In This Issue:

  • It's National Direct Support Professional Recognition Week!
  • 9/11: A Day of Remembrance
  • Disability Voting Rights Week Is Here
  • Changes Are Coming to SSI Application
  • College Informational Program Is Accepting Applications
  • Give Your Input: New Library Project
  • Don't Miss Coffee House Next Week!
A woman helps a man with Down syndrome in a cozy living room The Arc JCCGC logo is visible on the left

It's National Direct Support Professional Recognition Week!

This week is a time to recognize the hard work of Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) and show our appreciation.

As you know, DSPs assist people who have disabilities with important daily activities. This work allows individuals to live in their communities, as opposed to in institutions. The support from DSPs has been life-changing for many. According to PBS, there are nearly 5 million direct care workers in the US. That makes the DSP workforce the largest in the country!

Today is a great day to show your gratitude for a DSP in your life. A kind note, text, or email is a terrific way to thank a DSP for their hard work.

From The Arc-JCC&GC, thank you to the DSPs in our community!

A black and white city skyline with two blue light beams Nine Eleven Day of Service logo is on the left

9/11: A Day of Remembrance

Each year on September 11, we observe National Day of Service and Remembrance. This is a day to honor the citizens, first responders, and service members who lost their lives in the tragic terror attacks of September 11, 2001. It is also a time to honor the many individuals who selflessly acted to protect others, both on September 11 and in the years following.

If you wish to honor all that the Day of Service and Remembrance represents, consider observing a moment of silence today.

A woman with Down syndrome smiles while writing Disability Voting Rights Week logo is displayed on the right

Disability Voting Rights Week Is Here

Through September 13, people across the country are celebrating Disability Voting Rights Week (DVRW)!

DVRW is hosted by the American Association of People with Disabilities and REV UP. The movement empowers people with disabilities to register and prepare to vote. DVRW includes voter registration events, candidate forums, and more.

This is a great time to make sure you are registered to vote and your registration is up-to-date. You can search for your registration on the Colorado Secretary of State's website.

In Colorado, you can register to vote online, by mail, or in-person. Check out our previous article to learn more about registering to vote in Colorado. You can also learn more about DVRW here.

Remember, voting is an important way to make our voices heard. We would love to hear why voting is important to you! Reach out to us at and let us know what you think. Your answer could be featured on our social media accounts!

A man with Down syndrome uses a tablet Social Security Administration logo is displayed on the right

Changes Are Coming to SSI Application

The Social Security Administration (SSA) is rolling out a simpler application for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). As a reminder, SSI payments are monthly payments for older adults or people with disabilities who have little to no income and resources.

In December, the simpler application will become available for some applicants. It will include plain language questions, prepopulated answers where possible, and more.

At first, the simpler application will generally be available for anyone who:

  • Is a first-time applicant
  • Is between 18 and almost 65 years old
  • Has never married
  • Is concurrently applying for SSI and Social Security Benefits

In late 2025, the SSA hopes to make the simpler application available for all applicants.

Read the SSA's post to learn more about this change, known as iClaim expansion, and future simplification plans.

College Informational Program Is Accepting Applications

Attention, high school students! If you have an intellectual disability (ID) and are curious about college, an upcoming program from IN! could be a good fit for you.


IN!, which creates inclusive college opportunities for students with ID, is taking applications for a free program called the Inspiring Futures Mentorship Program. In this program, teenagers who have ID connect with current college students who have ID to learn more about what college is like. Students will also learn more about post-high-school options.


Inspiring Futures will run for 6 weeks, from September 24 through October 29. Sessions will take place via Zoom each Tuesday from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm Mountain Time.


You can apply for the program if you:

  • Have an intellectual disability
  • Are in your junior or senior year of high school, or are in a school district transition program
  • Want to learn more about college
  • Can attend all 6 virtual sessions

Please note that applications are due by September 13. Click here to apply or learn more

Two cartoon construction workers with clipboards stand behind a large brick building surrounded by trees

Give Your Input: New Library Project

A new Jeffco Library is on the horizon! Jefferson County Public Library (JCPL) is working to open a library in South Jeffco. In August, the JCPL board took a big step forward, authorizing a purchase and sale agreement on a property for the South County Library. The Littleton property is located at 11100 Bradford Road.

As the project continues, JCPL is collecting community input. This is a valuable chance to give your opinion! You can submit comments to help inform the project on topics like:

  • Accessibility
  • Inclusive features you would like to see
  • Other suggestions you may have

To share your thoughts, you can email or join an upcoming JCPL board meeting. Additionally, keep an eye on the project website for future input opportunities and more information about the new library.

Two smiling people holding mugs above the text Coffee House in bold font.

Don't Miss Coffee House Next Week!

“A chance to be yourself.”

“Make new friends.”

“It’s fun!”

Participants are raving about Coffee House!

You are invited to join the fun at our next Coffee House gathering on September 19. Drop in to grab a cup of coffee and socialize with friends! Coffee House is open to everyone, and new participants are always welcome.

  • Thursday, September 19
  • 5:30 pm—7:00 pm
  • Panera Bread – 650 S. Wadsworth Blvd, Lakewood, CO 80226 (Southeast corner of Wadsworth & Center Ave)

Click here to learn more about Coffee House.

If you have any questions before you attend, please email us at

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