May 27, 2024


Worship Service Times - Summer Schedule

10:00 AM - Sanctuary & Livestream

Baby & Toddler Nursery is available

Podcast May Herald

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Weekly Devotional

Hear, my child, your father’s instruction,

    and do not reject your mother’s teaching,

for they are a fair garland for your head

    and pendants for your neck.

My child, if sinners entice you,

    do not consent.

If they say, “Come with us, let us lie in wait for blood;

    let us wantonly ambush the innocent;

like Sheol let us swallow them alive

    and whole, like those who go down to the Pit.

-Proverbs 1: 8-12

The book of Proverbs moves from simplicity to complexity.  It begins with the basics- a child listening to his parents.  We all know (especially if we’ve been parents) that we don’t have the answers for our children, but when it comes to the basics of life, parents are often those who provide information and (hopefully) sound guidance.

In this book, the first word from parent to child is to be on the lookout for those who entice you to evil.  It is a warning about peer pressure and friendships.  The wise parents know that the relationships a child has will quickly extend beyond the home, and so the parent tries to provide some guidance on who to spend time with and whom to avoid.  Avoid those who take advantage of others, who exploit others, who abuse others.

It seems like basic instruction.  But Proverbs assumes that our native state, devoid of wise parents (or grandparents or teachers or mentors) is prone to destroy each other instead of help one another.  Our natural posture is self-promotion, group acceptance, and increase in power.  It takes wisdom to envision a personal and communal life that flourishes more holistically.

As we move toward our listening season as a church, I hope that each of us has the opportunity to gain wisdom, to hear instruction, to see our lives being shaped and influenced by those we can trust.  On our own, we move to destroy.  Listening to those ahead of us, those God has given to us, we can shape a more whole community.


God of All Wisdom,

We thank you for those who have shown us your way-

Parents, Mentors, Experienced Friends.

Shape us into people who give more fully and love more deeply.

And then make us mentors, who pass our wisdom to others.


-The Rev. Andrew C. Whaley, Head of Staff

Fellowship & Community Happenings

What a joyous celebration we had for the 100th anniversary of RCPC. We enjoyed an elegant meal, poured over church memorabilia, laughed at old photos, watched videos, experienced a fun carnival, met old and new friends, and had a good old-fashioned time! All planned and executed by the Celebration Committee and a host of volunteers. I want to give a heartfelt thank you to our committee. Andrew gave us the vision, Vickie Haynie coordinated the children’s carnival. Ann Rutherford created the photo collage and sifted through memorabilia, Bill and Penny Johnson coordinated the video stories, and Ed Whitehead interviewed members about their time at RCPC and worked with Heather to bring us the delicious celebration meal. Tables were decorated, flowers were arranged, food prepared and served, memorabilia displays created, slide show presentations and videos prepared, carnival helpers made for happy children, greeters welcomed everyone through the doors, hosts shared information about the church. It would be hard to mention everyone by name for fear of leaving someone out. So to everyone who said yes and stepped forward to make the celebration a success, thank you, thank you, thank you. There just are not enough words.


A very special thank you goes to Mary Lou Prillaman who worked tirelessly to create the beautiful 100th Anniversary Banner that now hangs in the Gathering Area. She asked questions of the committee, visited the Memorial Bridge that is prominent in the banner several times above and below, and searched for just the right fabrics to bring her design to life. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for a thoughtful look at RCPC. A second very special thank you goes to India Atkinson for the new Pentecost paraments she created and made for the celebration, a true blessing for the congregation for years to come.


The Church of the Open Door now begins its journey into the next 100 years.

Molly Koon, Chair of the Celebration Committee.

RCPC Bible and Music Camp: July 29 - August 1, 2024

Registration is open - Deadline: June 30

What a gift to learn and sing about creation! From our earliest years we are all fascinated by the world around us and enjoy learning the names of different animals, imitating their sounds, or drawing pictures. In the Bible we learn how God’s creative work, including us, is very good (Genesis 1-2), how the birds lift their voices and the lions roar (Psalm 104), and how creation sings praise to God even before we do (Revelation 5).

“All Creation Sings!” is our theme for Bible and Music Camp 2024 at Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church. During the week we will explore the following themes through story, song, and fun:

  • God’s creative activity
  • The delight, variety, and goodness of creation
  • The example creation sets for us to follow
  • The urgent need to take care of the planet

The structure of Bible and Music Camp contains half-day & full-day programming schedules to allow for the participation of a variety of age groups.

  • Rising Pre-K: half-day camp experience (9 am - 12 pm) *must be potty trained*
  • Rising Kindergarten through 5th grade: full-day camp experience (9 am – 4 pm), bring a sack lunch
  • Rising 6th through 8th grade: half-day camp (12:30 pm - 4 pm). Youth campers are also able to volunteer for the morning half-day camp if they wish. For more specific information about the activities, visit

Cost (fees cover cost of supplies, snacks, & a t-shirt):

  • Rising Pre-K: $25/week
  • Rising Kindergarten - 5th Grade: $50/week for 1st child - $35/week for 2nd child - $30/week for 3rd+ child
  • Rising 6th - 8th Grade: $25/week - youth campers may also volunteer for the morning half-day camp and the their fee is waived
Bible and Music Camp Info & Registration

Presbyterian Women -

Garden Party

Friday, June 21 at 6:00 PM

2124 Chestnut Oak Court

Sign up in the Gathering Area or email Dawn Long at

Please bring an appetizer to share.

Salem Red Sox Game

We'll be taking in another Salem Red Sox game next month. Tickets for the Friday, June 28 at 7:00 PM game are $9. Sign up below or in the Gathering Area. Anyone with questions can reach Jeff Bossert at

Salem Red Sox RSVP

Capital Campaign & Renovation Project Update

The renovation project highlight video outlines the renovations to our building that have taken place since 2022 . Below is a link to a document about the overall building project and financial picture for the church. Please review all of the materials and consider how God is calling you to respond.

Overall Building Project:

Our Response:

Our Response

Christian Education & Worship

Hometown Mission Week - Registration

All rising 6th graders - about to graduate High Schoolers are invited to join in our Hometown Mission Week. We will spend three days serving as the hands and feet of Jesus with different mission partners in our community. Each day we will gather together for worship, be sent out to serve, and gather back together again to end the day in Fellowship. We hope you'll join us for our Hometown Mission Week and or for one of our other Summer Youth Group adventures. 


Shepherds are needed from the congregation to make the week a success. A shepherd joins a small group of youth each day serving as their transportation to the mission site as well as their small group leader for the day. Serving as. a shepherd provides you to get to know some of our wonderful youth as well as a chance to get to know more about your Hometown too! If you're interested in serving as a shepherd, please contact


Rising 6th graders Hometown Mission Week sign up:

Rising 7th & 8th graders Hometown Mission Week sign up:

High School Hometown Mission Week sign up:

Presbytery of the Peaks Book Study

On the four Mondays during the month of June, join with other Peaks Presbytery members to discuss Bryan Stevenson's book Just Mercy and be encouraged in seeking justice for all.

Zoom ID: 844 2443 7027

Passcode: 489 354

Sponsored by the Racial Equity Subcommittee of the Justice and Mercy Commission. Questions, contact Mark Derbyshire at or at 540.529.8815.

Click the image to download the reading schedule.

Opportunity for Generosity & Mission Updates

May Opportunity for Generosity:

House of Bread

Today at 11:00 AM House of Bread celebrates the graduation of its 18th cohort of students. In the past seven years, 95 women have participated in House of Bread's job skill training and mentoring program. Each of the six women who graduate today comes to the program with a unique story. One is gaining confidence to live independently; one is hoping to turn her hobby of cooking for her neighbors into a certified small business; one is improving her reading skills to get a GED; one is practicing English so she can use her professional skills in our community. Your gifts give these women tangible skills and resources, a supportive community, and above all, hope for a better future. Thanks for your support!

House of Bread provides job skill training and mentoring to under-resourced women in Roanoke. What does under-resourced mean? House of Bread students face barriers to employment and self-sufficiency and struggle to overcome these barriers on their own. A criminal record keeps employers from considering her, even though she has been out of the criminal justice system for a decade. The trauma of domestic violence prevents her from developing healthy relationships. Growing up surrounded by addiction means she never learned healthy ways of coping with challenges. House of Bread volunteers meet women where they are, offering compassion and helping them connect with resources in the community. Please consider supporting House of Bread financially or volunteering with us.

Mission Partner Support 

Each month, we are designating all cash and coin to one of our local mission partners. For the month of May, we are supporting the work of House of Bread. In 2023, House of Bread received $6,000 in support from our church. Your generosity will encourage us to meet that amount in 2024. You can place your money in the offering plate or make an online gift at, noting that it is for Mission and making a note for House of Bread in the text box. As of May 19, we have collected $3119.10 for House of Bread.

Family Promise

The Family Promise Mission Team invites you to join us in serving the families in Family Promises' care from June 2nd to June 9th. Twice a year RCPC partners with Christ Lutheran Church to serve the families who are homeless by providing them a safe haven to rest in for the evening offering a hot dinner, fellowship, one or two overnight hosts, and a grab-and-go breakfast. How does this work? As an Overnight Host, you bring a sleeping bag, pillow, and a toothbrush and arrive at the Alexa House (across the street from Second Presbyterian Church) around 8:30 PM. You get to sleep in a private room with two twin beds and a private bathroom. The next morning, families leave for school and job interviews, and you tidy up the kitchen, turn off the coffee pot, and lock up by around 7:15 AM. Consider partnering up with your spouse, or church friend, or even a neighbor. Maybe a Parent and their teenage child can serve in this way together. We encourage you to get creative. We also need people to provide dinner so if that is an easier way to join in, we welcome that too. Let Vickie Haynie ( know if you would like to serve with Family Promise. 

Pump-A-Pint Summer Blood Drive

RCPC’s Summer Blood Drive is scheduled for June 4, 2024, from 1:30 PM – 5:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Sign-ups are available on the Red Cross website at REDCROSSBLOOD.ORG. You are welcome to schedule your appointment or you can contact Lillian Alexander at 540/632-8921 or and she will gladly get you on the schedule! The sign-up sheet will also be available in the Gathering Area before and after Sunday worship services starting May 12. The Pump-a-Pint Mission Group would love to have you join the ranks of faithful donors here at RCPC. Come for the snacks and fellowship, leave knowing you have saved three lives!

Together in Prayer

Prayer Requests

Tom Alcoke, Dawn Blakeman, Jackie Blakeman, Brendan Brown (Kathy and Les Brown’s grandson), Mayuen Chice, Beverly Day and family (friend of Camilla and Johnsey Cabaniss), Nancy Farthing, Betty Garner, Stephen Hampton (Mary Hamton’s brother), Maggie Layman, Susan Lindstrom, Megan Mallare (friend of Kathy Grove), Melissa Martin (friend of Lisa Boylan), Billie Murphree (Dawn Long's mother), Dave Owen-O’Quill, Garland Parry, Hugh Wellons, and all caregivers.

(Prayers request as of Friday, May 23. Names in bold indicate an addition to the prayer list this week.)

This Week @ RCPC

Birthdays: May 27-June 2

5/27 Joanne Foster, Susan Knighton

5/28 Mary Elizabeth Frantz, Katherine Utley

5/29 Lisa Goad, Wilkes Jarrett

5/30 Joshua Dietz 

5/31 Isabella Fagiani, Cora Hertz 

6/1 Crystal Clayton, Rachel Marie Johnson, Lynnie McCurdy

6/2 Maddie Sackett

Monday, May 27


10:00 AM - Centering Prayer at St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church

10:00 AM - Monday Morning Prayer Group

Tuesday, May 28

9:00 AM - Staff Meeting

9:00 AM - Preschool Camp

10:30 AM - Primary Purpose: AA

4:00 PM - Small Group: Dixon

5:30 PM - Tai Chi

7:00 PM - Hospitality Committee

7:15 PM - Raleigh Court Ringers

Wednesday, May 29

9:00 AM - Preschool Camp

Thursday, May 30

9:00 AM - Preschool Camp

10:30 AM - Primary Purpose: AA

5:30 PM - Tai Chi

6:30 PM - Hip Sober Chicks


Friday, May 31

9:00 AM - Preschool Camp

11:45 AM - Al-Anon

Saturday, June 1

Sunday, June 2

Family Promise - RCPC Overnight Hosts

9:00 AM - Centennial Conversation Listeners Check-In

10:00 AM - Worship – Sanctuary

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The Herald - Deadline for Articles: 10th of each month

This Week @ RCPC - Deadline for Articles: Wednesday of each week

Send submissions for The Herald and This Week @ RCPC to Julie Satterwhite 

Video Board in the Gathering Area - Send Information to Carole Banks