Join us this Sunday
10:30 a.m. Service: Entering The Dark . As we enter the darkest part of the year and the season of winter lights and holy days, we will remember and honor the changes and losses that have come into our lives this past year, seeking blessing from the circles of life and death, light and dark.
The Reverend Peggy Meeker    

STAFF HOLIDAY BONUSES COLLECTION: Every year this congregation chooses to honor our staff with a monetary gift to express our deep appreciation for all they do to support the mission of our church. To Nurture the Spirit and Serve the Community. Today's collection will do that. Thank you for your caring generosity.

December 3. Drop-In Discussion - Giving to Beggars . Is it right or wrong to give money to panhandlers? We'll share our thoughts. Phil Ebersole will facilitate. If you wish to have a topic discussed or, better still, are willing to lead a discussion, speak to Phil Ebersole. :15 a.m.: Drop in discussion.

11:30 a. m. Holiday Poinsettias: O rders for Poinsettias will be taken following this Sunday's service December 3. The cost is $8 each. If you provide an “in memory of” name when you purchase the plant, the names will be included in the December 24th Order of Service. Following the Christmas Eve service you can take your plant home with you, or leave it at the church to be distributed by the Caring Committee.

Upcoming Events

A COZY NIGHT SUPPER will be held Friday, December 29th from 5:30-7:30 pm in the Clara Barton Lounge. Our potluck dinner will be from 5:30-6:30 pm. The program from 6:30-7:30 pm will be informative and will be led by our ECOJustice Group.  A sign-up sheet is on the hall bulletin board, or RSVP to Kathy Russell. All are welcome!
There is no Book Group December 31. January's selection is " A World Lit By Fire " by William Manchester, and February offers us " The Reluctant Fundamentalist " by Soshin Hamid. Questions to Shirley Bond or Sarah Singal.

During RAIHN Week, January 7-14, 2018 , we will turn our church into a home for temporarily homeless families by converting our classrooms into bedrooms, cooking meals, staying overnight, washing bedding, and providing other help. To join our volunteer team, sign-up in the lounge after church on Sunday, or contact Chris DeGolyer, chrisdeg@frontiernet. If you would like to learn more before volunteering, we have opportunities to "shadow" experienced volunteers.

Tuesday evening, December 5th, from 5-9 PM, is a fine time to do Christmas shopping at One World Goods in Pittsford Plaza. A portion of your purchase will benefit RAIHN as well as our global neighbors. While you're there, eat at Benucci's Italian Ristorante (reservations suggested: 585-264-1300), and 20% of your check (excluding tip and tax) will go to RAIHN. Questions? Ask Chris DeGolyer, Marti Eggers, or Sarah Singal after the Sunday service.
* RAIHN = Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network : Keeping families together.
Getting families home for good.

The Luunch Buunch is an informal gathering of folks from First Universalist at a local restaurant about one Sunday a month. The December 10th gathering will be at Flavors of Asia, and on January 7th it will be held at Pita in College Town. Everyone is welcome! Please contact Joyce Gilbert with any suggestions for other restaurants.


  We want to start a new daytime SGM, and need to know who is interested and the day of the week that is best for you. When we get a critical number, a group would meet every two weeks in the afternoon of the selected day at the home of Connie Valk, located near the zoo. Contact Connie Valk or Bob Remley with your interest and availability.


Our September Cookbook sale was so successful that we plan to have another during coffee hour on December 10 . Jan Hickman and others will provide high-quality cookbooks for sale at bargain prices. The books will be available for sale one time only. Proceeds go to the church.
Also, remember the church bookstore has used books for sale for 50¢ each and new the UUA Bookstore has books for sale at half price. The bookstore also has a shelf of free children's and young adult books, a box of other free books, and a free magazine exchange.

Held this coming Sunday, Dec 3 , at 12:00 pm in the Choir Room (room 25, second floor). Join us for an informal informational gathering especially designed for visitors and friends who want to know more about us and our liberal religious movement. This roughly 45 minute get-together offers attendees an opportunity to get to know one another and this congregation better, and includes a quick overview of Unitarian Universalist history and principles.

  Eastman at Washington Square Every Thursday, lunchtime concerts take place right here at First Universalist. The concerts begin at 12:15 PM and end at approximately 12:45 PM. Brown bag lunches are welcome during the performances, and admission is free. For more information and the Fall 2017 performance schedule visit .

It's Coming: Auction 2018! Our annual service auction is scheduled for Sunday, February 4th , after the service. Donation forms will be available on the church's website in early January, so you can spend your December dreaming of what you can bring to the auction table! Be part of the fun by donating a service, item, or experience; by volunteering to help, and of course, by attending the auction and participating! Contact Paula Marchese for information.

Family Night!
Friday, December 8, 6-8 pm. Parents and children are invited to share dinner, a brief family worship, activity/craft for kids and discussion groups for parents and older kids. Our planned topic will be "What to Do with the Holidays?"

Do you have any burning questions or topics you would like to discuss with other UU parents? Are there any theological questions your kids have been asking or wrestling with? Let Rev. Michelle Yates know this for future gatherings.

Food will be provided so please rsvp so we have an idea of numbers. Please also let Rev. Michelle know if you have food allergies or restrictions at

Illuminating Justice Film and Discussion Series

On the second Sunday of the month through April 2018, one or several film clips on a justice issue will be shown in the sanctuary after service at 12:45pm. Films will last no longer than 45 minutes to leave time for discussion. Please email Rev. Michelle Yates with film, clip, or documentary ideas at December 10 - Racism in Art & Media, January 14 - Justice and Health Care.
February 11th, March 11th, and April 8th, 2018 - Topic TBA.

Additional Announcements
To submit an item for "This Week at First Universalist", e-mail  no later than Thursday at noon.   
The Reverend Peggy Meeker, Minister

Rev. Michelle Yates, Director of Life Span Faith Development

Stacey Yang, Director of Music

Andrea Lewis, Office Administrator

150 S. Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14604 | (585) 546-2826 |