Join us this Sunday
10:30 a.m. Service:  Atonement and Commitment . In keeping with the Jewish tradition of Yom Kippur and in honor of our congregation’s new emphasis on racial justice, we will set aside this service as a time of atonement and commitment, including a commissioning of our leaders in this work.

9:15 a.m. Drop-in Discussion:  Death and Loss Chaudry will discuss how she coped with the death and loss of loved ones, and how different religions think about death, loss and funerals .
Upcoming Events
Tell the MSC what you think: Surveys & Cottage Meetings

The Ministerial Search Committee wants to learn what your priorities are for a new minister. You soon will receive a survey from us, both in paper and online. Please fill it out in the form you prefer. Also, we will hold cottage meetings, which are informal small-group discussions where we can go deeper with your ideas than we can with the survey. These meetings are scheduled for the first two weeks in October. To sign up for a cottage meeting, check the bulletin board at church or sign up online at .
FIAC Update
On Sunday, October 1 st , we will celebrate Commission Sunday. The members of all Social Justice Circles, the Social Justice Project Team, and the Faith In Action Council (FIAC) will be recognized during the service. In addition, FIAC will be part of the Leadership Assembly on Saturday, October 7 th . We encourage you to come to both events!
Bread Sunday
Bread is recognized as "the staff of life" and money is often referred to as bread when we speak of bread and butter issues. And most of us recall when some new invention was referred to as better than sliced bread. So, sliced bread, sweet bread, whole wheat, gluten-free, French bread, Italian bread, pita, all kinds of bread are welcome just as all kinds of people are welcome at our table at our Annual Bread Sunday on October 1 st . Members and friends are invited to bring their favorite bread for sharing. Please let Bill or Becky Elwell know if you will participate by bringing your favorite kind of bread.
Additional Announcements
FEEL THE MAGIC! Come one; come all, the young and the young at heart, to an astounding magic show performed by The Amazing Adams, First Universalist’s own. The show begins at 7:00pm on Friday, September 29th in the Clara Barton Lounge. You truly won’t believe your eyes! Join our RAIHN guests for a great experience you won’t forget!

BOOKSTORE: We have a bookstore in which we sell new books, ordered from the UUA Bookstore, at half price, during coffee hour following Sunday service. We also sell donated books for 50 cents each. The books for sale are on the freestanding shelves. If you have books in reasonably good condition that you think others would be interested in reading, please leave them in the donation box.

FACING RACISM OPPORTUNITIES: Debby Irving, racial justice educator and the author of the book Waking Up White , will be speaking at First Unitarian on Sunday October 8th at 7:00pm. Her book, subtitled Finding Myself in the Story of Race , explores "her own long-held beliefs about colorblindness, being a good person, and wanting to help people of color." First Unitarian is also currently hosting an exhibit on racism, "Faces of Racism," which includes historical photos of black peoples' experience in Rochester as well as the RMSC's "Take It Down" exhibit about the farm scene panel that was removed from the Dentzel Carousel at Ontario Beach Park. The exhibit runs through October 23rd.

UUA FALL LEADERSHIP DAY: October 14, 2017 at the UU Church of Buffalo. Leadership as a Team Sport : This leadership conference is designed to address a number of common areas of shared ministry for congregations. The day features a keynote by Rev. Renee Ruchotzke followed by workshops on various areas of shared ministry and networking time. Register by Oct. 13 at .
To submit an item for "This Week at First Universalist", e-mail  no later than Thursday at noon.   
The Reverend Peggy Meeker, Minister

Rev. Michelle Yates, Director of Life Span Faith Development

Stacey Yang, Director of Music

Christina Witkowski, Office Administrator
150 S. Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14604 | (585) 546-2826 |