April 19, 2024

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Hello Donna,

We’re excited to share a new report published by the John T. Gorman Foundation that chronicles the steps New England states have taken to address benefit cliffs and highlights opportunities for federal action. This work is part of the Advancing Family Economic Mobility (AFEM) initiative, which is committed to creating sustainable pathways to economic mobility and well-being for all people and families. We are honored to partner with the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Doris Duke Foundation, and the Administration for Children & Families (ACF) to move this work forward! To learn more, visit FamilyEconomicMobility.com.

The newest post on our blog, The Catalyst, is titled Cultivating a Culture of Positive Change: A Guide for Organizations. This is the latest in our Organizational Effectiveness (OE) series and pulls from the experience of OE consultants in their third year of work as they help to strengthen an agency's internal organizational culture and increase community engagement. Be sure to read and share widely!

This Week in Washington will take a hiatus next week, in line with the congressional calendar. Look for us in your inbox on May 3. In the meantime, we’ll keep you apprised of any important updates through our social media (linked above).

Moving Human Services Upstream

Overview of Federally Funded Approaches to Diaper Distribution

Although diapers are an essential need, many families face challenges buying enough of them—affecting child and caregiver health as well as the family’s economic security. To help address this issue, the Administration for Children and Families’ (ACF) Office of Community Services (OCS), in partnership with the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE), launched the Diaper Distribution Pilot in September 2022. They’ve recently released a brief that includes information on the communities the grant recipients serve, the design and structure of their programs, and the other supports they offer families.

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Strengthening Partnerships Between Tribal TANF and Child Welfare

ACF’s Office of Family Assistance posted video from the 2022 Regions 9 and 10 Virtual Tribal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and NEW Technical Assistance Meeting, which occurred on August 23 to 25, 2022. The session was targeted to Tribal TANF programs interested in coordinating programming with Child Welfare, specifically for tribes that did not have a Tribal TANF-Child Welfare (TTCW) grant but was also applicable for participants that were considering applying for a TTCW grant in the future. The presentation provided an overview of resources available for increasing coordination, including the Resource Toolbox for Tribal TANF-Child Welfare Coordination Projects, the Continuous Quality Improvement framework, and the Collaboration Assessment Tool.

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Advancing Social and Economic Mobility

Report on the Predictive Power of Measures of Self-Regulation Skills Among Adults with Low Incomes

OPRE published a report examining the link between measures of self-regulation skills and longer-term outcomes among populations with low incomes. They draw on the conceptualization of self-regulation skills from the Goal-Oriented Adult Learning in Self-Sufficiency (GOALS) project. They also use data from the Evaluation of Employment Coaching for TANF and Related Populations, an OPRE-sponsored impact and implementation study of four employment coaching programs aimed at improving employment and economic outcomes for low-income populations. Using these data, they explore the predictive power of self-regulation measures by examining their link to future outcomes such as earnings and employment one year later.

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FNS Releases Multiple Open Comment Periods

The USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) has multiple comment periods currently open for SNAP. They are:

FNS Releases Advanced Copy of Proposed Rule on FRA Work Requirements

FNS released an advanced copy of the proposed rule on implementing the changes in work requirements to SNAP that were authorized in the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (FRA). The changes include increasing the age limit and creating three new exemption categories (youth aging out of foster care, veterans, and people who are unhoused) for Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDs).

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SSA Final Rule Expands Definition of a Public Assistance Household

The Social Security Administration (SSA) published a final rule to expand the definition of a public assistance (PA) household for the purposes of their programs to include SNAP as an additional means-tested public income-maintenance (PIM) program. They are also revising the definition of a PA household to be one that has both a Supplemental Security Income (SSI) applicant or recipient and at least one other household member who receives one or more PIM payments, as opposed to the previous definition where every household member had to receive a PIM.

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FNS Extends Comment Period for Summer EBT IFR

FNS extended the comment period for the Interim Final Rule (IFR) that was published at the end of 2023 regarding the new Summer EBT program and non-congregate meals program. Comments are now due August 27.

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Strengthening the Human Services Sector

Aspects of Well-being for the Child Care and Early Education Workforce

Ensuring the well-being of the child care and early education (CCEE) workforce is crucial for both states and CCEE programs. A new brief aims to shed light on different facets of well-being that have been explored in recent research. Additionally, it highlights specific interventions and initiatives that contribute to enhancing the well-being of CCEE teachers and caregivers.

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Final Rule on the Accessibility of Web Content and Mobile Apps

The attorney general signed a final rule updating its regulations for Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The final rule has specific requirements about how to ensure that web content and mobile applications (apps) are accessible to people with disabilities. This rule applies to all state and local governments, including contractors and other entities.

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APHSA Events

WEBINAR: Building Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Practices into Human Services Agencies

This National Staff Development and Training Association (NSDTA) Showcase Series webinar will examine the value of embedding equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging (EDIB) practices within human services organizations. Join our panelists to hear how they've applied EDIB principles to provide more effective services and, ultimately, yield positive outcomes for the communities they serve.

April 30, 2:00 to 3:00 PM EST

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Partner Events

RECORDED WEBINAR: TANF & Child Welfare Collaboration

The recording of a webinar hosted last year by the Children's Bureau and the Office of Family Assistance (OFA) is now available online. It examined research conducted and presented by researchers from Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago and highlighted research findings on the interrelationships among family economic insecurity and stability, income and concrete material supports, family well-being, and preventing child welfare system involvement. Presenters described innovations introduced by states to bolster family economic security and protect children while also identifying pain points and key challenges to collaboration and coordination derived from research and practice.

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WEBINAR: Building a Strategy for Your SNAP E&T Program

FNS will host the second virtual learning session of 2024, focused on building a strategy for your SNAP E&T program. States have a lot of flexibility to design SNAP E&T programs uniquely suited to the needs of their SNAP populations. Having a well-defined strategy for your program helps build a bridge from your vision to the outcomes you hope to achieve. This session will offer practical guidance on how to create a SNAP E&T strategy that is anchored in your vision, reflects the realities in your state, and leads to meaningful skill development and careers for participants. You can also catch up on a recording from the first virtual learning session on January 2024.

April 23, 12:00 to 1:30 PM EST

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The New Center for Workforce Equity & Leadership

Funded by ACF, the Center for Workforce Equity and Leadership (CWEL) is dedicated to ensuring equity is the driving force in the child welfare sector and embraces the charge to help create and support a diverse workforce. Join this CWEL information session to learn about the federally funded support they provide. Panelists will share how their no-cost and tailored services can support your state, county, tribe, or territory in improving recruitment, retention, and well-being within your child welfare workforce.

April 23, 2:00 to 3:00 PM EST

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FNS Continues to Seek Submissions for the SNAP E&T National Forum

If you can share lessons learned from creating new partnerships, have suggestions for advancing equity in SNAP E&T programs, would like to recommend an impactful speaker, or know of a case study on an innovative approach in your state, FNS wants to hear from you! Submit a session idea for the 2024 SNAP Employment & Training National Forum being held October 29-30. The call for session ideas is open now and will close on April 24.

April 24 Deadline

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WEBINAR: Early Care and Education Workforce Salary Scale Playbook - Implementation Guide

ACF is hosting a webinar on the new Early Care and Education Workforce Salary Scale Playbook: Implementation Guide. Attendees will learn how this resource can support leaders in states, territories, Tribes, local communities, Head Start, and other early care and education (ECE) programs to develop wage and salary scales that address the chronic challenge of low compensation for the ECE workforce. 

April 25, 1:00 to 2:00 PM EST

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Notify.gov Information Sessions

The Technology Transformation Services (TTS) Public Benefits Studio will be opening Notify.gov to additional pilot partnerships later this year and will host information sessions for those interested in learning more. Notify.gov is a federally funded text messaging platform that helps government agencies provide program participants with one-way reminders and updates. Administering agencies can quickly assess the impact of text messaging on their programs, after which they can build a case to expand their texting program if they choose to. Two sessions will be held.

May 9, 11:00 to 11:30 AM EST or

May 16, 2:00 to 2:30 PM EST

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Register for Child Welfare Virtual Expo 2024

Organized by the ACF’s Children's Bureau and the Capacity Building Center for States, the 2024 Child Welfare Virtual Expo (CWVE) is a virtual event that will provide attendees the chance to establish peer-to-peer connections and foster a deeper understanding of leadership in child welfare. This year’s expo is themed Leading From Where You Are and brings together child welfare leaders and professionals from federal organizations, states, tribes, territories, and local organizations, as well as families and young people with lived experience.

May 22 to 23

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RECS Registration is Open

Registration for the Research and Evaluation Conference on Self-Sufficiency (RECS) 2024 is open. OPRE will be convening the in-person event at the Capital Hilton in Washington, DC. Registration is free and open to the public.

May 29 to 31

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