michelle Yates, Director of Life Span Faith Development

Stacey Yang, Director of Music

Melissa Davies, Office Administrator
150 S. Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14604 | (585) 546-2826 |