This Week at First Universalist
May 9, 2016
This Week's Service
Sunday, May 15
10:30 a.m. Service - The Moment of Truth . The sermon purchased by Sarah Singal at the February auction. Sarah’s topic: Truth. Can we know what is true? If so, how? What does truth mean for us, in this age when professed “certainty” too often breeds intolerance and violence? Rev. Celie Katovitch.

9:15 a.m. Drop-in Discussion - Guilt vs. AccountabilityKate Fleury will lead a discussion of guilt vs. accountability, drawing on her personal experiences and John Steinbeck’s The Winter of Our Discontent.
Upcoming Events
Adult Religious Education Class

A new Adult Religious Education class begins Thursday, May 12th from 6-8 PM in the Clara Barton Lounge.  We will watch Part 1(The Difference Between Us) of California Newsreel's 3-part documentary about race in society, science, & history, to be followed by facilitated discussion and conversation.  Teens are welcome and encouraged to attend.  Please RSVP so we can plan enough seating (Michelle Yates -  

Mark your calendars for the following classes: (Childcare available if requested one week in advance)

Part 2 - Thursday, May 26, 6-8 pm

Part 3 - Thursday, June 9, 6-8 pm

Understanding Homelessness in Our Downtown Neighborhood

Rev. Celie, the Homelessness Task Force, and the Board invite all members and friends of the congregation to a presentation at noon on Sunday, May 22nd, in the Sanctuary.  Several local experts will speak with our congregation about the diverse factors influencing homelessness in downtown Rochester.  We encourage all members to attend who are able; the hour may be especially helpful to those with limited prior experience with homelessness beyond RAIHN.  The primary goal of this hour is not to come to decisions or solutions, but simply to take one more step in learning more about this complex topic.  

Social Justice Plate for May 15

The Social Justice Plate collection for this coming Sunday will support young readers and writers via the organization called Writers and Books. We are hoping to be able to give a scholarship to a couple of students so they can attend the summer program. 

Additional Announcements

NOMINATING COMMITTEE NEWS:  Have you thought of serving on our Nominating Committee? We are looking for two new members to join us. Committee members must be active members of the church for at least two years. This committee does not require a huge time commitment; we meet 4 to 6 times a year when needed. We work together to select nominees for all elective offices, and official delegates to denominational meetings. Any Nominating Committee member will be happy to give you whatever information you need. Please let Shirley Bond or Marcy Klein know by May 15th if you are interested. Thanks for thinking of us! – Shirley Bond, Glenda Brayman, Marcy Klein, Virginia Sykes and Howard Spindler

UU GENERAL ASSEMBLY:  Are you interested in attending this year's UU General Assembly in Columbus, Ohio, June 22nd to June 26th? The theme will be “Heart Land, Where Faiths Connect,” and the meeting will celebrate our multi-faith world. We are looking for three delegates. Please let Shirley Bond or Marcy Klein know by May 15th if you are interested or if you need further information.

BEGINNING MEDITATION PRACTICE  will take place in the rear of the Sanctuary each Wednesday from 5:15 - 6:30pm through May 25th.  All are welcome - no experience necessary.  Please contact Kathy Russell at for more information.

LUUNCH BUUNCH is rescheduled for Sunday, May 29th at 12:30.  All are welcome.  We will meet at the Mt. Hope Diner,1511 Mr. Hope Avenue.  

THE BOOK CLUB meets Sunday, May 29th at noon in the discussion room.  This month's 
selection is "The Garden of Evening Mists" by  Tan Twan Eng. The story takes place in Malaya in 1951 and is filled with all the components  that draw readers to books. The author writes eloquently and captures 'stillness on paper.' You do not need to have read the book to join us. Any questions please see Sarah Singal or Shirley Bond.

ATTENTION YOUNG ADULTS : The children’s and young adult’s section of the church bookstore has acquired all five volumes of Garth Nix’s The Keys of the Kingdom series, plus other young adult fantasy novels, all available for 25 cents each.

ROC/ACTS EVENT: Sacred Conversations on Race + ACTION Planning Launch Event. Thursday, May 19th, 6:30pm - 8pm at Our Lady of the Americas, 864 East Main Street. Contact Becky Elwell (elwellbecky@gmail, 585-313-2358) if interested in attending with a group from First Universalist. These Sacred Conversations are based on the workshops done with congregations outside of Ferguson as that community convulsed after Michael Brown was killed by a police officer. In Ferguson and St. Louis the conversations helped congregants tell their stories and helped others understand the daily reality of their neighbors. The conversations are designed to be a series of two 4-hour workshops. These conversations will lead to action by better-informed and more self-aware people.

CHURCH-WIDE CONTEST:  We are looking for a new name for the Adult Lounge!  The contest is open to all members and friends of First Universalist.  Youth are encouraged to suggest names, too.  How do you participate in this creative endeavor?  Simply c omplete a form from the Communications Bulletin Board, and place it in the envelope there, or  email your suggestion to our Office Administrator at The submission deadline is June 26th.  The winning name will be announced in September, after the Communications Committee sifts through the entries and carefully chooses the one that fits best.  
This Week's Calendar of Events
Monday, May 9
  • Rochester Model RR Club, Clara Barton Lounge (rental), 6 pm
Wednesday, May 11

  • Worship Committee, Second Floor Lounge, 4 pm
  • Beginning Meditation Practice, Sanctuary, 5:15 pm
  • Worship Associate Meeting, 2nd Floor Lounge, 7 pm

Thursday, May 12

  • Deadline for Weekly Announcements, noon 
  • Eastman Lunchtime Concert Series, Sanctuary, 12:15 pm
  • Adult RE Class, Clara Barton Lounge, 6 pm

Saturday, May 14

  • Spring Clean-up Day @ First Universalist, 9 AM
  • SNYP AA, Clara Barton Lounge and Adult Lounge (rental), 8 pm 

Sunday, May 15

  • Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room, 9 am
  • Drop-In Discussion, Adult Lounge, 9:15 am
  • Sunday Service, Sanctuary, 10:30 am
  • Coffee Hour, Clara Barton Lounge, 11:45 am
Thank you for keeping us updated, both when you schedule events and when you need to cancel one!  Please continue to do so.  Send news of your events to; or call 546-2826.
Minister:   Rev. Celie Katovitch 
Director of Music:   Carol Xiong 

Director of Life Span Faith Development:   Michelle Yates 
Office Administrator:  Melissa Davies
Contact Us
150 S. Clinton Avenue
Rochester, NY 14604
(585) 546-2826

Office Hours:   Monday-Friday,  9:30-2:30