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April 21, 2024

 â€śI wish you to have around you people who love easily and forgive quickly.”


Beloved Community,

This week I re-watched the movie “Invictus” about Nelson Mandela–--set after Mandela’s twenty-seven-year time in prison for opposing apartheid and having been accused of communism.  In that film, Mandela is the president of South Africa and working toward a new beginning—in a country still strongly divided by hatred and mistrust.  In the movie, we see very little of Mandela’s early struggles and the pain of his incarceration (just a brief look at his tiny jail cell), but what we do see is his largesse and his forgiveness of the culture that had destroyed so much of his personal life. 

Even now I wonder….how did Mandela overcome his bitterness and forgive his captors to become a visionary leader and change agent? He explained that forgiveness was the way he “liberated his soul”. This amazing, pain-riddled man had to release resentment and practice generosity of spirit in order to forgive.


Forgiveness like Mandela’s is a choice, one that calls for conscious introspection and accepting that past situations cannot be changed. Religious Science teaches us that only our attitudes toward the past can be altered, not the past itself. When we contemplate the principle of Oneness, which is at the core of our teaching, we can begin to understand that we are not a victim, and that the perpetrator was not “evil”. I am not saying this is easy…far from it! But the act of forgiveness will change your life.

In Mahayana Buddhism, one’s enemy can be considered one’s best friend, a kind of Bodhisattva, or guide.  This means that we are to see the gift in the situation and learn to deal with their behavior and our own behavior towards them as well.  Golden Rules of many faiths and the Christian gospels abound in this kind of advice: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  â€śJudge not, that ye be not judged. Forgive and you will be forgiven.”  And the master teacher, Jesus said in the famous parable of forgiveness:  we are not to forgive seven times but seventy times seven. 

That was the kind of forgiving that was required of Mandela.  It did not require that he find reconciliation with his captors, though he did that as well. But it required only that he forgive them in order to step out and find freedom and happiness.


And that is the kind of forgiveness that is required of us if we want to be free and live the life we were brought here to live as perfect expressions of the Creator.


Forgiveness is serious business.  It is life saving business. It is relationship and health and happiness saving business.  We are here to support you on your Sacred Path of Forgiveness.

I look forward to being together with you in Community this Sunday!


Peace and Blessings!

Rev. Jackie Holland

Community Spiritual Leader

This Sunday we will conclude our discussion of “The Sacred Path of Forgiveness” as we explore The Four Phases of Forgiveness and participate in a beautiful and deeply meaningful ritual. This will be a special time together….

one you will not want to miss!

Last Sunday's Service Replay:

If you were not able to make it in person or want to watch the service again, click the here for the replay!

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Join us this Sunday for

Meditation at 10:00 am, and Service at 10:30 am

Youth church is also open for tots through pre-teens.

Need directions? Click on the address below:

10464 W. Garverdale Ct. Boise, ID 83704 <

If you are unable to attend Sunday's Spiritual Service in person, join us live on YouTube @CSLBoise


This Week's Practitioner:

Embodying affirmative love and truth, Deborah Whitman, RScP, compassionately supports our community, our sanctuary, and our prayers.

Don't miss her uplifting invocation and spiritual practices this Sunday.


Our Musicians This Week:


Ongoing Weekly Events:

We have a range of exciting events lined up each week to deepen your spiritual practice and connect with like-minded individuals, like...

  • Cosmic Brotherhood: A men's gathering April 29th from 6-8pm, and every other Monday at CSL Boise, free for all to attend. Contact Shane at hello@shanekipper.com for more details. 

  • Cosmic Community Drum Circle: Sunday, May 5th, from 2-4pm, at Kristin Armstrong Municipal Park, Boise. $10 donation requested. Contact Shane at hello@shanekipper.com for more details. 

Practitioner's Corner:

Our prayer team understands the transformative power of prayer and its ability to bring positivity and healing into your life. Our dedicated team of prayer warriors are ready to pray on your behalf for 30 days. We are here to support you on your journey. Submit your prayer request today and experience the power of prayer.

Prayer of the Week

Spirit is the one powerful Source of all life reflected in the beauty that is everywhere

present for the eyes to see, for the ears to hear and the heart to feel. This Divine Infinite Intelligence is the very essence of all life, ever giving of Itself always.

As I reflect on this knowing from deep within me, I enjoy the feeling of being one with Spirit. My very breath is the breath of God and I joyfully know this same truth for everyone reading this prayer as the invisible threads of Life interconnect us all.

It is through this deep felt connection with the Universe that I absolutely believe all is well. No matter what is appearing in our experience right now, we will never lose our connection with Spirit. This eternal, ever-giving Life may be known as we allow our hearts to open, consciously surrendering to the Spirit within us. So let us join together now, breathing in the breath of God. Let us each, in our own way know, “I allow the powerful Presence of the Most High to heal me in all magnificent ways!

I release all fear and I accept Faith knowing that life is eternal, and Peace is here now beginning with me. I know my Word is the Power of God and I give thanks knowing my life is in God!”

With a grateful heart for knowing no other truth, we release this into the Law.

We let go and God do God’s work!

And so it is.

Deborah Whitman, RScP


Community Spotlight:


CSL Boise has joined Meetup!

Find us at www.meetup.com/boise-center-for-spiritual-living/

Create an account and join our group!

Let's share our community with the greater Treasure Valley community!


Our community is filled with amazing people who are making a difference in their own unique way. Whether it's through volunteering, donating cookies, or simply being present, we are so grateful for each and every one of you. Our musicians, practitioners, and congregation all bring their own special energy to our community, and we couldn't do it without you! 


Ways To Give:

At our sanctuary, we believe in the power of community and the impact that we can have when we come together. That's why we rely on the generosity of our supporters to keep our services and programs running. Your donations, no matter how big or small, go directly towards supporting our ministries, maintaining our beautiful building, and producing new community programs that benefit all. 

With your support, we can continue to serve and give back to the community we all love. So, join us today and be a part of something bigger than yourself. Together, we can build a stronger, more connected community for generations to come!

Click Here For E-Giving!

How To Stay Connected:

You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube spreading the word of love and light! Click on any of the icons below to give us a follow.

Facebook        Instagram        Twitter        YouTube

Thank you for being a beloved member of our community. We appreciate your support and look forward to connecting with you soon.


Meditative Thought

by Dr. Ernest S. Holmes, Founder of Science of Mind

"Forgiveness is not about condoning the actions of others, but about freeing ourselves from the burden of anger and resentment." - Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind


Special thanks to our Musical Director, Rex Miller and all of the talented musicians who support the CSL Boise! 


Click on the image to access our talented musician's websites to see where they are playing next!


We Look Forward To Seeing You At The Next Event Or Sunday Service!

10 am meditation with a Practitioner

10:30 am Youth Church (tots to pre-teens)

10:30 am Service at 10464 W. Garverdale Court, Boise

Join our Mailing List (click here)

Center for Spiritual Living Boise

| Office: 208.375.0751 | Prayer Line: 208.375.0791 |

Reverend Jackie Holland, Senior Minister