Exciting Updates from Atlanta Covenant Church

Worship Service 主日崇拜

Stay connected with Atlanta Covenant Church and join us for Worship Service. Don't miss the sermon on "The Sacred Purpose of Work and Marriage" based on Genesis 2:15-25. Click to open Worship Order

欢迎加入亚特兰大华人恩约教会,出席主日崇拜。证道经文:创世记 2:15-25



Worship Order 敬拜单

Sunday School 主日学

We are currently studying the Westminster Shorter Catechism. Welcome to join this course after Sunday worship. The link to the textbook is as follows


WSC 威斯敏斯特小要理问答

Agape Meal 爱加倍聚餐

Welcome everyone to join Agape Meal at noon on Sunday. This is a time of our fellowship with life story and spiritual joinery sharing. Sign up in advance will be greatly appreciated.


Sign Up 聚餐登记

Prayer Request 代祷事项

Experience the fellowship at Atlanta Covenant Church and be part of our spiritual family. Please feel free to share your prayer requests with us!

参与亚特兰大华人恩约教会的团契,并成为我们属灵家庭的一员。 请随时与我们分享您的代祷请求!

Prayer Request 代祷事项