This Week at Bethel will transition to be the weekly "common voice" of our church whose purpose will be to inform you of important decisions/actions being implemented by Council and Staff concerning CDC updates and guidelines about Covid-19.  A separate weekly email will be transmitted on Fridays with relevant guidance from our Parish Nurse, Edie McGoff. Other announcements will be sent whenever appropriate. Those without email will be sent paper copies.

Council and staff met last Friday and have taken several actions including sending an email from Pastor Dave concerning the suspension of worship services, in-person meetings and activities, alternative communication methods and options for continued financial giving.  All members received a paper copy of this email by mail this week. 

Our active members and friends have been divided into nine groups each being assigned to a "Shepherding" Council member, who is to be a point of contact for communication, needs, concerns, etc. They have or will be in touch with you. Please feel free to contact them. The groups and shepherds are as follows:
Traci Shoberg ( - Beginning of Alphabet to Braham
Julie Shanabrook ( - Brondos to Facwett
Rose Pierce ( - Fisher to Grooms
Lee Braithwaite ( - Grove to Jackson
John Fredericksen ( - Jenkins to McAllister
Michael Asmussen ( - McCaughy to Nallen
Vonda Wilt ( - Nerangis to Ritchie
Beth Garner ( - Robinson to Sikora
Mike McKiernan ( - Simmons to End of alphabet

Bethel Worship and Bible Study During Covid-19

Each Sunday, Pastor Dave will offer a worship experience on Facebook Live at 9:30 a.m.  This will be able to be seen as well on our website afterwards under a new tab, "Worship". This is a fluid situation. Curt Grymala, our website administrator, and Pastor Dave are working on updating the website during this time to be a "go to" place for information, worship, etc. 

Pastor Dave has also planned a weekly Bible study gathering via Zoom which will be open to everyone.  We will gather each Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.  Simply use  THIS LINK 
to join the Bible Study. 

Bethel Service Opportunities during Covid-19

At this time, WATTS is remaining open for the homeless.  However, they are in need of meals.  
If you and your family are available to offer a meal during this time, please call Robyn the executive director at (540)514-7218.   

Also, please consider a donation to Bright Futures.  Here is a link to their  website .  Their biggest need right now is food donations. 

Stay tuned...there will be other service opportunities coming soon to help those in our own Bethel community.

You may still participate in the Jobbies and Hobbies Survey - Click Here to complete.  

Contact Us: 
Bethel Lutheran Church  
(540) 662-3245
Office Hours:  The office will be closed until further notice.

All worship services, activities and meetings are canceled until further notice.