Sunday, March 10, 2024

"The Dark Night of The Soul"

Psalm 77:1-15

Dave Heydinger

Hey everyone,


Have you felt that God was not there or not listening? Have you felt His absence more than His presence, and has this made you call your faith into question? Have you felt like a Christian imposter as you see such certainty around you, but you just don’t have it? Has this happened when you feel like you need it the most?


We’ll weigh into that very difficult subject that is far more common than you might think.  There can be different reasons for this, but a big reason might surprise you and show God’s love for us instead of our assumption that He must be angry, or worse, not there for you at all.


Tough subject, but important. While every answer might not be easy to tie up in a neat package in 25 minutes, we will pursue the truth together as a church family and fellow seekers. Because we all need to be there for each other. Hope to see you.




News & Announcements

Time Change

Daylight savings time begins at 2 am this Sunday. Remember to set your clocks forward one hour on Saturday night!

Easter Egg Hunt Candy Donations

The Easter Egg Hunt for the kids will take place on Palm Sunday at 1pm following the Fellowship Meal. We are asking for everyone to donate candy, if possible, please do not donate candy that will melt. Please drop off candy in the church office or in the bins located at the Crossroads Connection Center or Sanctuary entrance.

6 PM Evening Service

The Babylon attitude will grow ever stronger as we approach the Day. If we miss out on the rapture, how nasty is it going to get? Beginning this Sunday, the study series turns to Rapture, Tribulation, and Judgment. Hope to see you there!

EC Food Ministry

The Golden Harvest truck delivery will be on Thursday, March 14 at 11 am. The food distribution will take place on Saturday, March 16 at 6 am. Please collect ketchup during March and April and you can drop it off in the church office. Please keep the Food Ministry in your prayers, and we hope you will volunteer on these days.

We're Hiring!

SPRC is thrilled to announce that Elberton First Methodist is on the lookout for a dedicated and passionate individual to join our family as a Children's Ministry Director. If you are interested, please contact the church office at 706-283-1863, email, or contact a member of SPRC

To see a list of job duties for this position, please visit

New Members

We are now welcoming new members! If you are interested in joining Elberton First Methodist Church, please call the church office at 706-283-1863 or email We will have two days in March to join, March 10th & March 17th, in both services. If you are unable to be here on those days, let us know, and we will be happy to make arrangements for a different date.

Easter Mission Project

Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. 

You have the opportunity to place your change in a bag and return it Easter Sunday. The proceeds will go to the start-up of the Laken Hope Riley Foundation, which raises homicide awareness and safety for women. If you would like to make out a check you can write it to the church and we will combine all the monies to send to this Foundation.

Palm Sunday

We have several events planned for Palm Sunday on March 24, 2024! There will be a combined service (Easter Cantata) at 11am in the Sanctuary. A fellowship lunch will follow in the Fellowship Hall, the church will provide the meat and we are asking everyone to bring a side dish and desserts. At 1pm, we will have an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids in the back Courtyard. Come and celebrate the beginning of Holy Week with us!

Easter Lillies

The Altar Guild invites you to honor or remember someone special this Easter by assisting with the Easter Lilly arrangements in the sanctuary on Easter Sunday. A $10 donation will help cover the cost, and proceeds go to the playground fund. Please pick up a card at any entrance or click the button below to specify who it is in honor or memory of and mark on your contribution "Easter Lillies." The deadline to donate is Wednesday, March 27th.

Donate Online

Words of Encouragement...

"We are called to follow His example of caring for the physical needs of others in order that the gospel witness of the kingdom might saturate the earth."

-Eric Mason

Upcoming Events & Meetings



Finance Meeting

6:30 pm

Conference Room



Trustees Meeting

6:00 pm

Conference Room

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Giving & Attendance Report

General Fund

Contributions this week


Contributions to date





Sunday School




Prayer Request

Macy Roberts

Debbie Colley

Daniel Parker

Marti Love Terrell

Breanna Christenbury

Raleigh Loftis

Mary Ann Worley

Charles White

Alvin Johnson

Jimmy Wallis

Fred Hall

Britt Wright & Janie Giannoni

Vivian McMullan

Emily Adams

Buster & Mae Brown

Patricia O'Bryant

Everyone impacted by the Texas wildfires

Unspoken prayer needs

If you or someone you know needs prayers, please click the link below.

Dial-A-Meditation (Daily Devotion)

(706) 283 - 1972

Submit a Prayer Request

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(706) 283-1863

P.O. Box 398

132 E Church St.

Elberton, GA 30635

A Global Methodist Congregation