Join us this Sunday
10:30 a.m. Service:  Earth Day Sunday. Join us for a service featuring story, song, creativity, and a skit by our green group, EcoJuustice. We’ll consider the many ways the earth gives us life, and learn some actions we can take to preserve the life we share. Rev. Celie Katovitch.

9:15 a.m. Drop-in Discussion:  Friendship.  What are the characteristics of a true friend?  How do you make friends?  How do you lose friends?  How important is friendship.  Phil Ebersole will lead a discussion.  
Upcoming Events
UU Common Read Book Discussion - April 20

April 20th, May 4th, & May 18th from 6-8pm in the Chalice Room.

The Third Reconstruction: Moral Mondays, Fusion Politics, and the Rise of a New Justice Movement, by Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II with Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove. The book tells the story of the Moral Mondays movement, and embeds the current movement in the larger story of racial and economic justice movements since the Civil War. Books can be purchased or ordered through the church bookstore. Facilitated by Rev. Michelle Yates, Phil Ebersole, and Suzie Gutierrez. Please contact Rev. Michelle at with questions and interest.

Remembering Jim Eckberg - April 22

Members and friends of the congregation will have an opportunity to support Jim's wife, Eunice, by contributing items for the reception following the Memorial Service on Saturday, April 22nd at 1:00 PM.  If you would like to donate cookies or "finger foods", please contact Katherine Flynn at  585-363-5401 or If you would like to help in other ways, please contact Paul Marchese at

Piano Premier Recital - April 23

Our Very Own Keith Stott will premier his latest composition, Sonata No. 3, Impressionist, on Sunday, April 23rd at 1:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. For just $10 you will hear a world premier and benefit church programs. All are welcome.

Additional Announcements

WE'LL BUILD A LAND: STEWARDSHIP 2017 -  Thank you, thank you,  for helping Build the Land… The Beloved Community… with your pledges!  Most of our members and friends have returned pledge cards for the 2017-18 fiscal year. If we have missed you, it’s not too late! Please return your pledge card today, or pledge online at

REV. CELIE EXTENDED OFFICE HOURS: Over the next three months, I will be offering extended community office hours at differing locations and times, in addition to my usual office hours at Java’s. This month's will take place on Tuesday, April 18th, from 2-4 at Stir Coffee in Irondequoit. It is okay to come with something in particular that is on your mind, or just to talk without any specific agenda. Please know that I am available to meet one-on-one well. 

DONATIONS NEEDED! (extended until April 30):  Homeless shelter, House of Mercy, has opened its new, permanent location at 285 Ormond Street. Their residents are in need... kindly donate SCRUBS or SWEATS ~ new or gently used; any size. We will collect them in a box in Clara Barton Lounge ~ by April 30th. Volunteers from our Homelessness Task Force will deliver them to the Ormond St shelter. The generosity of this wonderful church is so greatly appreciated.  ~Lois Baum, HTF Chair,

BOOK GROUP: The book selection for April is The Enchanted by Rene Denfeld. Please join us on April 30th at 12 noon in the Chalice Room on the second floor.  You don't have to have read the book, hopefully our stimulating conversation will inspire you to do so! Contact Sarah Singal ( or Shirley Bond ( with questions.

INTERFAITH IMPACT ADVOCACY DAY:  Interfaith Impact of NYS invites members and friends of First Universalist to participate in its annual Advocacy Day in Albany, Monday, May 1st, 9:30am - 3:00pm. Registration is free, but please let us know you’re coming so we can organize teams (email your name, address, e-mail and congregation to Main issues to be addressed are green energy (Climate Change and Community Protection Act), HALT (Solitary Confinement Act) and health care for all (New York Health Act). For car pool information or if you have questions, contact Dick Gilbert at 244-7403 or 738-8229 or

JOIN US FOR AN AFTERNOON OF GAMES!  UUnAMOR (pronounced you-nah-more) is hosting a little party for you, with various games, accompanied by some yummy Vegan snacks. $10 each to support our church, please pay to the office.  We would love to have you join us ‒ let's have some fun! (Note the DATE CHANGE FROM 4/29... instead now to:
Saturday, May 6th, from 1:00-3pm, in Clara Barton Lounge.)
Contact Lois Baum,

A CAR IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR A HOME: Help Put the Brakes on Family Homelessness.  RAIHN Car City 2017, May 6-7, is a fundraiser as well as a way to shed light on homelessness in Rochester. Teams and families sleep in their cars overnight at Asbury Methodist after an evening of activities, including Car-aoke, a sundae bar and bedtime Yoga as well as a panel of RAIHN graduates sharing their experiences. If you don’t want to sleep in your car but want to support RAIHN Car City, join my Team VirtUUal.  Simply CLICK HERE.  Your support in any amount will be gratefully received and will directly help families get home for good.

FLOWER COMMUNION: This year, our beloved UU ritual of Flower Communion will take place on Sunday, June 4th. The same Sunday, there will also be an opportunity for a Child Dedication. Dedication is a beautiful UU ritual of blessing that welcomes children into the life of the congregation. If you would like your child to participate, please let Rev. Celie know ( by May 21st.

UUA GENERAL ASSEMBLY: The UUA General Assembly will be held in New Orleans this year from June 21st ‒ 25th. Details are on the UUA website at Everyone who has gone raves about what a wonderful experience it is. If you are interested in attending, please speak with Shirley Bond and she will answer your questions or point you in the right direction.

To submit an item for "This Week at First Universalist", e-mail no later than Thursday at noon.  

Rev. Celie Katovitch, Minister

Rev. Michelle Yates, Director of Life Span Faith Development

Stacey Yang, Director of Music

Melissa Davies, Office Administrator
150 S. Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14604 | (585) 546-2826 |