Join us this Sunday
10:30 a.m. Service:  Music Sunday.  First Universalist Music Director, Stacey Yang, invites you to join us for our annual Music Sunday.  The choir will present a program by music masters, both old and new, and will include various solo and ensemble performances.  We look forward to seeing you there!

9:15 a.m. Drop-in Discussion:  Life With Trump.  We’ll talk about why Donald Trump won and what a Trump presidency will mean.  People of all political opinions are invited to take part.  Phil Ebersole will facilitate.
Upcoming Events
ROC the Day - Tuesday, Nov. 29th

First Universalist will once again be participating in ROC the Day on November 29th (Giving Tuesday). This is a 24-hour, online event that provides people an opportunity to support non-for-profit organizations doing great work in the Rochester community, like us! You can help us by getting the word out!

  • Follow us on Twitter (@UURoc) and retweet our ROC the Day tweets!
Need a midweek space to relax as holiday busyness begins to fill up our days? You are invited to join Rev. Celie and office manager Melissa Davies from noon to 1 on Wednesdays, December 7th, 14th, & 21st. Come listen to some meditative music, enjoy a cup of coffee and a snack, and relax with the popular practice of mandala-coloring. A variety of designs will be provided; no art experience necessary. Church and community members welcome.  
Social Justice Task Force Update
Our Social Justice Task Force has been hard at work over the past months collecting information and developing a comprehensive plan for First Universalist.  They are nearing the end of their work.  At our meeting on December 14th, Eric Van Dusen, Connie Valk and Dick  Gilbert will be joining the Board of Trustees to present and discuss their plan.  A date will be set for a congregational meeting soon after that to share the results with all of you.  This has been a much larger undertaking that originally anticipated.  We thank our “gang of three” for their hard work and dedication to this task, and you for your patience and understanding as we work to find a more focused process for Social Justice work for our congregation.
Do you know the seven "R's" of sustainable living?

The EcoJuustice Group is helping us rethink the way we use and dispose of everyday items; to be mindful of consumption, our earth, and our relationship to things. Over the next few weeks, they would like to share with you the seven R's of sustainable living: 

#3 - REDUCE consumption of energy and materials.  Borrow or rent items that are used infrequently, like camping gear, tools, and party accessories. Check out books from your local library instead of purchasing them. Save food jars to store small household items and bulk food products, instead of buying special containers. Get creative with gift wrapping - try using old calendars, catalogs, maps, and newspapers. Try these tips for using the food you have, shopping wisely, and keeping food fresh longer.

#2 - REFUSE:  Don't consume what you don't need to. 

#1 - RECYCLE:  Close the loop and remake.  

Additional Announcements

HOLIDAY COLLECTION FOR FIRST UNIVERSALIST STAFF:  The plate collection on December 11th will be used for holiday bonuses for our staff at First Universalist in appreciation of the wonderful work they do. Please give generously.

CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS:  Please help make the sanctuary beautiful for our Christmas Eve service by ordering a poinsettia plant for $8. The Caring Committee will be taking orders on December 4th and 11th after the service in the Clara Barton Lounge.  Please specify whether you will take the plant home after the Christmas Eve service or donate it to Hospice.  If you'd like to dedicate the plant in memory or honor of someone, we'll list his/her name in the Christmas Eve insert.  

RAIHN HOLIDAY WISH LIST: Graduating from homelessness to one's own place is thrilling, but it doesn't leave much in the piggy bank for holiday gifts.  Gift cards are always welcome, especially cards from Price Rite and Walmart as they are very useful for families needing one-stop shopping.  Gift cards also empower the parents to choose some gifts themselves.  You can send gift cards to the RAIHN Day Center, 34 Meigs Street, Rochester 14607, or give to Marti Eggers any time.  Thanks!

YOUTH GROUP & BRIDGING GROUP:  Youth Group (9th-12th graders or home school equivalent) and Bridging Group (ages 17/18 through 20) have starting meeting on alternate Sunday afternoons. Please visit for a list of dates.

BOOK GROUP: We know that there will be tremendous disappointment concerning the fact that there is no book group meeting in December! However, the good news is we have a book selected for January 29th, 2017! The title is Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. This is a modern immigration story about a young woman who leaves Nigeria and her loved ones for a life in America. Twists and turns abound. There are lots of copies in the library, so enjoy your read and we will see you in January.

START THE YEAR RIGHT WITH RAIHN:  January 1-8 will be our next RAIHN* Week when we will house and feed temporarily homeless families at our church. We have some spots available for new volunteers and also the opportunity to "shadow" experienced volunteers. See Chris DeGolyer after the Sunday service or contact her at  *Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network: keeping families together. Getting families home for good.

WEEKLY PEACE VIGIL:   You are invited to participate in a weekly, non-violent peace vigil on Sundays from 12-1 on the corner of Goodman St. and East Ave., near the Rochester Museum & Science Center.  For questions, please contact Hal Bauer at 335-2623.

PARKING SAFETY:  This is a reminder for those who park in nearby garages to not leave valuables in your car, even if it is locked. 

WEATHER-RELATED CLOSINGS:  In the event that the Rochester City Schools are closed due to weather, the church office will also be closed that day.

To submit an item for "This Week at First Universalist", e-mail  no later than Thursday at noon.  

Rev. Celie Katovitch, Minister

Rev. Michelle Yates, Director of Life Span Faith Development

Stacey Yang, Director of Music

Melissa Davies, Office Administrator
150 S. Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14604 | (585) 546-2826 |