Join us this Sunday
10:00 a.m. Service:  Never Read an IEP Ahead of TimeMy mother always told me “Take people as you find them”. We will explore the importance of encountering other people, and the world itself on our own terms. Peter House, summer minister.

11:15 a.m. Drop-in Discussion:  American Nations.  Janus Mary Jones will lead a discussion of the ideas in American Nations: A History of the Eleven Regional Cultures of North America.
Upcoming Events
RAIHN Challenge Extended!

UPDATE:  We are excited to report that we have already reached our initial goal of $1,500!  Wow!!  Since we reached our goal so quickly, the challenge has been extended to $2,000.  

To donate, please make your check payable to First Universalist Church and note “RAIHN Challenge” in the memo line.

THANK YOU for your generous contributions!  

About the RAIHN Challenge:  A kind friend of First Universalist has offered a generous challenge to help us host our RAIHN guests!  Our friend will match every donation to the RAIHN Discretionary Fund, up to $2,000.  If this challenge is fully realized, our fund could increase by $4,000, which would help us to provide more comfort, care, and support for those we serve during our RAIHN host weeks. 
Office Administrator (Temporary)

Our Office Administrator will be out on maternity leave at the end of October and we are looking for someone to fill in for  about eight weeks, starting around Oct 8, 2017. The job is 25 hours per week, from Tuesday to Friday. Please e-mail  for a copy of the job description.  Resume, references and a cover letter should be send to to .  Interviews will take place in September.  Please note:  Members of First Universalist Church are not eligible to apply.
Additional Announcements

LIBRARY SUMMER SCHEDULE:  Change of plans! The church library and bookstore will be closed until Sept. 10 so as not to get in the way of the renovation of the Clara Barton room. But feel free to take reading material from the free books box, the free magazine exchange rack and the free children's book shelf.

SOCKS &TOWELS SUMMER DONATIONS:  "Homeless Heartbeats" (formerly called Homelessness Task Force) is collecting: SOCKS and TOWELS (used OR new) for footwashing at House of Mercy. There, our own Kate Fleury joins others in washing the feet of those who walk the streets. A soothing foot wash makes such a difference ... for health as well as comfort. Let's help out!  Please donate as you are able:
* Socks and/or Towels (used OR new) ~ any size, any color
* Clara Barton Lounge ~ place in box labeled for this drive
* We will collect all summer long.  HH members will deliver your donations directly to the new House of Mercy on Ormond Street.
Your compassion is greatly appreciated! 

~Lois Baum, Chair

Homeless Heartbeats (formerly Homelessness Task Force)

Living Our Values, Making A Difference
Journey to Justice workshop attendees (l to r) Karen Ruganis, Beth Ares, Harvey Rothbeind, Phyllis Bentley(foreground), Janet Rothbeind (background), Connie Valk and Eric Van Dusen were among 35 members and friends who listened to Jon Greenbaum  from Roc/ACTS (not pictured) explain the racist aspects of dog whistle politics on June 10th.

 (l to r) The Rev. Peggy Meeker, Peter Perine, Marie Sidoti, Thomas DeMond Sr. (Roc/ACTS Boa rd President), Paula Marchese and Heather Jones worked on a planning task during the Journey to Justice workshop on racism in our Clara Barton lounge .

Photographer: Newcomb Losh
To submit an item for "This Week at First Universalist", e-mail no later than Thursday at noon.  

Peter House, Summer  Minister

Rev. Michelle Yates, Director of Life Span Faith Development

Stacey Yang, Director of Music

Melissa Davies, Office Administrator
150 S. Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14604 | (585) 546-2826 |