At the most recent Bethel council meeting, we discussed the overwhelming support received via the RIC Welcome Statement survey, where there was unanimous support of the proposed Welcome Statement.
We received 79 responses over the course of the survey with 73 voting "Yes, wholeheartedly", and 6 voting "Yes, and would appreciate more information."
With this robust support, we felt it would be best to hold our official vote (via a special congregational meeting) to become a Reconciling in Christ congregation sooner rather than later, but after the summer months.
We've settled on Sunday, September 8, so that we can include this decision as part of the ELCA God's Work, Our Hands Sunday. We will take our vote after worship and then proceed to our GWOH program which will focus on the additional emphases of the RIC movement that we've made a priority throughout the process, namely, welcoming those with disabilities, people of color, retirement-age persons, those with mental illness, etc.
This expansive understanding of the RIC designation and program has been a guiding part of our purpose during this process. We have tried to communicate, via the diversity of informational gatherings, that becoming RIC goes beyond an intentional welcome to and affirmation of the LGBTQ+ community. We see this designation as an opportunity to reflect on how we can best welcome ALL people.
In keeping with this, and in response to those who have asked for some more information, we will be offering two more opportunities for conversation and engagement on Sunday, August 18 and Sunday, August 25. We will meet immediately following worship in the Fellowship Hall.
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to Pastor Dave Young or our RIC chairperson, LeeAnne Marple.
Thank you again for your amazing support. Bethel continues to be a place that offers prayerful, courageous leadership. It is humbling and a distinct honor to serve with and among such a faithful and inspiring community of faith!
In Christ,
Pastor Dave