Reflection, Fellowship and Food
Society of Mary Fall Gathering
Saturday, October 26

More information below

The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

The Pharisee and the Publican ,
Sir John Millais,  wood engraving on paper,
published 1864, Tate Museum

7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer

8:00 a.m. Low Mass (Rite I)

Nursery available, 8:45 a.m.

9:00 a.m. Sung Mass

11:00 a.m. 
Solemn High Mass

This Week at Ascension + October 23, 2019

From Sister Barbara Louise, OSA
From our Sr. Warden
From the Rector
Society of Mary - Fall Gathering
Upcoming Mass Commemorations
This Sunday at Ascension
The Parish Prayer List
Approved Vestry Minutes Online
The Last Word

Open House Chicago: The Convent Edition
At the Ascension serious consideration was given to ways by which the parish might expand to accommodate its growth, specifically to provide a convent to house the Sisters of St. Anne and additional space for parish activities. In May, 1927, the rector announced that negotiations were under way to acquire a parcel of land extending 104 feet to the south of the church, which contained a factory building, a residential structure, and a building behind the residence which had once served as a coach house. He reported that the vestry and representatives of the parish outside the vestry had formed a committee to study terms of the purchase. According to Fr. Stoskopf, the committee viewed the opportunity of the property's acquisition as "the greatest that has ever been presented to this Parish for strengthening and increasing its Catholic work and various activities including the extension of the Faith and work among women, children, and people in general, particularly the poor."
- From The History of the Church of the Ascension, Chicago, Illinois, 1857-1982, by George C. Giles, Jr.
Dear people of Ascension,
     On Saturday, October 19th, from 2 pm to 4 pm, 134 guests from Open House Chicago visited the St. Anne's Convent. They all commented about the beautiful household fireplaces and woodwork with all manner of artistic decorations unknown today.
     Later, the guests visited the chapel and library (on the 2nd floor) and some stayed to pray. All of them talked and asked questions of us - Roberta, Chim Chim and me, Sister Barbara. All wanted to know HOW LONG I have lived here. (Answer: Since August 2, 1976.)
     Carol Noren later asked me about the most curious question posed by our Saturday guests. It was, "Do you live here?" But then, we have to remember, these 134 people stepped from 2019 into the ancient past and were silenced at its different and somewhat fantastic beauty. Just step into another century and you'll be able to identify with the visitors - whom we love and loved having!
God bless all,

Sister Barbara Louise, OSA

From our Senior Warden ...
Cynthia Perrizo

... A Litany of Thanks 

Thank you, Kelly Colomberti, for proposing last spring that we take part in Open House Chicago , for keeping Ascension on the Chicago Architecture Foundation's radar, and for your welcoming presence out on the LaSalle sidewalk during the weekend.
Thank you, 13 parishioner-docents, for collectively extending a warm welcome to our nearly 500 guests, for answering questions and leading guests, as needed, around the building.
Thank you, Dr. Carol Noren, for all your work as parish archivist , for sharing time and knowledge that allowed us to convey our history and show our fine art, for providing information that contributed to the time line we placed in Michael Hall - AND for baking homemade cookies offered to our guests.
Thank you, Jay Jacot, for the numbered placards with descriptions placed throughout the church and for the church floor plans with corresponding numbers, for your related research and for welcoming and guiding guests throughout the weekend.
Thank you, David White, Organist , for the four splendid pipe organ demonstrations, described by one guest as ' favorite part of Open House Chicago!" And thank you David, for kindly welcoming so many guests and answering questions.
Thank you, Benjamin Rivera, Choirmaster , for allowing us to welcome our guests to sit in on Sunday's Ascension Choir rehearsal.
Thank you, Sisters of the Order of St. Anne , for opening the Convent of St. Anne for two hours on Saturday. Who could have guessed that you'd have so many guests?
Thank you Chicago Architecture Foundation for Open House Chicago 2019. Visitors were welcomed at 350 sites, many not always accessible to the public. The OHC coordinator responsible for dozens of sites between the Chicago River and North Avenue stopped by Ascension on Sunday. "Wow!" she said, "You have one of the best-organized sites I've seen!"

Stirring the pot would be an apt metaphor for our Young Adults Brunch and Discussion , also this past Sunday. Twenty-one gathered at the Rectory following the Solemn High Mass. We finished off TWO separate pots of soup (one thanks to Kathryn Bacasmot). We made introductions and connections. We began a group conversation that, I pray, may lead to a more intentional young adults ministry. Stay tuned for further developments.

Mother Judith Marie, OSA , kindly agreed to open the Convent of St. Anne for two hours this past Saturday to welcome Open House Chicago guests but was herself called away to share in the Requiem mass for Sr. Olga Gonzalez, OSA, of Bethany Convent, Arlington, Massachusetts . Upon Mother Judith's return, she shared with me the printed order for the requiem, which included the lovely photo shown here.
The Requiem mass for Dorothy Murray will take place here at Ascension tomorrow, Thursday, October 24, at 10:00 a.m. Due to her long prior residence in the Convent of St. Anne and her relationships with sisters in the Order of St. Anne, Father John Heschle, longtime Warden of the Order of St. Anne, will preside at the mass and preach. Burial will immediately follow the mass at Elmwood Cemetery, River Grove .
Please join me in prayers for and best wishes to former Ascension member
Father Copeland Johnston ...

Names of those for whom we will pray at our November 2 All Souls Requiem Mass must be received in the parish office by the end of the day Tuesday, October 29. A print-at-home version of the card below may be viewed by clicking here.
Plans for our Sunday, November 24, Community Thanksgiving Meal are underway, thanks to David Robertson and James Baran, who have agreed to be primary coordinators. They'll be honoring the traditional generous holiday meal and most of our parochial customs for serving it. They have also proposed some changes, with which I concur, that take into account our presently more limited volunteer resources, the health of the meal we're serving and more.
One heads up for now: If you'd like to donate a turkey but cannot cook and slice it, please instead write a check for $30 to the church and put 'turkey 2019' in the memo. We will not be able to prepare any uncooked turkeys and any that are brought to the church may go to waste.
Please sign up to help using the sheet in Wheeler hall, or ...
Please contact David or James if you can't use the sign up sheet and want to help, or if you have questions.

My sermon from this past Sunday may be found here

Fr. Raymond


What :     Society of Mary Fall Prayer & Reflection Session
               and SOM Membership Meeting
When:    Saturday, October 26 - following the 10AM Mass (10:45AM-1:30PM)
Where:   Wheeler Hall
Who:      All who share or are curious about devotion to Mary,  Mother of our  Lord.
              Current Society of Mary members
              Potential SOM Members.
Food:     Brunch will be served
Preparation:    For the sake of preparing brunch,
please inform George Pineda of your intention to participate:
in person, or or (312) 203-9494
Read Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 in the Gospel of Luke.
Contact George with any related questions.

The Fall 2019 issue of  AVE , the Society of Mary magazine, features a thoughtful letter by the Rev. John D. Alexander, SOM American Region Superior, in which he examines the nuanced and dynamic relationship between concepts of 'Anglican' and 'Catholic' relative to beliefs about Mary. Those interested may click here to read the letter.


Wednesday, October 23rd
Commemoration of James of Jerusalem
Brother of Our Lord Jesus Christ
and Martyr
6:10 p.m. Evening Prayer
6:30 p.m. Said Mass

Saturday, October 26th
Commemoration of Alfred the Great
9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer
10:00 a.m Healing Mass


The schedule of Sunday Readings, Celebrants, Preachers, Lectors, Acolytes, Ushers, Hymnody, Choral and Organ Repertoire for  Sunday, October 27, 2019  may be found by clicking here . More information on the Choral repertoire may be found by clicking here .


Please remember these people in your daily prayers
Geoffrey Wainwright, Fr. John Graham, Dorothy Murray, Mary Lou Devens, Michael Milano, Charley Taylor, August 'Augie' Alonzo, Ted Long, Jim Berger, Ethel Martin, Yuka Asai, Dean Pineda, Bazelais Suy, Carnola Malone, Charlene MacDougal, Pablo Illás, Doreen Finn, Monica, Jim, Donnie Richmond, Jim Walsh, Jack Johnston, Patricia Johnston, George, Carmen Perez, Hermes Perez, Joshua Simpson, Andy

Prayers for the departed

Prayers are requested for the repose of the soul of Dorothy Murray.

Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord: and let light perpetual shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.


The Approved Minutes of Vestry meetings are now available online to parishioners who request the link. If you would like Internet access to the Approved Vestry Minutes, please email the  Church Office and request the link. 
Once you access the web page, you can read all recent Approved Vestry Minutes. In addition, if you click on the subscribe button at the top right, you will be given email notice whenever a new set of Approved Minutes is added. 


We're all feeling the change of seasons, I know, bringing to mind the poem below from Tim Nolan's collection titled The Field, New Rivers Press , 2016.  
- Fr. Raymond +
by Tim Nolan
Not just in the sense
of salt and pepper
but also sweat on the pillow
The smell of me
in the tweed sport coat
That combination of old
smoke and faded sunlight
Seasoned as the woodpile
the wood collapsing in on itself
the logs drying out
cell by cell becoming
light as paper crumbly
as a story I once knew
Seasoned by the seasons
The quiet nothing of snow
The urgent return of the bud
The long lazy lapping of the lake
The turning again toward
nothing seasoned as my old shoes
jumbled up in the closet
Everywhere I've walked
in panic and fear sometimes
shuffling along I'm hard on shoes
I wear them out in no time
making a hole like a bullet hole
in the leather sole seasoned
by weeds the burnt grass
the kids going off
so we finally take a breath
My nicotine-seasoned fingernails
something like the taste
of balsamic vinegar drizzled
on a green tomato
The wind the new kind of wind
I notice again as if for the first time
One season turning toward the next
with everything about to happen

Fr. Patrick Raymond,

Susan Schlough,      

Parish Office