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This Week In Washington

May 10, 2024

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Hello Donna,

Early bird registration for APHSA’s National Human Services Summit will be ending May 15—that’s next Wednesday. Visit the Summit website today to register yourself or your group and save on several days of exciting content, exhibits, and networking. We look forward to seeing you in Arlington, VA!

On May 3, APHSA submitted a letter of support on behalf of HR 7906, the Strengthening State and Tribal Child Support Act. APHSA endorses HR 7906, which will ensure state, local, and tribal child support agencies have access to the essential IRS data they need to fulfill their obligations to collect child support on behalf of millions of families. Read our letter and add your voice to tell Congress to see this bipartisan bill into law!

Moving Human Services Upstream

California and Oklahoma Will Soon Be Rolling Out Chip Cards for EBT

California and Oklahoma are introducing new Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards equipped with Chip and Tap technology. These chip cards offer heightened security against fraud and the theft of SNAP benefits.

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FNS Releases Memo on FY 2024 Allocations

The Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 limits able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs) in SNAP to three months of participation within a 36-month period—unless they meet specific work requirements or qualify for exemptions. A new FNS memorandum adjusts the total number of exemptions available to each state for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024, accounting for caseload changes and reporting requirements. States have flexibility in applying discretionary exemptions but must track and document their usage.

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AI Framework for Public Benefit Administration

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has recently published a resource that describes a new framework on the use of artificial intelligence (AI). This framework is meant to empower states, localities, tribes, and territories to harness the potential of AI while ensuring equitable outcomes in the implementation and administration of nutrition benefits and services.

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Fact Sheets on Disaster Nutrition Assistance Programs

FNS has provided resources that highlight equity and timeline within Disaster Nutrition Assistance Programs. Each provides a summary of the potential impacts of disasters on communities as well as the role of FNS nutrition programs before, during, and after disasters.

Advancing Social and Economic Mobility

More Options for SNAP Online Purchases

FNS has recently announced that the SNAP program is now piloting two online-only retailers: Thrive and DashMart. These additions mark a significant step forward, as they're the first online-only retailers without a physical store presence. By expanding online shopping options, SNAP participants across all 50 states and the District of Columbia are empowered to access groceries with ease and convenience.

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Program Purpose and Work Requirement Provisions of the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023

A proposed rule from FNS would amend SNAP regulations to incorporate the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023. Some of the proposed rule adjusts the number of discretionary exemptions available to state agencies each year. Written comments must be received by May 30, 2024 for consideration.

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Strengthening the Human Services Sector

FNS Releases SNAP QC Policy Memo

FNS has added the SNAP–Quality Control (QC) Error Tolerance Threshold for FY 2024 on their site. The SNAP QC review process involves an error threshold for active frame cases. This threshold determines which cases are included in the calculation of a State’s official error rate to ensure accurate program administration. Based on changes in the Thrifty Food Plan (TFP), the threshold will increase from $54 in FY 2023 to $56 for FY 2024.

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APHSA Events

WEBINAR: Helping Your Agency Find and Draft Applications for Grant Funding Opportunities Using AI and Data

Join EY, an APHSA Strategic Industry Partner, and Kadedra Smith from the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services to discuss how the state is using AI to expand capacity for grant identification and application drafts and data to inform what types of programs and strategies will have the biggest impact on community improvements.

May 22, 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM EST

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Join us for an interactive demonstration that will showcase and walk you through the various features of the APHSA Learning Management System (LMS), THRIVE. You will learn how to navigate the LMS, access and update your user profile, enroll into a course, access resources, and connect with peers via the THRIVE online learning communities. There will be live Q&A and an opportunity to share feedback and talk directly with the administrators of THRIVE.

May 30, 2:30 to 3:30 PM EST

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