Join us this Sunday
10:00 a.m. Service:  The Trap of Top-Of-The-Line AppliancesIn a culture of unlimited wealth, we are drowning in choices. In the midst of this great abundance, most of us can no longer distinguish between needs and wants. This Sunday, we will focus on how to shift our perspectives and free ourselves of baggage. Peter House, summer minister.

11:15 a.m. Drop-in Discussion:  Epicureanism (originally scheduled for August 20)The Athenian philosopher Epicurus is the first philosopher to be an avowed atheist.  He taught that it was possible to be happy without wealth, luxury, hope of heaven or faith in the Greek and Roman gods.  Phil Ebersole will lead a discussion of his philosophy.
Upcoming Events
RAIHN Challenge Update

Thanks to your generous donations, we have surpassed our $2,000 goal!  THANK YOU to everyone who gave, and to our matching donation contributor.

Although the matching challenge has been realized, we always welcome contributions to the RAIHN Discretionary Fund,  or any of the church's other special purpose funds.  Please contact Finance Chair Ann Rhody ( if you'd like more information.

About the RAIHN Challenge:  A kind friend of First Universalist offered a generous challenge to help us host our RAIHN guests!  They matched every donation to the RAIHN Discretionary Fund, up to $2,000, which ultimately increased our fund by $4,000.  This will help us to provide more comfort, care, and support for those we serve during our RAIHN host weeks. 
Clara Barton Lounge Renovation Update
Over the next few weeks, you'll start noticing some changes in the Clara Barton Lounge. We have a beautiful new rug, new chairs, some new furniture and a new traffic flow. Sound absorbing panels have arrived and will be installed on the walls, which will significantly improve the acoustics. In addition, a new hallway rug will be installed the second week of August. The project should be complete at the official start of the new church year in September! 
Office Administrator (Temporary)

Our Office Administrator will be out on maternity leave at the end of October and we are looking for someone to fill in for  about eight weeks, starting around Oct 8, 2017. The job is 25 hours per week, from Tuesday to Friday. Please e-mail  for a copy of the job description.  Resume, references and a cover letter should be send to to .  Interviews will take place in September.  Please note:  Members of First Universalist Church are not eligible to apply.
Additional Announcements

ECOJUSTICE GROUP:  The next EcoJustice meeting will be Sunday, August 6, at 11:15 at the back of the Sanctuary. All are welcome.

The DROP-IN DISCUSSION on GENDER INCLUSIVE LANGUAGE previously scheduled for August 6 has been moved to August 20.

CNY CLUSTER REVIVAL:  The Central New York Cluster of UU churches will hold a gathering at May Memorial UU Society, in Syracuse, on August 12th, from 10-4. UU's from all central NY congregations are welcome. This will be a time to see friends, network around important issues of our faith, be inspired to meet the challenges ahead and HAVE FUN!  Bring a dish to pass for the potluck picnic as well as outdoor games. For more information or to register, click here.

LIBRARY SUMMER SCHEDULE:  The church library and bookstore will be closed until Sept. 10 so as not to get in the way of the renovation of the Clara Barton room. But feel free to take reading material from the free books box, the free magazine exchange rack and the free children's book shelf.

SOCKS &TOWELS SUMMER DONATIONS:  "Homeless Heartbeats" (formerly called Homelessness Task Force) is collecting: SOCKS and TOWELS (used OR new) for footwashing at House of Mercy. There, our own Kate Fleury joins others in washing the feet of those who walk the streets. A soothing foot wash makes such a difference ... for health as well as comfort. Let's help out!  Please donate as you are able:
* Socks and/or Towels (used OR new) ~ any size, any color
* Clara Barton Lounge ~ place in box labeled for this drive
* We will collect all summer long.  HH members will deliver your donations directly to the new House of Mercy on Ormond Street.
Your compassion is greatly appreciated! 

~Lois Baum, Chair

Homeless Heartbeats (formerly Homelessness Task Force)

To submit an item for "This Week at First Universalist", e-mail no later than Thursday at noon.  

Peter House, Summer  Minister

Rev. Michelle Yates, Director of Life Span Faith Development

Stacey Yang, Director of Music

Melissa Davies, Office Administrator
150 S. Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14604 | (585) 546-2826 |