May 3, 2024

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Legislative Updates

The State Child Welfare IV-B Expenditures

The Administration for Children & Families (ACF) has posted its annual report to Congress which summarizes the national spending for child welfare programs. It includes planned spending for the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Child Welfare Services program as well as both planned and actual spending for the Promoting Safe and Stable Families program.

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Farm Bill Discussions Amplifying

On Thursday, both majority parties in Congress shared their priorities for an impending Farm Bill. Senate Democrats shared a bill summary and section-by-section of the proposed Rural Prosperity and Food Security Act, which included several proposals for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), such as improving access for former foster youth attending college, improving Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) integrity and quality control, and more. House Republicans shared a high-level, title-by-title summary, which shared priorities around improving opportunities for people using SNAP Employment & Training (E&T). To update yourself on our recommendations for the Farm Bill, revisit the APHSA series of policy briefs, The Path Forward: State and Local Policy Priorities for the Farm Bill. Each publication in the series lays out recommendations that have been guided by our members and have received consensus across the country.

Moving Human Services Upstream

Amendments to SNAP Regulations

The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) is suggesting changes to the rules for SNAP. These changes aim to help adults living with low income find jobs while also updating the rules for able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWD). There is a 30-day comment period, and FNS has summarized the key changes along with providing a publicly available infographic.

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Strengthening the Human Services Sector

Grant Opportunity: SNAP PTIG Applications Now Open

FNS has released its 2024 Process and Technology Improvement Grants Program (PTIG) request for applications. PTIGs offer up to $5 million in grants to support projects focused on modernizing SNAP customer service and client communication, improving administrative infrastructure and day-to-day operations, or investing in technology to encourage cross-collaboration and cross-enrollment between SNAP and other assistance programs. Award amounts range from $20,000 to $2M each for up to 12 awardees. The application period closes on June 18.

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Guidance on Supportive Services for Child Care and Long-Term Care

The administration is asking federal agencies and federal funding recipients to develop and sustain a skilled, diverse workforce to meet labor demand in the construction, manufacturing, clean energy, and transportation sectors. To successfully achieve this goal, all investments that include a workforce development focus must ensure workers have access to supportive services that enable them to participate in training or employment. This guidance is intended to assist federal agencies, federal funding recipients, employers, workforce development entities, and other stakeholders in the care community to make thoughtful investments into child care and long-term care to support workers.

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Fact Sheet on Providing Care and Other Supportive Services for Workers

Senior Administration officials joined Governor Tina Kotek of Oregon, Governor Kathy Hochul of New York, and Governor Maura Healey of Massachusetts along with tradeswomen, care advocates, and business community representatives for a Making Care Work event. Participants will announce new actions that advance the administration’s call to strengthen the nation’s Care Economy and discuss the importance of supportive services.

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Seven Facts About the Economics of Child Care

The White House Council of Economic Advisers published "Seven Facts About the Economics of Child Care." The article lays out the research-based imperative for investing in child care—including how access to affordable, high-quality care can encourage US labor force participation, particularly among women.

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New Guidance on the Use of AI in Public Benefits and Services

The US Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) and FNS have published their plans addressing the use of automated or algorithmic systems in the implementation of public benefits and services. This guidance aligns with requirements put forth by the Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence (EO 14110) and the concurrent Office of Management and Budget implementation memo.

APHSA Events

WEBINAR: Helping Your Agency Find and Draft Applications for Grant Funding Opportunities Using AI and Data

This webinar, brought to you by EY, an APHSA Strategic Industry Partner, will explore how using AI and data can accurately identify agency needs, prioritize them based on their potential impact, and shape them into actionable, proven strategies, all backed by solid evidence. More specifically, this webinar will dive into how this approach can help agencies successfully find grant funding opportunities and draft the applications, reducing resources and time spent on researching and drafting.

May 22, 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM EST

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