Join us this Sunday
**Remember to turn your clocks back an hour before you go to bed Saturday night!**

10:30 a.m. Service: Election Sunday: Healing our Democracy . As we prepare to go to the polls to vote this week, let’s be mindful of both the powerful influence of corporate and moneyed interests and the strength and resilience of that which is at the heart of democracy—all of our voices.

9:15 a.m. Drop-in Discussion: Constitutional Convention? Aaron Gallant, communications and political action director of AFSCME Council 66, representing 6,500 public service employees, will do a presentation on the referendum on whether to call a convention to propose revisions in the New York State Constitution.
Upcoming Events
Meet Keith Kron
Rev. Keith Kron, director of the UUA Transitions Office, plays a very important role in our search for a new minister. Please join Keith and the Ministerial Search Committee for his new workshop, Beyond Categorical Thinking--Level II, on Monday, October 30th , from 7-8:30 PM at the church. We're honored to be the first congregation to experience this new workshop. Childcare will be provided. If you need a ride, contact Moritz Wagner.
Change Drive
For the first two Sundays in November, the Caring Committee encourages you to empty your change into our collecting buckets in the Clara Barton Lounge. This donation supports a discretionary fund that helps members, friends, and staff during the joys and sorrows of life’s journey.
Luunch Buunch
The Luunch Buunch is an informal gathering of folks from First Universalist at a local restaurant about one Sunday a month. This year's first meal will be held on November 12th at Burger Bar in Wegman's Pittsford Plaza. The December 10th gathering will be at Flavors of Asia, and on January 7th it will be held at Pita in College Town. Everyone is welcome! Please contact Joyce Gilbert with any suggestions for other restaurants.
Additional Announcements

UU & YOU: AN INTRODUCTION TO OUR CHURCH:   Held the first Sunday of each month, at 12:00 PM in the Choir Room (room 25, second floor). Come to an informal informational gathering especially designed for visitors and friends who want to know more about us and our liberal religious movement. This roughly 45-minute get-together offers attendees an opportunity to get to know one another and this congregation better, and includes a quick overview of Unitarian Universalist history and principles, and the story of this congregation. No registration required --- just drop in when you can.

NEW SMALL GROUP MINISTRY:   We want to start a new daytime SGM, and need to know who is interested and the day of the week that is best for you. When we get a critical number, a group would meet every two weeks in the afternoon of the selected day at the home of Connie Valk, located near the zoo. Contact Connie Valk or Bob Remley with your interest and availability.

MAMMOTH BOOK SALE:   Due to a glut of donations of good used books, the church bookstore will be holding a mammoth book sale during coffee hour on November 12th , offering several boxfuls of newly-donated books for 25 cents each.

ROC/ACTS PUBLIC ACTION MEETING:   The postcards are mailed, phone calls are made, notices tacked up on bulletin boards, and clergy leaders on board. Now we need you! Please plan to attend Roc/ACTS annual public action meeting on Thursday, November 2nd at 6:30 PM at the Antioch Baptist Missionary Church, 304 Joseph Avenue,14605. See Robert Remley or Shirley Bond with any questions.

ENABLING THE HOMELESS PUBLIC FORUM:   On Sunday, November 5th at 12:30 PM in our sanctuary, Social Workers for Rochester's chronically homeless population, accompanied by a few homeless folks, will address the question: "Is sheltering homeless people enabling them?". These experts will talk about the homeless experience, including veterans, the Housing First model, treating the addicted and mentally ill, and what efforts are most helpful. Q&A will follow their talks. All are welcome, it is free and open to the public. Contact Lois Baum at with any questions.

THURSDAY LUNCHTIME CONCERTS:  Eastman at Washington Square Thursday lunchtime concerts take place right here at First Universalist. The concerts begin at 12:15 PM and end at approximately 12:45 PM. Brown bag lunches are welcome during the performances, and admission is free. For more information and the Fall 2017 performance schedule visit .

PEACE VIGIL:   A peace vigil is held every Sunday from 12-1 PM on Goodman St. and East Ave. near the Rochester Museum and Science Center. Call Hal Bauer at 335-2623 with any questions.

USHERS & GREETERS NEEDED:   Have you ever wondered how to give service to First Universalist Church, but didn't know where to start? Consider signing up to be an usher. Ushers participate in an essential ministry of welcoming members and visitors. They set the tone in greeting worshipers and welcoming them to our historic church, and they are usually the first congregational members that new people will meet. If you're interested, please drop an Email to: .
To submit an item for "This Week at First Universalist", e-mail  no later than Thursday at noon.   
The Reverend Peggy Meeker, Minister

Rev. Michelle Yates, Director of Life Span Faith Development

Stacey Yang, Director of Music

Christina Witkowski, Office Administrator
150 S. Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14604 | (585) 546-2826 |